NZ Politics Daily: September 18, 2024

Republished with permission

Author: Bryce Edwards

Derek Cheng (Herald):
Ministry of Justice warns that deployment of New Zealand’s First-National coalition risks doubling prison population (behind paywall)
Alice Neville (Spin-off):
Within the government’s beleaguered effort to reduce violent crime
Tova O’Brien (stuff): Prime Minister struggles to explain why he supports police on gangs but not on guns
Jo Moir (RNZ): Advice from Justice Minister to Gang Members Who Want to Wear Patches at Home: ‘Don’t Get Caught’
Russel Palmer (RNZ): Labor Party demands talks after new amendment to gang patch ban at last minute
RNZ: Explanation: What is a gang patch and what happens if it is banned?
RNZ: Comanchero bust: ‘Other suppliers just jump in to meet the demand’
Jared Savage (Herald): ‘Ghost Team’: Police allege former US Marines trained Comanchero gang members in military tactics (behind paywall)
Jared Savage (Herald):
Police investigation is ‘heartbreaking blow’ to Comancheros motorcycle gang, with nearly all members facing criminal charges
1News: Nearly Every Comanchero Member Indicted After Years of Investigation
RNZ: Nearly every member of New Zealand’s Comanchero motorcycle gang faces criminal charges
Sam Sherwood (stuff): Nearly all Comanchero gangs charged after three-year investigation
Glenn McConnell (Stuff): Questions about police bias, with more Māori charged with cannabis-related crimes than Pākehā
1News: Kiwis lost $6.8 million to cybercrime last quarter
Michael Andrew (Legal News): How the Court of New Beginnings reduces the number of recidivism
Neil Sands (Legal News): Courts’ digitalization program hits problems, but remains within budget
John MacDonald (Newstalk ZB): Where is the justice in concurrent prison sentences?

Thomas Coughlan (Herald):
The government was advised on increasing bus and train fares and cutting subsidies (behind paywall)
Community meeting after ‘out of the blue’ toll proposal
Jimmy Ellingham (RNZ): Objections to proposed toll for Manawatū Gorge road replacement
ODT Editorial: Wanted, Dead or Alive: Faster Ways (behind paywall)
Timothy F Welch (news):
Drive slowly, Mr. Brown
Thomas Manch (message): Simeon Brown opposes rejection of Auckland mayor’s bridge idea (behind paywall)
Hayden Donnell (spin-off):
Never mind, build Wayne Brown’s weird bridge
Amelia Wade (message): A bridge over problematic tunnels? Architect unveils concepts for Auckland crossing (behind paywall)
Dileepa Fonseka (Business Desk):
Auckland City Council takes advantage of AIA capital increase (behind paywall)
Investors and institutions buy more than $1.2 billion worth of Auckland Airport shares (behind paywall)
Anne Gibson (Herald):
How Hawkins won a massive $800 million contract for a new domestic terminal at Auckland Airport (behind paywall)
Auckland’s Westgate disappointed by transport officials – owners
Lloyd Burr (stuff): Auckland explained: goodbye free parking, hello higher fines
Philip Matthews (Aotearoa NZ Review of Books): Urban Aotearoa: a vision beyond the ‘quarter-acre dream’.
Jonathan Killick (message): NZTA says no to Jason Momoa filming stunts and explosions on Auckland motorway (behind paywall)

Brent Edwards (NBR): Government investigates why it owns state-owned companies (behind paywall)
Jem Traylen (BusinessDesk):
Government Affairs: Roche returns, Whānau Ora is for sale and more (behind paywall)
Tom Pullar-Strecker (Stuff):
No decisions on whether New Zealand still needs a telecommunications commissioner (behind paywall)
Tim Murphy (news):
A long, personal and painful lecture for the minister they call Goldie
Audrey Young (Herald): 10 Māori policies the Coalition government has in its sights (behind paywall)
Mihingarangi Forbes (RNZ):
Mata: Rawiri Wright on Te Wiki of Te Reo, Jordan Williams on the Treaty Principles Act
Philip Tempel (ODT): We need to talk about paddling together

Bryce Edwards (Democracy Project):
An era of growing discontent in New Zealand
Matthew Hooton (Patreon): Labour’s Hipkins problem worsens (behind paywall)
Jamie Ensor (Herald):
Chris Hipkins poll results: Labour leader says he has ‘full support’ for caucus
Kerre Woodham (Newstalk ZB): Is Hipkins the man to lead Labour into the next election?
Marc Daalder (News): Bipartisan support for constitutional amendment in parliament
Harriette Boucher (message): Beehive Briefing: Everything you need to know today (behind paywall)
David Fisher (Herald):
Australian Malcolm sexual abuse allegations: How allegations emerged after former minister’s death, police urged to continue investigation (behind paywall)
Sam Sherwood (stuff):
Agent believed teen who claimed former politician sexually abused him
Melissa Nightingale (Herald): Kiri Allan crash: Police defend heavy editing in released dossier (behind paywall)

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