Want Fair Elections? Ron DeSantis Says Undocumented Immigrants Should Be Deported First

Florida governor is again arguing that elections in ‘blue states’ could be fairer, proposing Donald Trump A policy proposal could be part of the solution.

“I think his immigration policies of repatriating illegals and closing the borders will also help because it will make it less likely that those people will be able to vote,” Ron DeSantis said on sunday Fox NewsFutures on Sunday morning.”

Trump, just like in 2016, promises the largest mass deportation in decades.

“After the Dwight Eisenhower “We will be conducting the largest domestic deportation operation in American history,” Trump said in the spring, referring to the infamous “Operation Wetback“program that was a response to concerns under Eisenhower and his predecessor Harry Truman that illegal immigration was depressing wages in the Southwest.

DeSantis himself made similar proposals for a “big program” during his failed presidential campaign.

“If you let people come in illegally without sanctions, you’re going to continue to have this problem. The sanctions are you get deported. So we’re going to do it,” DeSantis said last fall at The Flame.

DeSantis expressed doubts when he ran against Trump back then, questioning whether the former president would have the courage to pull it off.

“I’m really the only candidate you can trust to do it,” DeSantis added. “I mean, I know Donald Trump promises it, but he said the same thing in 2016 and didn’t deliver. A lot of the other Republicans, as you rightly point out, are uncomfortable even talking about that. But we’re never going to solve the problem unless we let the rule of law prevail.”

Still, even DeSantis acknowledges that the logistics can be a challenge.

During a interview in the same time frame with a radio station in Iowa, the 2024 presidential candidate improved a previous promise to remove “anyone who came in illegally under Biden” to “the last in under Biden will be the first out.”

“Well, here’s the thing. So I don’t know how many are here,” DeSantis admitted.

“We’ve been told for years that it was 10, 11 million. But just under Biden, it was 6 or 7 million. You can’t say (that) because you can’t do 100%, you shouldn’t send anybody. I mean, I think that’s a non-starter. You have to determine that there’s going to be a sanction. You have to enforce the law. Obviously, we have limited resources. You have to make choices about how you do that.”

However, in January he promised to 8 million people.

The governor’s harsh language about illegal immigrants is a recurring theme.

Last September, DeSantis also claimed he had a “right” if the president “sent the military to the border and use lethal force against the Mexican drug cartels” and “let them be free.”stone cold deathalthough it was unclear how he would definitively identify the cartel members before the preventive state executions.

“But if someone has a backpack on and they’re breaking through the wall, you know, that’s hostile intent and you have every right to take action under those circumstances. And guess what, once you do that a few times, the times change, they’re going to have to respond to that,” DeSantis said during a Sept. 12, 2023, appearance at the CBS Evening News.

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