The Second Murderer, by Adam Lehrer

There have now been two assassination attempts on Donald Trump in seven weeks. Assassin number one, Matthew Crooks, positioned himself on a balcony, raised a rifle and fired multiple shots, wounding the president and killing a supporter, before being killed by Secret Service officers who otherwise neglected their duty. The director of the Secret Service, initially defiant, eventually resigned after media pressure.


Trump’s second potential hitman, Ryan Routh, managed to hide in the bushes near one of the holes on Trump’s Florida golf course for TWELVE HOURS before he was caught and arrested.

What we know about Routh is that he owned a construction company in Hawaii that did little to no business, had many run-ins with the law, was a registered voter in North Carolina and recently voted in a Democratic primary, he also publicly supported Donald Trump and then retracted his support in 2016, and he became deeply, deeply obsessed with the Russia-Ukraine war. Like so many of these mentally unbalanced libtards, it seems that a single issue (or meme, Ukraine) propelled him into violent instability.

We still know almost nothing about Crooks, whose identity is so vague that it seems almost impossible that there isn’t someone or some entity hiding details about his life. His Wikipedia page claims his “political motivations are unclear,” as if shooting Trump in the ear isn’t a clear enough explanation.


In The perfect crimeJean Baudrillard says the media killed reality and got away with it. But did they? Only 30 percent of Americans claim to have any confidence in the media, according to Gallup, so it’s more likely that the media killed itself and, like a suicide bomber jihadist, took reality with it. Assassinations of political leaders used to be instant, iconic, historic, global news that changed the face of the future. Now? It’s a blip on the screen. The last time Trump was shot, I mindlessly numbed my brain by watching 90 Day Fiancé. This time I had literally just stepped out of my wife’s cunt when she, in post-coital ecstasy, picked up her phone and showed me the warning. In both cases, the general reaction of the American public is considerably more diverse and muted than it was to, say, the assassinations of the Kennedys or even Lincoln. And Lincoln had no television to broadcast his death.

I think anyone with a shred of perceptual awareness that hasn’t been completely ripped away from us by the media we consume can see the handwriting on the wall: someone in the establishment wants Trump dead so they don’t have to get away with stealing another election. Normally, these days, such measures aren’t even necessary to defeat enemies. Find a few women who will tell the press that your opponent jacked off to them (or something) and you’re good. Trump, however, is remarkably durable. The usual tactics simply don’t work on him, because he truly and transcendently doesn’t give a damn what people say about him. This is when the ruling machine must become the lowest form of itself: a mafia.

But who is the Don? There is none. It is simply a geopolitical quagmire of global interests acting as a single entity. While those opposed to him may think that Trump’s assassination is the act of a valiant knight doing the lesser evil by taking his sword to the mad king, in reality it is more like a built-in algorithmic anti-virus protection that seeks to purge the “bad data” (Trump) and hold the post even as the post withers away beneath the rotting wiring.

Was Routh a “CIA Agent”? Well, it’s really fucking weird that both potential assassins were in the same ad to raise money for the war in Ukraine, and it’s even weirder that Routh actually went to Ukraine to fight Russia. That said, I have no idea. We’ll never really know. We don’t even know definitively whether Charles Manson was really a CIA agent, even though he absolutely, obviously was. The only truth here is that Routh was a CIA agent in the same way that any covert consumer of the mainstream media would be. CNN, MSNBC, the NY Times, WaPo, ABC and the rest of them are of course all agents of mass brainwashing. Those who consume and internalize the contaminated information shared by these networks, these “SYSTEMS OF SYSTEMS”, are all subjected to MKUltraification of their cerebral cortexes on a massive scale.

If Routh was an asset, he is just one of millions. Knowing this, as they surely do, and not giving Trump the proper protection makes the Secret Service complicit. We are all complicit. We have all allowed this madness to destroy our nation. “The horror” Kurtz once imagined is so much worse when it spreads via internet-connected mobile devices.

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