“Great series – now BL!” Which one is yours?


Basically this: What series or movie deserves a (great) BL remake? And I’m talking high quality sets, scripts, cast – everything. If you want (and I know most of you do), please also give your proposed casting line-up. Go wild with established or ghost ships or just a wild mix of your favorite, most suitable actors, I don’t care. I’ll go first, since I’m asking you to entertain me and everyone in this sub 😊 Even though I don’t like the mafia trope, I really enjoyed watching Vincenzo (https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Vincenzo_(TV_series)). It’s probably one of my favorite TV series, because of the good looks, the comedy, the drama, the tension (well, okay, flirtatious moments) between the leads and also some genuinely funny Italian swearing. I think it deserves a BL adaptation. I’m not really into specific actors, so I’m open to suggestions – but I know GMM TV’s Drake should probably play the piano lessons/computer mastermind girl, or maybe Gun. But who could play Vincenzo Cassano? Maybe Up? I’m open to your suggestions 😊

submitted by /u/S1ightlyBitter
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