America was devastated and its population drastically reduced in a false flag war, a world war or a civil war.

By Alan Barton – All News Pipeline

Mid-September may be too early to talk about the results of the 2024 US presidential election (after all, the election isn’t held until November 5).and) but there is still much we can determine so early. First of all, there will be widespread voter fraud, as it has already reared its ugly head everywhere. So much so that the results could be so far off the mark that it will be impossible to determine what the real results should be, as we saw in the 2012, 2016, and 2020 elections. We are not here to discuss how early voting, mail-in voting, proven corrupt voting machines, dead people and criminal intruders voting, corrupt poll workers, and more contribute to the total lack of confidence in the validity of our elections; but we are here to discuss some ideas about what the official results might be.

Maybe I should say: what they will bring, besides chaos.

The first point we need to address to better set the stage is to answer the question of who is actually in charge in the White House. Ostensibly it is the brainless international criminal and thief, bribery extraordinaire who has had far more vacation days than work days. In fact, I don’t think he has had a vacation all year, and his appearances have been strictly for photo ops with consecutive vacations since the Camela Creature began her adventure in the candidate ring looking for something to—er, shall we just say “Fraternize” with?

In fact, Biden’s hold on his position (I still refuse to use the title president in any association with his name) is so precarious that many of us, myself included, do not believe he has had control over anything, because he is merely a low-level actor playing the part; but even if he still has a little bit of sense or a sense of reality and simply suffices – or rather, earlier enough as a script reader for his controllers. He can’t even do something that simple anymore and hasn’t been able to for a while, as evidenced by the many actors playing his part. He’s gotten so bad that I believe Obama cut the puppet strings and left him to shrivel up in a corner, like an old, discarded, moldy orange peel.

He was deposed as the official candidate of the communist, or so-called democrat party in an open and very well planned coup in real life that installed the unelected and unelectable Camela (not the official spelling of her name but it will do for me since that is how she pronounced it and for reasons that should be obvious to those who know her background) or so it seems. My question is whether she is in fact replacing or has already replaced Biden as the chief puppet script reader for the criminal cabal that is effectively filling the leadership role of our White House occupant in this country. I truly believe so and the very brief and not very well controlled appearances prove that he holds no leadership position whatsoever as he himself states that he doubts it and in more ways than just her electoral status.

The New York Times said Biden both liberated and resignedI would like to extend that to his entire term, and I’m not alone. Kash Patel said he believes Harris will be installed as president FOR the elections. As Deputy Director of National Intelligence under President Trump, he has the background and knowledge base to make an accurate assessment of the situation. He noted that part of the reasoning is that “his belief that President Biden could step down and hand over power hand over the reins of the presidency to his vice president in a carefully orchestrated political move intended to protect his beleaguered family.”

PLEASE HELP ANP – Given the attacks on independent media, contributions to voices that contradict the “official story” are crucial. Anything ANP readers can do to help us is greatly appreciated.)

With Harris’ campaign struggling like a carp on a fishing pole, she could use something like the sitting president to help in the fight to make the election seem more realistic. To quote more from that article:Patel speculated that a deal could already be in the works, with Biden stepping down to ensure Harris comes to power before the election.

This, he claimed, would be part of a broader effort to Protecting the Biden family from legal consequences arising from ongoing investigations into Hunter Biden’s business dealings and tax matters.

Patel alleged that Biden’s motive would be to obtain political and legal protection for his family in exchange for resigning from office.”

That, and if Biden were to not live to the end of his term or resign entirely, then the transition into office would be smoother than if they had to go through the full process of the Presidential Succession Act of 1792 to use the Twenty-Fifth Amendment to make that change. No, I don’t think he’s going to last the next three months or more, but will push Harris into that role, just as he was forced to give up his role as his party’s candidate in a very real, third-rate-nation-style coup. If she’s not, then the next in line is not acceptable to them, because that would be House Speaker Mike Johnson. And they’re out of time — no time to train another candidate and no time to change the public image of the widely despised, hated, evil Harris, even as they pretend to be loved by everyone.

It is possible that a deal will be struck where the first “black” or “Indian” or even Jamaican woman to become president will have sufficient incentive to base massive voter fraud on it and pretend that it made the difference in “winning” for the side of absolute evil. Keep your options open and watch what happens. She has had a brief taste of that kind of power, and she yearns for more of it, and her handlers seem to think they can let her off the hook for it.

Their best chance is to get her in Status of sitting civil servant to reduce the chances that she will miserably lose the upcoming debates, if they are held at all.

Twitter link that is interesting at this point

And don’t underestimate their hatred for Trump, which is so intense that there may be an attempt on his life. I pray that doesn’t happen, but I know of their intense and vicious hatred for him.

While all of this is intriguing, the prospect of Harris stealing the power of the highest office before the idiot puppet’s term is officially up leads me to ask the one question I’ve been asking a number of times in my columns lately. And it has to do with something in the book of 2 Ezdras in the 11and and 12and chapters on the last elected leaders who ruled. I have already referred to Ezra’s prophecy of the eagle several times, and have mentioned the final question that can absolutely prove it to be a true prophecy from our Creator, that the last feathers, or “kings” are ruling over this nation and their disposition. The two primary columns that deal with this are the first (Ezdras Eagle Basics Specially For Now In Time) which is more or less an introductory column and the second (Brace yourselves, the Brotherhood of Evil is in their cycle of power) which goes a little deeper into the last feathers. Then there is the last (As we creep toward what looks to be an absolutely terrifying election) on this topic that covered more about who is really putting these guys in power; it is NOT the people of this country as we are taught in school. Follow the embedded links to read those columns if you are not familiar with the Ezdras (same man as the Ezra of the Old Testament) Eagle prophecy. They are well worth your time if you are interested in your immediate future.

That left wing has 14 feathers (list of presidents) starting with Hoover and ending with Obama. Hoover was the first to be installed by the then new CFR, the secret society that actually runs this country, and the last is Obama because he is the last of the regular henchmen of the hyper-rich rulers. Trump does not qualify because he is not one of the haves and Biden does not qualify because he is nothing more than a low class criminal who acts as a speech reader and photo op pig. His unyielding backup is the one now seeking office and she is not one of the best mongrel dogs of the CFR on a leash either, but an approximation of an idiot savant who played well for a season as a low IQ prostitute for power that just became her role, she was never really chosen for it.

Ezra said the last two in office will have short terms, meaning they will not be eligible for a full term.

That means Joey Boy is resigning (if he hasn’t already, except in actions) and the cackling witch will have a much shorter time in office. Biden taking over does just that, and the future is known to some extent. It’s that degree of known future that’s something to discuss in a future update, but has been well hinted at in my previous columns.

It appears that there is something that will sustain the follow-up to Harris’s role as interim leader that matters at this point. Whether that takes shape as a result of a massive false flag event that will dwarf even 9/11, or the expected world war with Iran, Russia or China (or all three), or the programmed civil war we could find ourselves in any moment now (think of the tens of millions strong armies that have been brought into our country over the last 4 years), or civil unrest over the fake elections with civil unrest and disruption as left wing mobs burn down our cities, or the riots if Trump is actually sent to prison instead of the White House, or so many other options. SHALL will happen; the big question now is what form it will take. Whatever form it takes, it will not allow another “elected” (selected) president to take office. But as I have indicated in other columns on this subject, the three Eagle Heads will alternate and the Antichrist will come to power. America will be all but destroyed and the population will decrease drastically during this time (remember the Deagle report). Yes, the end times are that close.

At least that’s how I’ve read the prophecy and so far it’s been accurate.

God bless

Kamala Harris says she may have to take over as president

Kamala Harris says she’s ready to serve as president if needed

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