Someone wants a world war.

This appears to be a fire at a mobile phone store in Lebanon, which was started when Israel detonated communications equipment (specifically pagers and walkie-talkies) with explosives on September 17 and 18.

Apologies in advance for any typos. I’m a terrible typist and this is going out the door before it can be proofread. —efc

Addition — There was a huge variety of electronic devices involved, including laptops and phones. The not-so-subtle subtext here is that any device in the world can be armed with explosives and detonated intentionally or accidentally.

Good afternoon from New York —

Nothing says “all-digital conditions” or “world war on information” like using communication devices as bombs. And nothing says “this could get out of hand” like Mars entering into opposition to Pholus, the small cause with the big effect.

Somehow, pagers and walkie-talkies used by Hezbollah operatives were sabotaged during the production process, with explosives that were then detonated remotely, causing thousands of injuries and dozens of deaths in Lebanon over the past 36 hours.

And we thought these things were just fantastic spy devices. And fire hazards.\

The exploding pager incident comes three days after another would-be “Trump assassin” was spotted on a golf course, where he had been hiding for the 12 hours before Trump spontaneously decided he wanted to play golf with a donor. My colleague Jon Rappoport reports on that absurd nonsense below.

These two graphs have a lot in common.

Both incidents occurred in the run-up to the Full Moon in Pisces and a partial solar eclipse which was also a solar eclipse (correctly called an occultation by the Moon) of both Saturn and Neptune (podcast added below).

The charts have the solar eclipse in common, plus Mars in opposition to the Family Hunger Games aspect in Capricorn (specifically Pholus), which I compared to a detonator in last Thursday’s edition; and fast-moving Venus making opposition to the slow-moving Chiron-Eris conjunction that reaches full force in the spring.

So this was unusually powerful for a lunar eclipse. And these events are designed to emotionally engage us. Remember the basic properties of eclipses: events seem predestined; they concentrate; and there is a sense that there is no way back.

I want to note that while I’m mostly concerned with alcohol in the Pholus + Hunger Game business, there’s something to be said for people who are drunk on power, too.

Thanks to Jon Rappoport for the extensive work he has done on who the alleged, potential Trump golf course shooter was. I have included the text of his post below. Rappoport is the same journalist who in March 2020 provided me with four documents from the FDA and others proving that there could not possibly be a “covid test”, which led me to that long, long story.

Jeff Strahl, our resident historian, who was born in Palestine, contributed to the reporting. I will include some of what he has gathered in the comments that accompany this article on the Planetary Waves Substack.

Here’s his interview from this time last year about the history of Palestine (see standalone player). I can’t find my reading of the October 6/7 graph from last year, which concludes that both sides in this conflict are controlled by a single, common superior. It’s out there somewhere; if you find it, please post it in the comments. I did find the graph — it’s below.

According to my interpretation of this graph, both sides are the same side.

Ryan Routh, the alleged killer, has an extensive criminal history. He was arrested over 70 TIMES, from 1996 to 2014.

In 2002, he was convicted of possession of a fully automatic machine gun after a confrontation with police in North Carolina.

Prison sentence for that 2002 conviction?

According to press reports, NO TIME. ZERO. He was put on probation.


In fact, for the 70 charges and convictions for bad checks, receiving stolen property, drugs, weapons, traffic violations… Routh apparently either got NO TIME in jail at all or a very small amount of time. I can’t figure out which. Either way, it doesn’t make sense.

And THAT is a big red flag. What the hell was going on with this guy and his relationship with law enforcement all these years?

Oh, and by the way, the charge of possessing an automatic machine gun is called “possession of a weapon of mass destruction.” That’s what serious courts and judges consider it. Also, Routh resisted arrest at the time. And yet NO jail time. Only probation.

Okay, so this guy is a “special person.” Very special.

Did he have special connections with big people? With some federal agency that had plans for him?

Then we have Routh’s efforts to recruit men from various countries, including Afghanistan, to fight for Ukraine, in the “Legion,” a military group affiliated with the Ukrainian ground forces. And his apparent close ties to the Ukrainian military.

Independent reporters understandably conclude from this that Routh was in contact with the US military and intelligence community during his stay in Ukraine.

Let’s review: Military/intelligence connections; treated with kid gloves by police for over a decade; placed on a golf course to assassinate Trump.

Was Routh being groomed from 1996 onwards to be a hitman? A scapegoat?

And that’s why he was kept out of prison?

As I write this, we are being told an interesting story, to say the least. Remarkably, a Secret Service agent on the golf course happened to see the butt end of Routh’s gun just poking out of the bushes along the long line (?) of the woods.

The officer shot Routh, Routh fled, and there happened to be a witness who took a picture of Routh’s car and the license plate and called the police. Otherwise, the police could still be looking for an unknown person.

If this whole thing was planned in advance, what was the goal? Kill Trump? Stage a near-assassination and get the loser caught?

It’s quite possible that the Secret Service agent simply did a good job of seeing the gun sticking out. And it’s also quite possible that the witness who took a photo of Routh’s car and the license plate did a good job of that, too.

But it is also quite possible that we are dealing with a staged ‘almost murdered’ scenario here.

Anyway, this Routh is a strange man.

Unless his entire criminal record is a complete fabrication, and unless his avoidance of jail time is part of that fairy tale, there is MUCH more to know about him.

CODA: We’re told that Trump’s presence on the golf course on Sunday was a closely guarded secret. Golfing was essentially a last-minute, impromptu decision. So how did Routh know Trump would show up? A mole on Trump’s staff? A U.S. military/intelligence agency? In either case, an organized conspiracy is far more likely than Routh discovering Trump’s location on his own.

We now hear that Routh hid on the golf course for 12 hours. Wait. How in the world could ANYONE predict that Trump would show up and play 12 hours before he decided to? Is the claim that Routh hid in the bushes for that long a lie?

CODA #2: It’s entirely possible that staging a “near assassination” of Trump had another purpose: to suddenly make THAT story the biggest obsession for independent reporters who would otherwise be busy exposing BIG scandals that would turn voters AGAINST Kamala.

For example, the great scandal and national explosion of emotions focused on migrants (Venezuelan gangs, Haitians) and their Democratic henchmen. Reporters who are currently adding gruesome details to this migrant story suddenly switch 24/7 to reporting on “the assassination attempt on Trump.”

And nothing else.

This is how “diversion operations” work. They shift attention from one problem to another, causing the first problem to virtually disappear from people’s minds.

The diversionary plot — the attempted assassination of Trump — features a bizarre character, Routh, who provides food for thought for weeks. A 300-page book manifesto, miles of social media posts, a recent history in Ukraine of recruiting Afghan soldiers to fight Russia, and what appears to be a preference for waging nuclear war against Putin…

Targeting and scapegoating Routh works. It captures minds.

It’s causing amnesia about issues that could doom Harris. Her role in open borders, allowing the import of vicious Venezuelan gangs, and the destructive, pet-eating Haitians. There’s also the matter of the new whistleblower who says Harris was given tip-off questions ahead of the Trump debate.

And then suddenly it’s NONE OF THE ABOVE. It’s murder all the time.

A memory wiper.


–Jon Rappoport

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