The Scariest Conspiracy Theories People Have Ever Heard

We all know the most common conspiracy theories, such as Big Brother or the Earth being flat.

But there are also other, lesser-known theories.

And some of them are downright creepy.

Redditor OutlandishnessSea258 asked:

“What’s the scariest conspiracy theory you’ve ever heard?”

How seriously should we take these theories?

The idea of ​​a “conspiracy theorist” was created by the CIA to discredit people who sought to expose government wrongdoing.

– TheRealMe54321

This also applied to the term ‘fake news’.”


We have to keep the big boys happy

That a cure for cancer has already been found and that there are almost infinite energy sources, but Big Pharma and Big Oil are keeping this in the dark because there is too much money tied up in the system to simply let it out.”


The pinnacle of the Mandela effects

“That half the population lived in another dimension where the only noticeable difference was that the Fruit of the Loom logo had a cornucopia and Sinbad starred in a hit movie called ‘Shazam.’ Strange stuff.”

– FollowTheLeader550

Wait, you mean the fruit of the logo does NOT have a cornucopia!?”

– Rei_LovesU

Wait… Sinbad wasn’t in ‘Shazam’?”

– WhileNotLurking

It was, but it wasn’t a hit in my timeline.”

– EXTRA Sharp Cheddar

Don’t flash your lights

“In the 90s, there was a story that gang members in their initiation period would drive around at night with their headlights off and chase and kill the occupants of any car that flashed its lights at them.”

I’m not sure who started that sly nonsense, but a lot of people were afraid of it.”

– rostov007

I still hesitate to flash my lights in the car because I learned this when I was 16, in the 2000s.”

– know

A question to keep you awake at night

“The common question then is: would you go back in time and kill baby Hitler?”

“Imagine if that was you. To us in the current timeline, you’d be a hero who killed someone truly evil before they had a chance to corrupt or endanger others. But to the people of that time, you’re a monster, a baby killer.”

“They couldn’t really explain to people, ‘I was sent from the future to kill this child and save hundreds of millions of lives.’ No one would believe him and just assume he was an idiot. Or maybe they’re not allowed to tell anyone, according to the agreement with the future government?”

You wonder what would happen if all those people throughout time were called monsters for killing babies. What if they were just heroes from the future saving us all? They couldn’t tell anyone either?

– Ok-Regen7644

The whole premise of the question is stupid. If you have a time machine, why kill the baby when you can go back a few years and just prevent his parents from getting back together?”

– paraworldblue


The parent companies of washing machine and dryer manufacturers also own the companies that make socks.”

– AlexisHoare

Who knows, maybe the manufacturers of washing machines and dryers have built wormholes into our laundry appliances to study teleportation, and that’s why there’s always a sock that goes missing!”

– Rei_LovesU

My god, that’s genius.”

– boredom

Knowledge is power

“Medical knowledge and technology are more advanced than we think, but are hidden from the public because they would hurt corporate profits.”

An added bonus is that MK Ultra was not an isolated incident. The US (and other governments) continue to conduct secret testing on their own citizens. They have just gotten better at hiding it.”

– Copalniok

Dark Forest Theory

“Dark Forest Theory. Any species capable of interstellar travel is capable of planetary destruction, so it is safest to eliminate any species that might develop the technology before they do.”

“And there is no reason to assume that we would be the first to develop interstellar travel.”


Dark Forest theory: We can’t find any evidence of alien life because the smart ones are hiding and the dumb ones are killed by… something else.”

– aliasalt

Wasn’t there some kind of short story about it? That we got a call from space and it said, “Be quiet or they’ll hear you.”


“‘The Killing Star’ is loosely related to this. The idea is basically that any logical civilization would destroy any other somewhat advanced life form as soon as it finds them, because otherwise they will eventually become a threat.”

“So basically, one day, out of nowhere, the Earth is going to be destroyed by these near-light-speed missiles from galaxies far away. They didn’t come for our resources, or to subjugate us, they just fired unstoppable missiles from light years away.”

The book is about the survivors of smaller outposts (set in the near future) trying to escape.

– plantmic

Always listen

There’s a theory that your phone is secretly listening to you 24/7. I think that’s why my ads are always about cat food. My cat has to sell my secrets.”

– ShyAlbaQ8

“I speak Spanish occasionally at work. I had it in school for five years and I can function well with it.”

Whenever I speak Spanish at work, I get Spanish-language YouTube ads for a few days.”

– MrLanesLament

Netflix, are you listening?!

“The story is about Bitcoin, which was invented by an AI, and now amassed a huge amount of computing power by greedy people who build huge Bitcoin mining centers to make money. But all they do is build an ultra-resilient network for the AI ​​to run on.”

“The AI ​​also has enormous wealth at its disposal, so it now anonymously pays humans to do the dirty work in the physical world.”

“At some point, a superintelligence will want more computing power and robotic arms. Since robotic arms aren’t that great, money is the next best thing, because people will do anything for bigger bank accounts.”

“For me it’s really scary.”

– icecoldpoker2

Yo, that would be a sick movie to watch. The irony is I’m sure an AI will be able to make it in seconds soon.”

– LookI’mAName

Indeed, creepy

I love/hate the idea that the existence of the uncanny valley implies that there is something out there that looks human but isn’t quite human and we should be afraid of it.”

– Maximum number of seats

I heard it had something to do with corpses, forget the details, the idea of ​​some vaguely human looking creature that was dangerous/a predator is more fun.”

– Jumpy-Author-4985

My theory is that it comes from a time when multiple humanoid species roamed the Earth, and being able to distinguish your tribe/species was very important to our survival. They were like us, but not exactly – so being able to pick that up was essential.”

– Evening-Gap-978

Forming employees, not thinkers

That the public school system is worthless because it is purposefully designed to fail children and force them into the factories when their dreams fall apart upon graduation.”

– MooieLuminanceOK

“Actually, the school system is literally based on a German/Prussian educational theory to create obedient people who will work in factories. Hence the name ‘kindergarten’ for the beginning of the program.”

“The system emphasizes that you sit quietly at your desk and wait for work to be assigned to you. You complete the task, are told you did a good job, and then you wait for the next task without talking to your neighbor or leaving your desk.”

“There’s a bell (like in a factory) that rings to tell you when it’s your break, and there are designated eating and play areas that you all shuffle into. The day is also the closest thing you’ll get to a typical eight-hour shift.”

“By making this seem ‘normal’ you are indoctrinating children into a system they don’t understand and can’t mentally defend themselves against yet.”

Watch the bell ring at the end of recess: the children drop their toys and run like dogs back to their classroom.

– IrregularLogic

Strange Sightings

“It’s not really scary, but read some of the testimony from Commander David Fravors about his F/18 crew being called out in the early 2000s to check on an object they had been tracking for weeks on the USS Nimitz.”

“It dropped from 80,000′ to 20,000′ in just a few seconds. When they did manage to track it (the radar had trouble picking it up) there was no infrared heat signature for the craft’s propulsion as it hovered over the ocean and it was pulling Gs that no pilot could make without completely blacking out.”

“It disappeared from view of both aircraft and reappeared on radar 60 miles away in less than a minute.”

“His crew also made another video of a similar object years later. It really makes you wonder, there is a full statement from the hearing online.”


“Later, a lot of fighter pilots came out and said that strange cubes in a transparent globe were flying very close to their planes.”

In general, UFO conspiracy theories are pretty weird. At first you think it’s all nonsense (and it is), but then there are a lot of really creepy stories where groups of credible observers spot objects that couldn’t possibly be swamp gas, people, or the planet Venus.”

– thisnamewasnotused1

If it’s not about money, why is it about monetary design?

The mattress mafia.”

– muffin_rhubarb

Mattress money laundering is the only insane conspiracy I fully believe in. Why are there so many stores?!”

– romantic

For me, it’s the sports memorabilia stores in malls. Always empty, never out of business, and in every mall.”

– Curious


NASA was behind the moon landings.”

– LieveSeraphh

NASA tried to fake the moon landings. They even hired Stanley Kubrick to direct it and secretly smuggled him into the studio. But he was problematic. He was such a perfectionist and so unhappy with the footage they were getting that he insisted they shoot it on location.”

– StillWater215

What I like most about Stanley Kubrick’s theory is that to reproduce the images of the moon with the technology that NASA has at its disposal, it would ultimately be cheaper to just fly to the moon.”

– night spectre

There are some mysteries in this conversation and also some really disturbing, if not scary, theories.

It’s a good reminder that it’s impossible for us to know literally everything, no matter how much we study about it. There’s a good chance that there’s always something that’s unexplainable.

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