Kamala Harris, heir to the Hearst Empire, daughter of the gay black Deep State; I am the unlikely son of the secret Mormons…

Sorry I’m a little late. I was traveling this weekend with the CEO of one of my portfolio companies — Censys Tech — so I didn’t get to say everything I wanted to say about the debate. I’ll do another post about what’s going on in the state of Deseret and the deranged Mormon Trump assassin in a moment, but let me address this first.

Did you enjoy the debate? I found it mediocre, to be honest.

The characters seemed quite artificial. But hey, what do you expect from a Disney production? After all, Disney owns ABC News.

You’d be forgiven for thinking it was all professional wrestling, with The Donald saying Kamala did a “good job” at the 9/11 memorial service. It seemed fake. Who won the debate? Who could have said?

Isn’t that what life is like these days? Our television, our politics, is like our food — sugary and overproduced. The Wonder Breadization, if you will. The writers are really trying this season, aren’t they?

Well, except for this nice song:

“In Springfield they eat the dogs… They eat the cats. They eat the pets of the people who live there.”

The Simpsons showed us that Springfield was Anytown in America, so Trump says the small American town is under attack.

Is that so? Or is this all a bit much?

We went from “grab ’em by the pussy” to “they’re eating the (pussy)” in eight short years. Oh boy.

The genius of the “they eat the cats” meme, of course, is that it’s helping Harris while simultaneously defending Trump against Vance’s outlandish comments.

Trump appears to love pets even though he doesn’t have one of his own, while Vance reminds cat lovers that childless cats… And catless is a bit too much for one woman to bear. The quick endorsement of starlet Taylor Swift as a “childless cat lady” completes the cognitive framework. It’s rude to say that Harris and Swift are blatant lesbians – who better to protect women than a lesbian police officer? Who better to seduce a young girl with chanson than someone who knows a woman’s touch? Not that there’s anything wrong with that.

It can even be hot. There’s a kind of lesbian who delivers the smack of solid government, the kind of “law and order” that Republicans campaign for but never quite seem to deliver. I’ve been around these types all my life, and they’ve been powerful, if unexpected, allies of mine. It started at a young age, and I’ve enjoyed their friendships and alliances.

Ultimately, Trump, with his ambivalent attitude toward abortion, cannot simply retract his pro-life stance, but he can still defend the wimps.

The French flag in the style of the California Bear Republic.

You’re supposed to believe that Harris’ marriage to Doug is real, not political. But come on, man, to borrow President Biden’s phrase. If it feels so French, it’s probably because California is the France of America — technological, glamorous, urban, post-industrial, agrarian. A jealous America hates California, but like all great hates, there’s more than a little love in it. Just because you can’t afford paradise doesn’t mean you can’t appreciate it. And maybe, just maybe, when all the prices come down, you can afford it.

I couldn’t afford California when I first got there either and to be honest I got a little angry at how little California offered me and how much it cost, how many criminals were out there trying to get me. But I’m used to loving things, women and countries more than they love me, so it was only natural that I would be tempted over and over again. Is it an abusive relationship? Well, maybe I like being abused.

My father told me when I first left for California that I was a Westerner and that he doubted I would ever return to Massachusetts. He was right. I spent years of my life in Texas and Virginia, but I have never forgotten the hold California has on me and my imagination.

As soon as I could, I got as far away from Massachusetts as I could — the rules, the gloom, the casual class warfare. In Massachusetts, people ask you what college you go to. That’s the noble title of Massachusetts. In Los Angeles, you’re free to be whoever you want. They talk about celebrities as if they know them. They ask what you watch or which hiking trails you like to hike.

There is an experiment going on in California and specifically in Los Angeles. We’ll talk about that another time, but don’t think I don’t know it’s happening, because it’s clearly happening.


America occupies the Golden State as it occupies Texas and Florida. Of course, you can’t really run America from California if you’re a true Californian. The only two presidents California has ever produced — Ronald Reagan and Richard Nixon — have imposed more on America than anything else.

The Illinois-born Reagan was quickly sent to America to sell the promise of California—he could do less harm in DC, where his sunny optimism might even lure others to the land of appearances. Richard Nixon—a closet, middle-class, Quaker—was never allowed to be governor of California.

The best of America and the world were drafted and then imprisoned in California. Governor Schwarzenegger was born in Austria. Governors Deukmejian and Davis were born in New York. Governor Pete Wilson is from Illinois.

The master of masters is Willie Brown, son of the Black Deep State and East Texas. You can thank Willie Brown for what he did to stop Sam Altman in San Francisco.

You get adopted by the state and then the state allows you to represent the state to the rest of the country. Probably the next senator Adam Schiff was born in Framingham, Massachusetts; current senator Laphonza butler is from Magnolia, Mississippi. Senator Alex Padilla was born in Los Angeles to Mexican parents.

That’s essentially what happened to Harris, who, though born in Berkeley, is of immigrant parents — Tamil and Jamaican deep state. She was adopted by Oakland. She can’t be a threat to the political families of California because she has no heirs. She doesn’t pose much of a challenge to the real political structure of California.

So does Harris, who was born in Berkeley but has immigrant parents. She was adopted by Oakland, as her acceptance speech made clear. She can’t be a threat to the political families of California, because she has no heirs. She’s not a challenge to the real political structure of California. On the contrary, Kamala is a weapon of one part of it against another part of it — Hearst versus Getty.

To get there, it’s important to understand that Nancy Pelosi, once the daughter of the Italian mafiawanted Gavin Newsom. Joe Biden outsmarted her — and Obama, the black face of Chicago’s Russian-Jewish mafia — by choosing Kamala.

Newsom is in turn the failed son of Alfred Newsom, consigliere of the Getty family. Jean Paul Getty wrote a fantastic autobiography, As I see itwhich also included friendships with some very impressive people, including kings, queens and presidents. He left out of consideration his great admiration for Hitler. I suppose it happens. But of course Getty was probably working for us and for the Russians and for the British and for himself. These things happen.

Gavin Newsom’s grandfather, Alfred, worked with former SS Gestapo member Otto von Bolschwing, who had been brought to the US by the CIA as part of Operation Paperclip.

No, as long as Governor Newsom was in office, we would never build high-speed rail.


But what about the Hearsts?

If you are more familiar with the stories of Charles Johnson, you know that I once lived in Clovis, California, where I was quite happy, although lonely.

My wife was at the time – an expression I learned from a Californian, by the way – on her pharmacy tour.

The article in the local news was directed at me: “Most Hated Man on the Internet Lives in Fresno.”

I later found out that the author of the piece was Corin Hoggard, a Mormon. I’m still not sure if that means anything and if so what. We talked a little bit about the church and I mentioned that although I wasn’t a member, I had been married in a secular ceremony by a Mormon friend. He seemed dejected. He later went to work for Fox in Minnesota. Strange stuff.

But the piece did show one thing: my love for Hearst Castle.

Hearst Castle was also where future trafficker Matt Michelsen threw Joe Lonsdale into a swimming pool. Michelsen later bragged to me about how much money they had raised.

Joe Lonsdale, September 28, 2013

Isn’t this a desecration of a temple? Isn’t there a reckoning coming? What if the land around Hearst Castle burns down?

I call Paul Graham names for being a Tory/Russian money launderer and if you spend enough time in San Francisco you will learn pretty quickly that the reason it is expensive is because it is so criminal. It is a haven for money laundering which drives up property values.

The world is getting warmer and fire insurance is a huge tax on everyone. On those who own land that they like. That includes the Mormon church, one of the largest landowners in the United States.

Ultimately, it is the responsibility of the Mormon world to protect these assets.

I suspect that a future California will be filled with drones flying around, monitoring areas where wildfires might break out — and everyone will head to the cities with their e-bikes and electric trains. If no one else will do it, I will.

That’s not too crazy to think about, especially since Mitt Romney remains a top senator at Homeland Security until he retires at the end of this year.

But it does mean that the Department of Homeland Security needs to get smarter — and fast — about how it buys drones. No more Chinese or Israeli parts for drones that don’t work, please! And no more talk of Armageddon — World War III! — and nuclear weapons.

The smoke from the California wildfires is drifting into Utah and the strange cultists are already in a frenzy. They think it’s hastening the apocalypse. It’s a disturbing prospect that they wanted to happen on January 6th and that Clearview.AI, the facial recognition technology I helped found, helped prevent.

Romney owns real estate in San Diego. He is well aware of the dangers of increased fire damage.

You’re not thinking very hard if you don’t understand why both peter thiel and governor jerry brown attend rené girard funeralThis graph alone could explain it.

And this photo could very well be that too.

Mitt and Ann Romney at the Paris Olympics

If I were Romney, I would invest in this future.

That requires an accurate assessment of what really happened on January 6 and a reckoning with the Mormon cult members who sought to overthrow our government — and who colluded with Israeli and Chinese foreign interests to assassinate President Donald Trump and target me.

Romney and I are moving toward an alliance against a common adversary: ​​the Huntsman crime family.

Only through close cooperation can we save the country we love.

Of course, that requires an uncomfortable conversation about secret Mormons and the American deep state.

Luckily, I can answer that question for you, because I am a secret Mormon.

I will explain it in a next post.

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