Real America’s Voice’s Ben Bergquam Exposes Cartel Trails and Water Stations Set Up by Left to Facilitate Illegal Crossings (VIDEO) | The Gateway Pundit

The Voice of Real America Ben Bergquam at Southern Border in Arizona, September 2024

Joe Biden and Kamala’s America.

Reporter for Real America’s Voice and host of “Law and Border” Ben Bergquam was at the southern border last week to expose the trails the cartels use to smuggle illegal aliens and drugs. To make matters worse, left-wing organizations are leaving water stations behind to facilitate these illegal operations.

“These are the runners who don’t want to get caught. Guaranteed, they’re coming right up. They’re trying to hide under that tree,” Bergquam said of illegals preparing to cross the U.S. border.

“More humanitarian water crates there. Just to show it, 100 meters from the end of the wall,” Bergquam said.

“These guys are just waiting for the floor to come. Yeah, well done Kamala, well done Biden, you did it,” Bergquam continued.

Bergquam shouted at the drug dealers waiting to enter the country.

“Drug dealers, coming into America. ‘Go home!’ We have Democratic politicians being bought off by the cartels in America,” Bergquam said.


The Biden/Harris regime stopped expanding the border wall as soon as they took office. Hundreds of millions of dollars of border equipment were sold for next to nothing.

Earlier this week, Ben Bergquam posted a video of his visit to a “border wall graveyard” in New Mexico, showing off massive amounts of border wall material left unused in the desert. This was leftover material that the federal government could not sell.

“This is the stuff they couldn’t sell. They did most of it for next to nothing. There are huge yards like this along our southern border. They took most of it away so you wouldn’t see it,” Bergquam said.


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