A church at war..? — Catholic Arena

The majority of the migrants are single young men. Some come for a better life or just for an adventure, but others hate the Christian West and want to see it burn down.

There are allegations that countries like Venezuela have emptied their prisons and psychiatric hospitals to send their “problems” to America. What a stroke of genius for a country that hates America!

Cartels send drug dealers, human traffickers and other criminals across the U.S. border to expand their “territory.”

Unfriendly countries like Iran and China are likely to send dormant agents, while terrorist organizations like Hamas and ISIS are sending their own kind of martyrs.

Germany has only just become aware of the damage caused by open borders and has taken measures to limit migration.


Recognition and acknowledgement of the problem is a start…everything else is above my level!

There is HOPE!

The Church has survived devastating times and will endure many more destructions.

There is an amusing anecdote about Napoleon Bonaparte challenging a cardinal: “Your Eminence, don’t you know that I have the power to destroy the Catholic Church?” To which the cardinal joked: “Your Majesty, we Catholic clergy have done our best to destroy the Church for the past eighteen hundred years. We have not succeeded, and neither have you!”

During the penal period, Catholic priests in Ireland used “Mass Rocks” in remote areas to celebrate mass in secret. It took many years of patient dedication, but Catholicism survived.

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