Watch: Stephen Miller Goes Overboard When Confronted With Propaganda

When Stephen Miller claims that Venezuela is safer than the United States, he doesn’t want to be questioned about his sources.

Lingering in the spin room after Tuesday’s presidential debate, Trump’s senior adviser took questions from the press. He spoke of “criminal migrants who have been flooded (Like this) in the country,” Miller claimed that crime rates in Venezuela are dropping because all the criminals are coming to the United States.

“I believe the crime rate in Venezuela is down over 60 percent,” Miller said, echoing the president’s words. a point Trump reiterated himself. “Let’s put it this way: If you were a dictator of a poor country with a high crime rate, wouldn’t you send your criminals to our open border?”

“Do you trust the official figures of the Venezuelan dictatorship?” asked NTN24 reporter José María Del Pino. “Those are figures from Maduro.”

Miller repeatedly refused to answer the question and at the end shouted loudly that the criminals were coming here.

I asked Stephen Miller, one of Donald Trump’s top advisers, what the evidence is for the claim that Caracas and Venezuela are safer than the United States. He started by saying that it’s the government’s numbers. I asked him if he trusted Maduro’s numbers. And this was his…

— José María Del Pino (@josemdelpino) September 11, 2024

Venezuelan security officials have reported a 25 percent drop in violent crime and homicides in the country, but the lack of official reporting makes the data difficult to verify. Equally important, there is no evidence that such a drop is the result of an “open border” or because Maduro “let his criminals out of their prisons” and into U.S. cities.

Miller is best known for his brutal immigration policies (including repealing DACA, instituting the Muslim ban, and implementing family separation) and his bad temper, which ultimately got him demoted. It’s clear that both of these impulses were on full display in his final altercation with the press.

Towards the end, a shouting Miller tries to pester the reporter with questions, rather than the other way around. “Are there Venezuelan gangs in this country, yes or no? Yes or no?” he repeats over and over.

“Sir, you said that in Venezuela the crime rate is lower than in the US; what are your figures? That is the question,” said an irritated Del Pino.

Twitter screenshot José María Del Pino @josemdelpino: Is it true that Venezuela is safer than the US? 👇 - The Venezuelan Violence Observatory (not the Maduro government) recorded 26.8 violent deaths per 100,000 inhabitants in 2023. - The US murder rate is 6.3 per 100,000 inhabitants. (Source: FBI, 2022) The murder rate in Venezuela is more than 4x the rate in the US. It is true ✅ that the murder rate in Venezuela has decreased. However, it is false ❌ that it is safer than the US. Last edited 10:07 PM Sep 11, 2024 136.7K views

As Del Pino notes, Venezuela’s murder rate is still four times higher than the U.S. At the same time, violent crime and murder rates in Venezuela remain high. have also fallen In the US, this is a point that Miller and Trump will not raise.

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