PM Modi lashes out at NC, PDP, Congress: Three families ruined Jammu and Kashmir; encouraged terrorism and corruption | Political Pulse News

PM Modi lashes out at NC, PDP, Congress: Three families ruined Jammu and Kashmir; encouraged terrorism and corruption | Political Pulse News

Promising a safe, peaceful and prosperous Jammu and Kashmir, Prime Minister Narendra Modi on Saturday said the state assembly elections in the union territory are a battle between three families of the National Conference (NC), People’s Democratic Party (PDP) and Congress and hundreds of thousands of sons and daughters of the country with dreams in their eyes.

Launching his campaign in Jammu and Kashmir for the upcoming three-phase elections, Prime Minister Modi, addressing a public rally at the Dodas Sports Stadium, held the successive governments of NC, Congress and PDP responsible for the destruction of Jammu and Kashmir. What their three families have done to the people of Jammu and Kashmir is nothing short of a crime, he said, adding that the elections will decide the future of Jammu and Kashmir.

It was the first time in more than four decades that a sitting prime minister addressed a rally in the city of Doda.

Without naming the Abdullahs, Muftis and Gandhis of the NC, PDP and Congress respectively, the Prime Minister said the parties promoting dynastic rule have misled the people and made the local youth victims of terrorism.

After independence, Jammu and Kashmir became a target for foreign powers and was devalued by dynastic powers, he said. The political powers you trusted did not care about your children but only promoted their own children, he said.

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According to Modi, these are the people who have not brought new leadership to Jammu and Kashmir. He added that it was only after the BJP came to power at the Centre in 2014 that panchayat, Block Development Council (BDC) and District Development Council (DDC) elections were held in the Chenab Valley region.

The 2018 panchayat elections were the first since 2000, and the 2019 and 2020 BDC and DDC elections respectively were the first ever held in the region.

Why were these elections held? So that democracy reaches the grassroots and the youth comes forward to take the reins of decision-making in Jammu and Kashmir, Modi said. Those who are engaged in dynastic politics are opposing my attempt. We challenged their intentions and 30,000-35,000 youth entered politics after these local body elections and took the reins of Jammu and Kashmir in their hands.

The Prime Minister accused the NC, PDP and Congress of creating a breeding ground for terrorism. He accused these parties of promoting terrorism to run their shops, adding that thousands of children have lost their lives due to their sins. Modi also reminded people of the time when terrorism was at its peak, saying that even the then Home Minister of the Congress government was afraid to visit Lal Chowk in Srinagar.

However, because of the work done in Jammu and Kashmir in the last decade, terrorism is now dying out, the prime minister said. A new Jammu and Kashmir is being built out of the stones pelted against the security forces, he added.

He asked three times who had done this, and the answer was promptly given by the crowd: Modi, Modi. The Prime Minister corrected the crowd by saying: It was not Modi who did this, but the people of Jammu and Kashmir, especially Doda.

He then turned to Shagun Parihar, the BJP candidate from Kishtwar whose father Ajit and uncle Dalip were killed by terrorists in 2018, and said, “His daughter Shagun is not just a candidate for us but a living example of our resolve to eradicate terrorism.”

Lashing out at the three families, he said they were responsible for the destruction of Jammu and Kashmir for decades. They had encouraged corruption and land mafia, he said, adding that they had made people starve even for the smallest facilities.

Modi said the parties that ruled Jammu and Kashmir for years forced the people to mobilise and face police beatings even in front of schools, colleges, small roads or water tanks. A medical or engineering college was nothing less than a dream then, he said, referring to the opening of new medical colleges, AIIMS, IITs and IIMs in Jammu and Kashmir in the last four-five years.

Modi stated that only the BJP government would grant statehood to Jammu and Kashmir and asked the people to be careful with those who deprive them of their rights.

Without naming anyone, he said these people are now keeping the Constitution in their pockets only to hide their past misdeeds. Unhoney Baba Sahib ke Constitution ki atma ko noucha hai (They have torn the spirit of BR Ambedkar’s Constitution), he alleged, referring to the denial of reservations to Scheduled Tribes and OBCs, and the denial of voting rights to refugees and Gorkha and Valmiki communities in Jammu and Kashmir. On the contrary, they have made laws which will make you foreigners in your own country, he said.

He criticised the NC, Congress and PDP for opposing the BJP government’s decision to abolish triple talaq, saying they were not concerned about the welfare of Muslim women.

He also warned the people about the agenda of NC, Congress and PDP to restore Articles 370 and 35A. If this agenda is implemented, blood will flow again. There will be stones in the hands of youth, hartals and padlocks on the shutters of commercial establishments again, he said, adding that by restoring Articles 370 and 35A, they want to remove reservations and curtail the rights of women.

The Doda rally is of particular significance because, thanks to Modi’s campaign, the BJP is seeking to repeat its 2014 performance in the Chenab Valley region of Jammu province, where the party won four of the six assembly seats, except Inderwal and Banihal.

However, after the 2022 delimitation, two new constituencies, Doda West and Padder-Nagseni, were created from Doda and Kishtwar districts, taking the total number of constituencies in Chenab Valley to eight. The others are Doda, Bhaderwah, Inderwal, Kishtwar, Ramban and Banihal.

The Chenab Valley is an important region for the BJP. The BJP, which is predominantly Muslim and borders South Kashmir, hopes to use its electoral success in this region to make inroads into South Kashmir.




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