Sexual exploitation of children by Korean men in Laos



  • There are several public information sharing sites for tourism in South Korea for the exploitation of Lao children for child prostitution. However, no investigation has been done and the perpetrators still travel to Laos to rape children. –

Hi, I am from Korea and I want to share this. If you want to know more, please visit the source link🙏

For context:

Many Korean men were into prostitution and this has led to the fact that there are more brothels in Korea than Starbucks.

They are considered prostitutes not only in South Korea, but also in Vietnam, Russia and Laos.

(The number of Korean men who subscribed to this YouTube video to get information about prostitution tourism in Vietnam is comparable to the Icelandic population.)

They are all disgusting, but the Laos case is too harsh because they buy children sexually. Some victims are as young as 12 years old and are locked in cages, and Korean men enjoy it shamelessly.

SK feminists keep reporting on it, but it hasn’t been investigated because it could be a ‘joke’ and not real.

This is an article from 2013, but nothing has changed. Korean men still like to call it “child sex tourism.”

submitted by /u/MembershipStreet1428
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