Musk 1, Eurocrat 0 – Don Surber

How terrible is world politics today? I give money to two billionaires — Donald Trump and Elon Musk. They are real-life Obi-Wan Kenobis. One fights for my country, the other for my God-given, censor-toting right to free speech.

Google has abandoned me and I have traded Substack for Substack. I am happier there and my readers no longer see ads.

While the Derp State continues to hound Trump with indictments, photos, and assassination bullets, Musk takes on the second worst nation on earth: the European Union.

The worst work of the United Nations, which sends child abusers as peacekeepers to war zones.

The UN said“The United Nations is investigating new allegations of sexual exploitation and abuse and other misconduct by peacekeepers in the Central African Republic, this time by troops under the world body’s banner, the top UN official there said today, as further steps are taken to combat the scourge.”

The UN also sent aid workers to help Hamas and Palestinians rape, torture and murder 1,200 Israelis on October 7. These beasts also kidnapped 240 people, including Americans. The American media is once again ignoring this issue for fear that the real news will re-elect Trump.

UN Watch reported“Damning evidence of the extent of UNRWA’s ties and material aid to Hamas continues to pour in. In February, the IDF revealed the discovery of a Hamas tunnel network beneath UNRWA’s Gaza headquarters, housing a sophisticated data center with electrical cables running directly to UNRWA’s headquarters and connecting it to UNRWA’s electrical grid. This came just two weeks after the Wall Street Journal revealed Israeli intelligence reports that at least 12 UNRWA employees participated in the October 7 attack and that 1,200 UNRWA employees in Gaza – representing 10% of UNRWA’s Gaza workforce – are Hamas or Palestinian Islamic Jihad operatives.

“These revelations only confirm our conclusions after nearly a decade of investigation into incitement to terrorism and anti-Semitism by UNRWA staff on social media: UNRWA in Gaza is fully infiltrated by Hamas and is unable to act as a neutral humanitarian actor in the region.”

The best I can say about the EU is that it is not as bad as the UN.

This summer, the EU came into conflict with Musk.

On July 12, AP reported“The European Union said on Friday that blue check marks on Elon Musk’s X were misleading and that the online platform fell short of transparency and accountability requirements. It was the first such charge against a tech company since the bloc’s new social media rules came into force.”

The EU was angry that Twitter is now charging people $8 a month with a blue check – $7 for an annual subscription.

Musk expressed his displeasure with the EU in a tweet. He said:

The European Commission offered 𝕏 an illegal secret deal: if we quietly censored speech without telling anyone, they wouldn’t fine us. The other platforms accepted that deal. 𝕏 didn’t.

Before he bought Twitter, the federal government paid him to censor enemies of the Deep State, especially Trump.

Do you remember the song Ball of Confusion? We live in a ball of collusion between companies and government.

The clown behind the EU’s failed attempt to control Twitter is Thierry Breton, a Frenchman who was a successful businessman before becoming a politician. But with power comes arrogance, and he took on Musk.

Zero Hedge reported a month ago“The EU’s Thierry Breton, the current EU Commissioner for the Internal Market, has sent Musk a letter threatening X with penalties if they do not act against ‘content promoting hatred, disorder, incitement to violence or certain instances of disinformation.’”

Thierry Breton tweeted at the time“A large audience brings with it greater responsibility.”

No, the quote is with great power comes great responsibility. Now Breton has neither thanks to two developments.

First, the EU rejected Breton’s threats against Musk.

Second, a Republican Congress announced an investigation into Breton’s attempt to silence Musk and Twitter.

In a press release a week ago, the House said“House Justice Committee Chairman Jim Jordan has sent a letter to EU Internal Markets Commissioner Thierry Breton reiterating the concerns of the committee and the select committee subcommittee on the Armament of the Federal Government that the EU may be attempting to censor or suppress lawful expression in the United States, and regarding threats of reprisals against Elon Musk, a U.S. citizen, and X Corp., a U.S. company, for facilitating political discourse in the United States.

“The Committee and the selected subcommittee demand a briefing and communication on the European Commission’s efforts to:

  • 1. Intimidate, threaten, or coerce Elon Musk or X Corp. in connection with Mr. Musk’s interview with President Donald Trump;

  • 2. Use EU law to force US companies to censor US speech; and

  • 3. Communicate with the Biden-Harris administration to use EU law as a way to circumvent the First Amendment.

* * *

On Monday, Breton resigned — although the letter he ironically posted on Twitter indicates that European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen has forced him to resign.

Meanwhile, America is stuck with newspapers that have abandoned the business of reporting news and using paper. On Monday, USA Today failed to put Assassination Attempt No. 2 on its front page. Instead, it ran a story, “Hope in America.”

I’ll give them the benefit of the doubt. I’m sure they didn’t mean that the Florida incident, as it’s been called by our unbiased media, gave hope to America.

The subheading in the USA Today article read: “We’re optimistic about everything except our politics.”

The fabulists at USA Today aren’t interested in the news. They’re interested in a story where a Democratic-run country is a beautiful, happy place, except for those horrible politicians. The paper did a survey to show that people have hope, interviewing people in Hope, Alaska, and Hope, Arkansas. Get it?

The story said:

That (Hope) has not been the dominant message of this year’s campaign. Republican candidate Donald Trump predicts that if he loses, a crushing depression and a new world war could follow. Violent crime and unchecked illegal immigration would threaten the safety of citizens and the survival of the country.

“The only thing standing behind you and the destruction is me,” the former president declared.

Democratic nominee Kamala Harris has used more politics-of-joy language than President Joe Biden used before he withdrew from his reelection race and his vice president stepped up. He had warned that Trump’s election would endanger democracy itself. Harris’ tone toward the former president has been more mocking than apocalyptic.

Kamala is the candidate for joy, thanks to her bong and her Chardonnay.

That Trump would almost take another bullet for us didn’t fit the story, which is why USA Today didn’t run the story on the front page.

I only watched the first one Star Wars. If I remember correctly, 47 years later, Obi-Wan Kenobi actually helped save the rebels. He wasn’t a billionaire but he was right.


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