An Exceptional Machiavellian Operator The Irish Times

An Exceptional Machiavellian Operator The Irish Times

The Red Emperor: Xi Jinping and His New China

The Red Emperor: Xi Jinping and His New China

Author: Michael Sheridan

ISBN-13: 978-1035413478

Editor: Title

Indicative price: 25

The spirit of Xi Jinping, says veteran foreign correspondent Michael Sheridan, is very, very old; on the face of it, it is a rather reductive reflection of the Confucian mindset that dominates Chinese politics. But there is a subtlety to it. And it is a spirit that has been building slowly, forged initially by the trials and tribulations that Xi’s family endured during the Cultural Revolution, when his father, Xi Zhongxun, a war hero in the People’s Liberation Army, was jailed as a right-winger.

Xi Jinping’s early experiences, who was sent to Shaanxi at the time, and the trials and tribulations his father endured and his subsequent rehabilitation undoubtedly made him a master of the Machiavellian arts, enabling him to come to power in 2012.

Sheridan’s book is a blistering, unsparing look at a life that feels rogue, even if rarely acknowledged by Xi. Sheridan mines many of the most juicy details from the accounts of exiled dissidents and the publications of Hong Kong’s Causeway Bay Books, which in 2015 abducted their owners and paid restitution to China. While it’s not all that new to China watchers, the fact that Sheridan is not required to maintain access to China, as some other recent authors of books on Xi have been, makes this a reasonably comprehensive account for the general reader.

We see how Xi Jinping has cultivated the strangest of personality cults, that of a feared middle manager who imposes his ghostly books on an entire country, disguised as Xi Jinping Thought, as he attempts to establish a new, long-awaited Chinese assertiveness on the international stage. Xi Jinping is presented as an alcoholic womanizer who has more than one former friend in the underworld of his mafia-style rise within the Communist Party.

Xi Jinping’s formidable political skills have not been matched by his governance skills, as he has lurched from crisis to crisis, even tossing defeat from victory, in his mismanagement of the Covid-19 pandemic in China. Nevertheless, Sheridan sees the Red Emperor’s position as unassailable and believes that China will likely support him until his death. The only thing that could prevent this is if Xi Jinping’s instinct for self-preservation is overtaken by that of a larger entity, the Communist Party itself, if his mismanagement continues.




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