We are literally living in a revolution and it is only phase 1 of a broader slide into tyranny.

When you look at the country and the world today, it is clear what is happening, but if you look only at your immediate surroundings, it can be confusing. We read about horrific acts of violence and barbarism, some of which are undoubtedly happening in our own communities, but are being covered up by local authorities and not reported by local media.

That’s because local media isn’t what it used to be. Like national media, your local newspaper and local network TV news station no longer exists to serve its readers or viewers, but rather the interests of its advertisers and local or state governments. Local media now operate as part of a loosely defined public-private partnership with its local governments and the largest corporate citizens in the community. This PPP is aggressively globalist, nihilistic, and secular in its worldview. In most cases, your local newspaper editor actually believes the lies that are fed to him or her, and which he or she then disseminates to the community at large.

These are just some of the outrageous lies we are expected to believe.

  • Haitians do not steal and eat the city’s ducks in Springfield, Ohio. Do Haitians even exist in Springfield? If so, they certainly do not behave like Haitians in Haiti. They are all model citizens.

  • There are no Venezuelan gangs taking over apartments in Aurora, Colorado or conducting other bad or violent activities in Aurora or anywhere else.

  • The borders are not “open” and how dare you say America is being “invaded”?

  • Crime in American cities is dropping like a stone, says the FBI. If you think otherwise, you’re a crazy right-wing conspiracy theorist who needs therapy.

  • Inflation is not nearly as bad as you think. Stop complaining!

  • In America, babies are not aborted in the third trimester of pregnancy.

  • Half-naked men posing as women and dancing in front of children is not a bad influence on the children. In fact, it is good for them and you are a bad parent if you disagree.

  • School shooters and presidential assassins ALWAYS act alone and are not cultivated, groomed or assisted by anyone outside of them.

  • The government always tells the truth (as long as Donald Trump is not in charge).

  • Vaccines are good for you and have never harmed anyone, except in a few “extremely rare” cases.

  • Chemtrails do not exist.

  • Poisoning the water with fluoride is good for your children because it prevents cavities.

  • NATO is strictly a defensive alliance.

  • America is a “democracy.”

Because of these two realities, one seen and heard, the other mocking its existence, it is essential that you stay closely informed about your local community and gather as much information as possible. Become a watchman on the wall. Be aware of what is happening not only in front of your local shopping centers and malls, but also behind them. What is happening in the woods, just out of sight of the highways, byways, and alleys of your city or town?

Otherwise you become a prisoner of the “news” that is sifted through the PPP’s globalist filter. Much of what we report in the alternative media is starting to break through the wall of censorship because people are seeing it with their own eyes, and that is why you see the local and national media doubling down to “fact check” and debunk the true news and replace their false stories.

The reason they need to mock and ‘debunk’ the truth is that they want people to be completely surprised when the final phase of the current revolution begins.

When you talk to people who have lived through revolutions in Cuba, Venezuela, and other countries, almost all of them say that they were completely surprised at how quickly things developed at the end. They were overwhelmed and confused by the series of fast-moving chaotic events until, boom, the tyranny was entrenched and there was no escape.

This gaslighting operation — believe what we say, not what you see with your own eyes or read in the alternative media — is an integral part of the ongoing leftist revolution that resembles the Bolshevik revolution in Russia in the 20th century. It is only different in the way it is portrayed because they did not have a mass media to control the population as effectively as today’s fake news journalists and reporters, who are in fact paid professional propagandists.

After the far left has had its way with us, I think another phase of tyranny is lurking: Technocracy. I’ve written tons about the technocratic model and how it aims to make us digital slaves through ever more seductive technology and a form of “capitalism” based on public-private partnerships. That’s going to sound pretty good to the gullible, ignorant American after a few years of living under the Marxist one-party state led by the likes of the Obamas, Bidens, and Kamala Harris, should she be the next puppet selected to serve in the White House.

Below is an excellent piece from State of the Nation which describes how the CIA was one of the key powers that brought the Bolshevik revolution to America through Operation Gladio.

By means of State of the Nation

SOTN Editor’s Note: The article below is of great importance in its entirety as it highlights the criminal conspiracy that has been going on for decades to carry out an Operation Gladio-caliber campaign of terror through mass shootings against the American people.

As the excerpt below indicates, Operation Gladio was a CIA-led operation that utilized the strategy of tension to delegitimize left-wing parties in Western Europe”. However, The powers that be always adapt their evil plans and seditious schemes to the current times to align them with the primary objectives of their civilization-destroying New World Order agenda. In other words, today the well-hidden masters of Operation Gladio use NATO’s main terrorist branch to completely destroy right-wing parties, conservative organizations and Christian groups, as well as the Patriot Movement, Truth Movement and Truth Movement.

There are in fact three crucial aspects to the ongoing preparation phase of the rapidly intensifying American Bolshevik Revolution.

Firstthat virtually every mass shooting since the first BIG one—the University of Texas tower mass shooting (MCE) on August 1, 1966—has been carried out by U.S. intelligence, the U.S. military, and covered up by local law enforcement and the CIA. Mockingbird Media. The primary goal of these MCE’s is to fabricate a false pretense to completely nullify the Second Amendment and thus deprive the population of their firearms. In this way, their future plans are for a UN force to come in and take over, after the American Bolshevik Revolution when completed, it will take place without hindrance and without armed defense by the citizens.

Secondlyto methodically create as much chaos, confusion and conflict as possible throughout the country as a prelude to the long-planned kinetic war known as the American Bolshevik RevolutionThis strategy comes straight from the same textbook that the Khazarian Cabal used for the Bolshevik Revolution of 1917, which was deliberately launched just before the Spanish Flu pandemic of 1918. This is the primary component of their “strategy of tension” which is being used with great success in all 50 states to create a pervasive and pervasive climate of fear and anxiety, trembling and worry, worry and concern. And it works.

Thirdlyto normalize the extraordinary violence and chaos that accompanies every mass shooting, so that it becomes the new norm for this once United States. And, so that very few people will ever understand that American citizens have been subjected to devastating attacks by their own government for 6 decades. In other words, U.S. intelligence, military, and law enforcement are waging non-stop asymmetric guerrilla warfare against law abiding citizens… and everyone accepts it as lone mass shooters without any real investigation, prosecution, or appropriate consequences.

Read the whole story HERE.


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