The Hidden Meaning of Katy Perry’s Highly Symbolic 2024 VMAs Performance

The past few years of Katy Perry’s career haven’t been easy. After dominating pop music in the first half of the 2010s, she’s released a string of unpopular songs with questionable videos, all while finding herself in a constant state of embarrassment. Some might say she’s in a long, drawn-out “humiliation phase” of her career, as the industry has seemingly singled her out to be a “fool” in popular culture.

While this concept may seem far-fetched, it makes perfect sense once you understand the elite mindset, which is influenced by occultism and ritual drama. Furthermore, Monarch mind control is widespread in the entertainment industry, where trauma and humiliation are an integral part of the process of breaking down and maintaining control over slaves.

As seen in numerous articles, Katy Perry’s works are imbued with the elite agenda, including MK symbolism. For example, the 2012 video Wide awake (analyzed here) is one of the most blatant videos about Monarch programming ever made. In the 2017 article “What’s Happening to Katy Perry?” I watch the singer’s downward spiral from superstar to industry pariah. Sometimes stars are universally praised, and they can’t wrong. Then suddenly everything they do is wrong.

After a series of bizarre events, Perry shaved her head and dyed it blonde – a common occurrence among MK slaves – and then released Bon Appetita song that compares her to an all-you-can-eat buffet, complete with a video that references cannibalism (one of the elite’s obsessions.)

The cover of Bon Appetit represents her getting fucked by three guys. That’s the kind of music the slaves of the music industry have to release.

In the years that followed, the loss of dignity only increased.

While most celebrities were wearing high fashion at the 2019 MET Gala, Katy Perry was dressed as a hamburger. And she was ridiculed mercilessly for months. Ritual of humiliation.

In 2024 Perry tried to make a big comeback and released a big single with a big video. It was a big flop. Everyone hated Women’s world, Critics criticized the feminist message as tone-deaf and outdated. Furthermore, the song was produced by Dr. Luke – the infamous producer who sued Kesha for “assault and battery, sexual harassment, gender-based violence, civil harassment, violation of California’s unfair trade practices laws, infliction of emotional distress (both intentional and negligent), and negligent retention and supervision.” Not very encouraging.

As explained in this very old article, Dr. Luke was actually Kesha’s MK handler. So his production of Katy Perry’s “feminist anthem” was not well received.

It’s almost as if this was all done on purpose to further humiliate Perry. The imagery in the video was so absurd that some wondered if it wasn’t actually a parody.

In one of the Women’s worldIn one of the many confusing scenes, Perry pees in a urinal. With her girls. Because it’s a group activity. But seriously, what’s the real message of this scene? That being a “strong woman” means having a penis? But having a penis means being a man, which defeats the strong woman narrative. None of this makes sense.

What is the meaning of this scene (besides the fact that it involves sex)?

The entire video seems tailor-made to mock and ridicule Perry. These are the very first reactions you’ll see on YouTube.

It’s an endless stream of negative reactions.

Music critics were also not very positive about the song.

A typical assessment of Women’s world.

Despite the biggest flop of 2024, MTV decided to award Katy Perry the Video Vanguard Award (also known as the Lifetime Achievement Award). The choice was somewhat surprising.

When I heard the news, I wondered: Is her humiliation finally over? Will the mass media restore her dignity? On the surface, the answer seems to be “yes.” But when you understand the symbolism of her 10-minute performance before the award, the answer is an absolute “NO.” The whole thing was about painting her as a sad product of mind control.

Here’s a look at the performance.

To celebrate her performance at the 2024 VMAs, Perry served her fans a medley of hits from the past decade (while carefully avoiding Women’s worldUnfortunately, the symbolism during that performance directly referenced her being an MK slave to the occult elite.

The performance began with Perry floating in a ‘portal’ in a highly symbolic position: the arch of hysteria.

Previous articles have shown that the elite are bizarrely obsessed with this particular position.

The hysterical arc has been regarded for centuries as the most extreme physical response to trauma and, according to some, demonic possession.

Tony Podesta, one of the most powerful people in Washington, proudly displays the statue Arch of Hysteria by Marguerite Bourgois in his home. It is one of many examples of the elite obsessed with this particular position.

So why does Perry take this particular position? Because it represents trauma, the first step of Monarch programming. Once the trauma is intense enough, the body’s defense mechanism is to dissociate. This is when MK handlers begin programming. This entire process is described through symbolism during Perry’s performance.

Perry floats around in the “portal” to dissociation. To make it even more obvious, butterfly wings flash on each side of the portal.

MK slaves who dissociate are said to feel a “floating” sensation. That is why Perry is floating after the trauma represented by the arc of hysteria to represent her state of dissociation. The butterfly wings confirm that this is all about Monarch programming. Those specific wings will be seen again later.

Meanwhile, Perry sings her hit AND, which contains texts that can well describe the relationship between an MK slave and her master.

You are so mesmerizing
Could you be the devil, could you be an angel?
Your touch magnetizes
It feels like I’m floating, my body is glowing


Kiss me, k-k-kiss meInfect me with your love and fill me with your poisonTake me, t-take meWant to be a victim, ready for kidnappingBoy, you’re an alien, your touch is so strangeIt’s supernatural, extraterrestrial

Then the programming phase begins.

Rapper Doechii waits for Perry in an “MK lab” surrounded by spare parts of women. This is about dehumanization and the creation of new alter personas.

To make it clear that these are artificial MK creations, Perry and Doechii’s costumes feature tubes and metal parts.

Although the song literally bears the title I am his, He is mine (a rather heterosexual theme), Katy simulates sexual activity with Doechii. One of the goals of Monarch programming is to create Sex Kittens slaves who have no boundaries or inhibitions.

Katy Perry ‘scissors’ Doechii, not because she is a lesbian, but because she is a programmed slave, and she has to be.

Meanwhile, Orlando Bloom (Katy Perry’s husband) seems somewhat bewildered by the situation.

As Perry sings her next song, the next phase of her programming is depicted through symbolism.

Perry sits on a heart that is growing cold (dehumanization) as numbers roll over it.

In Perry’s world, 143 is the code for “I Love You” (the number of letters in each word). The very human feeling of love is translated into binary computer language (it’s not really binary, but whatever), meaning Perry is programmed to “love” whoever she’s told to “love.”

The sex kitten slave has to “service” a ridiculous number of guests. Why are there so many? Meanwhile, Orlando Bloom is still wondering what is happening.

To symbolize her complete transformation into a Monarch slave, Perry wears giant butterfly wings (which resemble devil horns).

Perry’s performance ends with her standing on a pyramid of men, holding a large butterfly: pure Monarch programming.

Then her husband comes on stage to present her with the Video Vanguard Award.

In a possibly unintentional, but highly symbolic scene, Kerry trades the large butterfly that symbolizes mind control (why was she still holding it?) for a shiny prize from the music industry.

If one ignores the blatant symbolism above, receiving this award should in theory be a glorious moment. It seems like she finally has her dignity back. That said, here are the first words of her acceptance speech.

“I did that on the first day of my period too.”

Wow. Dignity denied. It’s almost like she was ordered to say that. And as usual, Perry was criticized in the media.

Even if Katy Perry wins, she loses.

The music industry is weird. While some stars get unlimited praise from the mass media, others are “sacrificed” and showered with unlimited ridicule. After ruling the 2010s, Katy Perry has morphed into a hamburger-wearing weirdo who is attacked every time she does or says anything. She was even rejected by Kamala Harris’s people when she offered Women’s world as a campaign song. Ouch.

While the Video Vanguard Awards supposedly celebrate a lifetime of achievement, Katy’s performance celebrated a lifetime of slavery. While playing her greatest hits, Perry acted out the sad life of an MK slave subjected to trauma, dissociation, programming, and exploitation. Even as Perry is “celebrated,” she is being demeaned.

And all that on the first day of her period.

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