The KGB’s Mafia-Army: A Global Terrorist Organization


The post The KGB’s Mafia-Army: A Global Terrorist Organization first appeared on USSA News | The Tea Party’s Front Page.. Visit

Don’t waste time waiting for another attempt to assassinate Trump. It will come! And only awareness of the enemy can prevent it… I am  a former Soviet attorney, who has written about Russia’s Intel for four decades. The FBI made me a Foreign Agent in 2002 and consequently sabotaged and banned my book What is Happening to America? three times. On August 31 2024, I submitted the book to for the fourth time. You can learn about the KGB’s Mafia-Army that runs the Democrat party and the White House today.

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The second assassin is a convicted felon, who has a long experience in violence. How does he know the last-minute Trump’s golf game—two very important signs. Please, remember, global international terrorists are involved in the murder plot against American political leaders. There was information about another terrorist from Pakistan allegiantly trained by Iran. Wrong! Putin has been personally involved in militarizing Iran since 1991—the Drone factory was built under his supervision, now he uses Drones in all ongoing wars worldwide…

There is other important information about a criminal gang MS-13 acting on American soil. Pay attention to Venezuelan gangs and different criminal gangs from Mexico—they are identical in actions, extortions, bribery, in providing financially their activities with drug-trafficking. The answer is simple: they all trained and drilled by the same Russia’s KGB’s Mafia/Army—a global terrorist agency, described by me for fourth-three years. There are no Mexican Cartels, those are the Russian Cartels. Read my column: Putin’s Socialist Revolution in America: The Stalinist Mexican Cartels  October 6, 2023.

Considering wars going on in Ukraine and Israel, I’d like to give you the information concerning the KGB’s Mafia/Army in the Middle East by my column: Putin’s Soviet Socialism is Claiming Over the World: The Middle East, The Democrat Party, and White House  August 12, 2024:

“If you are not familiar with the name Ayser Arafat, you don’t know the Middle East history and the history of the world. Arafat was a well-known terrorist, a leader of PLO, Palestinian Liberation Organization of the Middle East. Russia’s Intel recruited Arafat in 1957. The infiltration to the Middle East by Russia’s Intel began then. Do you know that Arafat’s lieutenant Abbas is running a Palestinian State today? Those are the patterns of the Soviet/Russian infiltration to the Middle East to create their proxies in the 1950-1970s. All of that has been managed by the KGB’s Mafia/Army—an Evil Doer. Their espionage was flourishing in Europe and America as well. If Russia was alone spreading Socialism/Communism in the 20th century, we are dealing now with a tandem of Russia and China. It is not Marxism now coming from China, but Soviet Socialism, which I called Soviet Fascism…

“Europe now has members of the KGB in some parliaments and there is another facet to the Russian connection. As you know, recruited by the KGB in 1957, Arafat is dead, but we have mini-Arafat–Mahmoud Abbas. The connection with the Kremlin stays the same. He is literally a Moscow student with Soviet “academic credentials”; his dissertation written in Russia, had denied the Holocaust. Look at Arafat’s Palestinians, corrupt people surrounding Abbas: the same corrupt structure plus Hamas and Hezbollah under Russia’s supervision, ready to wipe Israel off the world map. Don’t expect peace in the Middle East—the KGB is there!” Read my column: A Global Spy Ring, January 1, 2018.

There is another interesting sign of the Dems’ history: after the JFK assassination, there was a period of time when no Dems had been threatening by assassination. Bill Clinton traveled excessively including Russia: no attempt of assassination. As a VP Biden was traveling accompanied by Hunter Biden worldwide and there wasn’t one attempt of his assassination. Moreover, President Obama appointed Biden as a pointed man dealing with Ukraine. Papa and son Bidens have been dealing with pro-Russian owner of Burisma in Ukraine 2014-2015 and there were no any attempts of assassination either of them. Isn’t it strange and stink to see two attempts to assassinate Trump in two months?

Why are those who spread Soviet Socialism not threatened by assassinations? Only those who promote American capitalism are? I can answer that question. As a matter of fact, the Biden-Harris team is responsible for Trump’s security. Period. Despite that fact and after two attempts of Trump assassinations, the rhetoric’s accusing Trump and calling him as “a danger to American democracy, “ a dictator and Hitler. Where has this endless vengeance come to American politics? This vengeance is familiar to me—it is the ideology and system of Soviet Socialism! I see it and feel it for the last decade living and being involved in politics in America…

Evil has a variety of methods to fight free market capitalism. Putin is an old Soviet Socialist, the KGB leader, now a Crony-capitalist. Do you know socialist spending style, vesting people’s money? Just look at Biden, who was printing money to bankrupt American capitalism and Ukraine gives him the opportunity to deceive the world by dealing with Ukrainian’s black market, having some money back in his coffer. Putin, a KGB man, treasured ties with Biden established in Ukraine in 2014. Evil comes in many different forms, read my column: Biden: The Left’s Decoy for Socialist Subversion, 6/1/24 .

To grasp the nature of the KGB, let me give you some examples: the Olympics in South Korea 2018 has been disrupted and many suspected the KGB. As European Intel reported, Russia’s spy has attempted to disrupt the Olympics 2024 in Paris—French rail network had been hit by arson. I have been writing and describing this agency for forty-three years. The agenda of the KGB is global power, destruction of the American constitutional republic and American capitalism. Even worse—the enemy is on America’s soil today. Trump’s rally had been “secured” by 155 personal, when assassination took place—a catastrophic security failure. It is not criminal negligence. In my opinion, assassination was a coordinated, pre-planned conspiracy of the Dems’ leadership with the KGB’s Mafia/Army—Evil Doer…

There are seven Federal Investigations into Trump’s assassination. None of them directed to investigate Russia’s terrorist regime, they are talking about the Iranian terrorist regime not knowing the truth. They don’t even know that the Middle East has been targeted and controlled by Russia’s terrorist regime since 1960th. Moreover, Russia has been waging proxy war since then. I don’t expect the entire truth from any of the investigations; they are on another territory, very far from reality. They don’t have the slightest idea about Russia’s KGB, and its presence on America’s soil. Here are some proof of that from my column: Russia’s Perpetual Clandestine Assaults in the U.S. August 3, 2024.

  1. The 9/11 attacks have been orchestrated, controlled and coordinated by the Russian Intel. The 9/11 commission failed miserably—no one in the commission knew the Russian Terrorist state and its control of the Middle East. It was Comrade Stalin, who married Islam to Communist ideology, armed and directed Islam against Western civilization and American Capitalism. Dozens of school shootings using mentally ill on American soil have been arranged by the Russian KGB with help of the American traitors. Read my columns for details. The recent attempt to assassinate Donald J. Trump was directed by the KGB. Pay attention to the Post Scriptum of my column: Bloody Prints of the KGB. 7/21/24.
  2. There are no Mexican Cartels. Those are Russian Cartels, consisting of criminal gangs like MS-13, drug-trafficking, sex-trafficking and many other criminal activities including personal trafficking. Russia’s presence in Mexico is going back to the 20th century. This is a story nobody knows in America and the current chaos in America is a result of that. America doesn’t know Stalin’s era in Russia and his name in history: “the famous murderer of the 20th century.” I have lived under the Soviet System for fifty years —Soviet people called the system Stalinism. Ask the FBI why they ignore and don’t study Russia and its KGB—a Global Terrorist Agency? Collaborating with the Dems against conservatives and using a FISA Court, the FBI made me a Foreign Agent in 2002, got probable Couse and banned my books and sabotaged my columns preventing Americans from learning the truth about Russia and the KGB. Read my column: Putin and his KGB’s Mafia/Army—A Global Evil Doer, June 10, 2023.
  3. So, there are no Mexican Cartels, those Cartels are Russian Cartels in Mexico established by Stalin in 1950-1960th. Since then, Mexico has become a failed state. What we see at the border is obviously an invasion, a coordinated intent-actions from both sides of the border to infiltrate as many as possible migrants-foreign nationals to America. Kamala as Border Czar didn’t want to change anything; she knew it was a deliberate policy of the Putin/Biden partnership. Biden’s open border policy coincides with Putin’s global spread of Soviet Socialism, which I called Soviet Fascism. The border policy gave to the KGB’s Mafia/Army—the Evil Doer ability to execute invasions from 120-160 countries to America. Read my column Treason: The Putin/Biden Partnership, May 18, 2024.
  4. The story has a more significant depth. Everything began in the 1930th, when Stalin announced his doctrine: One World Socialist Government under Russia’s rule. He started implementing his dogma in the ongoing Spanish Civil War, sending the Soviet military to participate in the war 1936-1939. Communist forces lost and the Soviet military returned, bringing to Russia three thousands Spanish orphans. The KGB became a custodian of all those children, they were set up in several different schools, trained in studying in Spanish, Russian was a second language. By 1950-60ththe KGB got a well-drilled three thousand young cadres aged 20-26. They have been sent to Mexico and Central America to implement Soviet Socialism. You know the rest of the story. Read my column Stalin’s Cult of Personality in Biden’s White House, March 11, 24.

I gave you a story and history of Stalinism’s beginning, but criminal actions of the KGB have never ended. After Stalin’s death, his policy was contained by all his devoted disciples including Putin. Stalin’s Socialist modus operandi: lies, deceit, fabrication, and fraud are alive and well today seventy years later. During those seventy years our world has been changed dramatically by the KGB’s Mafia/Army spreading Soviet Socialism, which I called Soviet Fascism, throughout the globe. This is the topic of my long-term writing to warn you. It is not an accident that anti-Semitism continued growing across the globe. We are dealing now with “a new Axis of Evil” under Russia’s umbrella, waging WWIII. My definition of WWIII is also intact: Recruitment, Infiltration, Drugs, and Assassinations.

Pay attention to my definition of WWIII, analyzing the chaos in the world and America caused by the KGB’s Mafia-Army. Use my information and listen to Gov. Abbott announcing TX crackdown on foreign forces, Venezuelan gangs. I’d add, Venezuela is the Russian proxy, its army trained by the KGB’s Mafia-Army. There are thousands Chinese and Russian migrants in America, they all are served by the KGB and ready for military actions at the time of election 2024, which is a real threat to America! Please, remember the Biden-Harris rhetoric’s calling Trump “a danger to American democracy” fulling the threat. This is the “Russian Disinformation operation” in action, used by the Biden-Harris administration. For me, we are dealing with the Dems’ treasonous administration—the Biden-Harris team…

I haven’t changed my opinion on shameful surrender in Afghanistan—it was designed by Putin and executed by Biden’s White House. The Biden administration is a Control Opposition. To grasp what is going on in the Biden-Harris  America, and why parents are called “domestic terrorists” read my column: The Stalin/Andropov Legacy in America: Controlled Opposition, November 28, 2023.

To be continued and at

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Author: Simona Pipko

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The post The KGB’s Mafia-Army: A Global Terrorist Organization first appeared on USSA News | The Tea Party’s Front Page.. Visit

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