End Times Headline News. September 18 2024

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A series of explosions in the Hezbollah-controlled Dahieh region of Beirut has left thousands injured. Foreign media reports that the blasts came from Hezbollah operatives’ pagers.

A series of explosions were reported in the Dahieh area of Beirut on Tuesday afternoon, leaving 11 dead and at least 4,000 injured. Later reports said that “dozens” of simultaneous explosions took place in Syria as well, when pagers worn by Hezbollah terrorists exploded. Dahieh is known as a Hezbollah stronghold. According to Sky News, encrypted pagers used by Hezbollah for internal messaging exploded. Reuters reported that Hezbollah only began using the beeper devices in question within the last few months. Al-Hadath reported similarly.

Officials tell the New York Times that Israel hid explosive material within a new batch of Gold Apollo pagers from Taiwan, which had been tampered with before they reached Lebanon.

The New York Times reported on Tuesday that Israel is behind the explosion of Hezbollah terrorists’ pagers in Lebanon. The report, which quoted American and other officials, said that the operation was carried out by hiding explosive material within a new batch of Taiwanese-made pagers imported into Lebanon. The pagers, which Hezbollah had ordered from Gold Apollo in Taiwan, had been tampered with before they reached Lebanon, some of the officials told The New York Times. Most were the company’s AP924 model, though three other Gold Apollo models were also included in the shipment, the report said.

State Department spokesperson says the US was not aware in advance and had no involvement in mass explosions of pagers used by Hezbollah, declines to comment on suspicion that Israel is responsible.

The United States said Tuesday it was not aware in advance and had no involvement in mass explosions of pagers used by Hezbollah and which have been blamed on Israel.

“I can tell you that the US was not involved in it, the US was not aware of this incident in advance and, at this point, we’re gathering information,” State Department spokesman Matthew Miller told reporters, as quoted by the AFP news agency. Miller declined to comment on widespread suspicion that the blasts were carried out by Israel and would only say the US message to Iran, which is the main backer of Hezbollah, remained unchanged. “We would urge Iran not to take advantage of any incident to try to add further instability and to further increase tensions in the region,” Miller stated.

Hezbollah, a highly trained and disciplined terrorist group, is now facing chaos and vulnerability after a large number of its members were injured by exploding communication devices.

Hezbollah is known as a disciplined group. Highly trained, the group invests heavily in its recruits. It is not known to waste them as cannon fodder. It views itself as an elite organization, and within its own structure, there are centers of terrorist excellence, such as the Radwan force. Hezbollah has achieved this through decades of fine-tuning its capabilities. It has built itself up slowly, first in the 1980s and then in the last two decades as it came to dominate Lebanon. Now, the group faces its worst nightmare: Chaos. Hezbollah is facing chaos because a large number of its alleged members were wounded on September 17 by exploding communications devices.

Hezbollah chief Hassan Nasrallah was not harmed in the spree of pager blasts across Lebanon, a senior Hezbollah source told Reuters on Tuesday.

SAN DIEGO, CA – In Gaza, we have witnessed the sophistication of Hamas, which concerns the digging of tunnels. Now we are hearing they may be doing so much closer to home, American Thinker reports. 

According to Newsmax correspondent Jaeson Jones, a colonel with the Israeli Defense Forces (IDF) says that Hamas is assisting Mexican drug cartels in digging tunnels between Mexico and San Diego. According to CBP, the U.S. Border Patrol has discovered over 200 such tunnels since 2003. The last one reported on was in 2022 when a tunnel between Tijuana and San Diego was found. That tunnel was replete with air conditioning, electricity, and rail lines stretching over a mile. In other words, this was a very sophisticated operation. 

Analysis: Senior Saudi official says ending the war must be a priority; lays a path to normalization with Israel that must include a deadline for a Palestinian state and result in a real alliance of moderate forces against Iran 

Saudi Arabia thinks the war in Gaza is a disaster and that Israel and the moderate Arab nations have been maneuvered into what could be a regional war. A senior Saudi official said at a recent important gathering that ending the war must be a priority. The Muslim Brotherhood was partially behind the maneuvering, according to the official. Riyadh was frustrated that the West had not realized that the Brotherhood and all of its offshoots are terrorist organizations. Although the word Hamas was not specifically uttered, the message was unmistakable.

“I want to be the last girl in the world with a story like mine.” ~ Nadia Murad, The Last Girl: My Story of Captivity, and My Fight Against the Islamic State

Why doesn’t anyone stand up for the Kurds and the Yazidis? Why hasn’t every college student heard the story of Nadia Murad?

You can listen to me read this essay here…

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8 hours ago · 45 likes · 31 comments · Karen Hunt aka KH Mezek

Jihadist attacks on civilians in Burkina Faso have surged, retaliating against communities for non-cooperation, leading to significant civilian casualties, Human Rights Watch reports.

Jihadist groups in Burkina Faso have escalated attacks on civilians, often in retaliation against communities for refusing to join their ranks or allegedly collaborating with government troops, Human Rights Watch said on Wednesday. The junta-led West African nation has been grappling with Islamist insurgents, some with links to al Qaeda and Islamic State, since they spread into its territory from neighboring Mali almost a decade ago. Military leader Ibrahim Traore has pushed for civilians to play a role in fighting the insurgency, recruiting thousands of volunteer army auxiliaries known as VDPs and, more recently, requiring civilians to dig defensive trenches.

Top Russian security official Sergei Shoigu held talks with his Iranian counterpart in Tehran on Tuesday, Russian and Iranian media said, days after meeting North Korean leader Kim Jong Un in Pyongyang.

Russia has deepened ties with Iran and North Korea, both of which are hostile to the United States, since the start of its war in Ukraine. Washington says both countries are supplying Russia with ballistic missiles for use in the conflict, something Moscow denies. The Nour news agency, affiliated to Iran’s Supreme National Security Council, said Shoigu met his Iranian opposite number, Ali Akbar Ahmadian.

Upon crossing the maritime boundary line into the U.S. exclusive economic zone, the vessels ventured approximately 30 miles into U.S. waters.

The U.S. Coast Guard confirmed an encounter with four Russian Navy vessels 57 miles from Point Hope, Alaska, on Sunday. The incident occurred during a routine patrol by the Coast Guard Cutter Stratton in the Chukchi Sea, according to a statement on Sept.16. The crew of the Stratton detected the Russian ships, which included a Severodvinsk-class submarine, a Dolgorukiy-class submarine, a Steregushchiy-class frigate, and a Seliva-class tug, as they transited southeast along the Russian side of the maritime boundary line (MBL).

Threats from the “extremely hostile” West require action, spokesman Dmitry Peskov has said

Russia’s decision to expand its military was taken due to the current hostile environment, Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov has said. On Monday, President Vladimir Putin signed a decree to boost the number of personnel in the armed forces to almost 2.4 million, including 1.5 million service members. The move was motivated “by the number of threats that exist for our country alongside our borders,” Peskov explained on Tuesday. The environment is “extremely hostile” for Russia in the West and “unstable” in the East, a situation that “requires appropriate measures,” he added.

Moscow’s foes need to fear the revenge that is coming, the former president has said

Moscow should start putting together a database of “Russophobic scum” and put them on notice of inevitable retribution for their misdeeds, former president and head of Russia’s Security Council, Dmitry Medvedev, has said. Medvedev has long been a hardliner on the Ukraine conflict and began his latest Telegram post by criticizing “vile scum” in the West who advocated for letting Kiev strike deep into Russian territory with NATO weapons. “I want to talk about something else, however: about the need to remember the criminal calls of individual Western freaks and prepare for retribution,” Medvedev wrote.

Fears that traces could relate to a Russian test site for a nuclear missile

Traces of radioactive Cesium-137 have been measured along Norway’s border with Russia, it was revealed today. The radiation levels are ‘clearly’ higher than normal, authorities have said, and the cause of the mysterious spike is unknown. One fear is that it could relate to Russia’s Pankovo test site for the Burevestnik – a nuclear-powered, nuclear-armed cruise missile – on the Novaya Zemlya archipelago.

Local residents filmed a strong explosion and fire. The head of the region announced the evacuation of residents.

Stoltenberg claims: “This is not correct when President Putin says that we will become party to the conflict.”

Outgoing NATO chief Jens Stoltenberg has addressed the question of the US and UK mulling allowing Ukraine to strike Russian territory with West-supplied long-range weapons. President Putin last week spelled out clearly that if this happened then Moscow and NATO would be in a state of direct war. Stoltenberg downplayed this threat of major new escalation in a Monday interview with LBC radio, saying he “welcomed” the discussion over long-rage missiles. He separately told Foreign Policy he’s in favor of the West greenlighting long-range strikes on Russian soil.

France’s lower house of parliament – the Bureau – has approved the draft resolution which must now be approved by the legislative commission before moving to the Senate.

“The Bureau of the National Assembly has approved the procedure for removing Emmanuel Macron from power,” newspaper Le Parisien reported on Tuesday.. The Bureau is the highest collegial body of the lower house of parliament. Currently, 12 of its 22 members are representatives of the left. The proposal to remove Macron from power was put forward by the left-wing party La France Insoumise (lit. Unsubmissive France). According to the BFMTV channel, the proposal was supported by 12 votes to 10 during consideration by Bureau members.

Florida will investigate the attempted assassination of Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump at his West Palm Beach golf course, Florida Governor Ron DeSantis said on Tuesday.

“The state of Florida has jurisdiction over the most serious, straightforward offense, which is attempted murder,” DeSantis said at a news conference.

“Hillary is calling for censorship, but she’s really calling for violence…”

Amid claims that Trump is a “danger to this country and the world,” Hillary Clinton – the original sinner of ‘Russia, Russia, Russia’-propaganda – has called for anyone spreading “misinformation” to be criminally charged as a “better deterrence” ahead of the election. Specifically, the former Secretary of State told MSNBC host Rachel Maddow on Monday that Americans “engaged” in “propaganda” – similar to the type that led to the Russians “boosting Trump” in 2016 – should face criminal prosecution.

Vice President Kamala Harris has won the endorsement of Scientific American magazine, which broke with its long tradition of avoiding political endorsements in 2020 when it first backed now-ousted President Joe Biden. Scientific American, as The National Pulse revealed in 2020, is owned by the controversial Holtzbrinck Publishing Group, or Verlagsgruppe Georg von Holtzbrinck, based in Stuttgart, Germany.

The multi-billion-euro conglomerate simply describes its early history as “track(ing) back to the book-club business,” adding: “In the 1930s, the company founder Georg von Holtzbrinck began with the sale of subscriptions to books and periodicals.” But decades-old research revealed a much darker side to Holtzbrinck, the man and his company, who were eventually found to be willing fellow travelers of Adolf Hitler’s National Socialist (Nazi) Party, which Georg von Holtzbrinck first joined in 1931, two years before Hitler came to power.

Globalist media conglomerate Bloomberg is pushing for recent migrants to the United States to be settled in Republican-voting counties across the country. In a story ostensibly about the economic need for migrants in red-leaning localities, Bloomberg subtly alludes to the potential electoral impact the migrants could have.

Founded by former New York City Mayor and Democrat mega-donor Michael Bloomberg, the corporate news outlet laments that in “battleground states that will decide this November’s election, about 72 (percent) of migrants in 2023 went to Biden counties while less than a third went to Trump counties.” The authors go on to note that “(s)wing states received 12 percent of all migrants, with most going to blue counties like Philadelphia, home to Pennsylvania’s largest city, and Gwinnett, which is outside Atlanta.”

A local resident in Springfield, Ohio alleged that her cat had been stolen and mutilated by her Haitian neighbors, according to the police report obtained by Oversight Project.

The report, filed on August 28, claims that the woman suspected her neighbors of taking and dismembering her pet, with the remains allegedly being left in their backyard. According to the call detail report, Anna, the complainant, claimed her cat had gone missing on August 24 and that she discovered suspicious “meat” in her neighbor’s backyard, suspecting it was from her beloved pet. Anna further alleged that her neighbors, who she identified as Haitian, had chopped up the animal, although no bones or fur were found around the scene.

Vice-president Kamala Harris has signalled her openness to the idea of reparations for black people, saying she would not rule out executive action if she wins the White House in November.

Speaking to the National Association of Black Journalists on Tuesday, Harris was asked about her position on the issue, which is typically confined to Black Lives Matter activists and far-left radicals. “Do you have a position on whether that (reparations) should happen — this (reparations) commission should happen through executive order or via Congress?” she was asked by Politico’s Eugene Daniels.

“The socialists have engineered a semantic revolution in converting the meaning of terms into their opposite.”

Ludwig von Mises depicts the aim of revolutionary socialism as: “to clear the ground for building up a new civilization by liquidating the old one.” One of the main strategies in liquidating a civilization involves dismantling its legal and philosophical foundations. This role is fulfilled by activists who embark upon “sabotage and revolution” by subverting the meaning of words: “The socialists have engineered a semantic revolution in converting the meaning of terms into their opposite.”

No vax, no care. So she had to get 3 vaccines. Within 10 minutes, she was blind in both eyes. She’s now fighting for her life. Doctors are baffled as to the cause since it can’t be the vaccines.

BREAKING: Forced to get 3 vaccines to receive medical care, 23-year-old Alexis Lorenze is now fighting for her life

Executive summary…

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6 hours ago · 449 likes · 254 comments · Steve Kirsch

With advances in technology and speedier production, pharmaceutical companies and biotech firms are looking to increase their profits by creating dozens of new vaccines that would in some instances replace traditional pharmaceuticals and treatments.

Barron’s published a detailed report last week titled “A Golden Age of Vaccines Is Here. What It Means for You.” The report explains how some of the leading pharmaceutical companies are seeking to rake in new revenue streams with new vaccines, such as ones with mRNA technology among others, to treat a myriad of other ailments, after these titans experienced record profits from the last several years from manufacturing Covid-19 vaccines.

There is a popular school of thought that believes most economic stability is purely psychological; that the health of the economy relies on the population NOT knowing the true state of things.

In other words, “ignorance is bliss.” I partially agree with the premise but only under certain conditions. If an economy is built on lies then yes, the exposure of those lies would certainly put that system at risk. My argument is, if an economy is built on lies it’s not really worth saving. The US public in particular is now struggling with the slow realization that our financial and monetary structures are not secure. Many of us in the alternative media have been warning about this for decades.

It’s not a “black swan” event. In fact, it’s playing out right before our eyes and was entirely predictable. The world is slowly but surely spurning the dollar… But most people haven’t noticed.

De-dollarization might seem like a wild conspiracy theory, but it is happening. Countries worldwide are trying to limit their exposure to the greenback, and the dollar’s clout is slowly ebbing. No, the dollar isn’t on the verge of collapse due to a major trauma. It’s more like death by a million papercuts. Nassim Taleb, best known for his book The Black Swan, said in a post on X thatpeople are not seeing the real de-dollarization in progress.He pointed out that global transactions are still generally labeled in dollars “as an anchor currency.”  

Technocracy is a system pitted against all others, including capitalism, Marxism, and outright Fascism.

However, it will use those other systems to achieve its goals of Scientific Dictatorship. The Trilateral Commission kickstarted modern Technocracy in 1973 and devised a policy of using mass immigration as a tool to break down Western society. Peter Sutherland did it in Europe. Antony Blinken is doing it in the U.S.No other continent suffers from an immigration crisis. Not China. Not Asia. Not South America. Not Africa. Not India or Russia. What Trilateral policy did in Europe is working on America, with similar results.

“In questions of power then, let no more be heard of confidence in man, but bind him down from mischief by the chains of the Constitution.”—Thomas Jefferson

Public trust in the government to “do what is right” understandably remains at an all-time low. After all, how do you trust a government that continuously sidesteps the Constitution and undermines our rights? You can’t. When you consider all the ways “we the people” are being bullied, beaten, bamboozled, targeted, tracked, repressed, robbed, impoverished, imprisoned and killed by the government, one can only conclude that you shouldn’t trust the government with your privacy, your property, your life, or your freedoms. Consider for yourself.

The way that people are responding to the latest attempt to assassinate Donald Trump says a lot about where we are as a nation. 

There was a time when something like this would have been considered an attack on all of us.  But today things are completely different.  Many on the left are doing their best to downplay what just happened because it might help Trump get more votes.  And just like last time, there are some that truly wish that he had been killed.  They have worked themselves up into such a frenzy of hatred that they are actually hoping for the death of their political opponents.

In the bustling playground of childhood, friendships are often taken for granted — with kids easily bonding while sharing a swing or trading snacks at lunchtime. For many kids, however, the art of making friends isn’t as simple as it seems.

A recent study from the University of Michigan Health C.S. Mott Children’s Hospital has uncovered an often-overlooked aspect of childhood development, finding a surprising number of children struggle to make friends. In fact, the poll finds one in five parents fear their children currently have no friends at all. Imagine being a kid without a buddy to share your favorite video game with or someone to sit next to on the school bus. It’s a reality for more children than we might think. The poll of 1,031 parents with kids between six and 12 years-old reveals that 20% of kids potentially feel lonely or isolated during crucial years of social development.

In November of 2020, a freak wave came out of the blue, lifting a lonesome buoy off the coast of British Columbia 17.6 meters high (58 feet).

The four-story wall of water was finally confirmed in February 2022 as the most extreme rogue wave ever recorded at the time. Such an exceptional event is thought to occur only once every 1,300 years. And unless the buoy had been taken for a ride, we might never have known it even happened. For centuries, rogue waves were considered nothing but nautical folklore. It wasn’t until 1995 that myth became fact. On the first day of the new year, a nearly 26-meter-high wave (85 feet) suddenly struck an oil-drilling platform roughly 160 kilometers (100 miles) off the coast of Norway.

Texans were rattled by a “notable” 5.1 magnitude earthquake—one of the strongest in the state’s history—on Monday evening, the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) reported.

The quake struck in Martin County, about 21 miles southwest of Ackerly shortly before 7:50 p.m. It was initially graded 4.8 on the magnitude scale, with a depth of 3 miles, according to Texas channel KXAS, but was later upgraded to a 5.1 quake with a depth of 5.2 miles. Lamesa residents said their homes were shaking for up to 10 seconds. The earthquake was the seventh strongest in Texas history, local newspaper Lubbock Avalanche Journal reported.

Several residents of Mexico shared shocking video footage of a UFO seemingly hovering to the ground, drawing a mixed response.

Videos on social media captured what appeared to be an oval-sized object hovering over the western city of Zitácuaro on September 8. The footage shows the UFO-like figure hovering near a tree while a second recording captured it slowly moving in front of the overcast skies. The alleged flying saucer sightings were reported in the neighborhoods of El Naranjo and Manzanillos.

“We found the name of Jesus before Christianity was part of the Roman Empire,” said Alegre Savariego of the Israel Antiquities Authority.

For hundreds of years, a mosaic lay hidden in Megiddo in northern Israel until, in 2005, it was found and preserved as a local prison sought to expand. The mosaic recently made the trip—in nearly a dozen pieces—across the ocean to Washington, DC, where it is on exhibit at the Museum of the Bible. At an opening reception for the exhibit on Sunday afternoon, Carlos Campo, CEO of the museum, said that the mosaic, which dates to around the year 230, like an Impressionist show that opened recently at the nearby National Gallery of Art, requires stepping back to take in the broader, unifying picture. “Frankly, I’m still stepping back, because as I step back, I learn more about the power of this object and what it’s trying to say to me about ancient history, about the history of Christianity, about the place in Israel and so much more,” Campo said.


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