Human organ trafficking discovered in Kazakhstan: September 12, 2024 | 14:11 – 15 criminal cases related to human trafficking have been registered in Kazakhstan. This was reported at a briefing by Shynar Kosherbaeva, deputy head of the Third Department of the Department for Combating Organized Crime of the Ministry of Internal Affairs.

According to Kosherbaeva, up to 150 criminal cases related to human trafficking are initiated in the republic each year. Since the beginning of the year, 134 criminal cases have been registered.

“Including: 15 cases of organ trafficking, 2 cases of kidnapping for the purpose of exploitation, 3 cases of unlawful deprivation of liberty for exploitation, 15 cases of human trafficking, 12 cases of involving minors in prostitution, 3 cases of trading in minors, 7 cases of involvement in prostitution and 77 cases of operating brothels and pimping,” the police officer said.

She added that in recent years, law enforcement agencies have closed down several channels for smuggling Kazakhstani citizens abroad. One of the most recent cases involved the smuggling of Kazakhstani individuals to Bahrain.

Administrative violations that facilitate human trafficking are also identified. For example, 649 administrative violations were registered regarding the provision of premises for prostitution and pimping. Fines totaling 155 million tenge were imposed.

It is noted that in Kazakhstan, human trafficking is punishable by imprisonment from 4 to 15 years. Organ trafficking is also punishable by imprisonment.

Note that on September 5, a new law “On Combating Trafficking in Human Beings” came into force in Kazakhstan. This law introduces a new category of crimes related to human trafficking into the Criminal Code and also establishes a new concept: “other sexual services.”

Also read: Human trafficker arrested in Kazakhstan

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