Trump announces visit to Aurora, reiterates allegations of Venezuelan gang violence

Trump announces visit to Aurora, reiterates allegations of Venezuelan gang violence

Updated at 6:51 PM

Update: Aurora Mayor Mike Coffman told Denverite he welcomes the potential visit from the former president.

“Go ahead. Come here. I’m glad you’re coming here so I can show you that the narrative that’s been presented nationally about this city is not true,” Coffman said. “That there are no gang-controlled apartment complexes, that the city is not controlled by gangs, by Venezuelan gangs.”

Our original story continues below.

Former President and current Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump said he would visit Aurora, while repeating the false claim that the city of 400,000 had been taken over by a Venezuelan gang.

I’m going there for the next two weeks. I’m going to Springfield, Ohio, and I’m going to Aurora, he told the crowd at a campaign rally in New York on Wednesday.

Trump falsely claimed that Venezuelans were seizing large swaths of land in Colorado and that the governor was terrified and didn’t want to talk about it.

He added that law enforcement is afraid of these places because it is very violent. They have never seen people like this.

The existence of a Venezuelan gang in Aurora has become a major talking point for right-wing politicians and has dominated conservative media headlines in recent weeks. Police and local authorities say the gang, Tren de Aragua, has a presence in the Denver metropolitan area, but add that its presence pales in comparison to the activities of domestic gangs.

The allegations of gang takeovers stem largely from complaints by the owner of several Aurora apartments, who has been criticized for mismanagement and neglect of his buildings. Residents say crime is a problem, but they have also been the target of threats and intimidation since the story first broke.

Kevin J. Beaty/DenveriteA press conference at Aurora’s Edge apartment complex in Lowry to “set the record straight” about an alleged “gang takeover of the property.” September 4, 2024.

Republican Rep. Lauren Boebert welcomed news of a possible Trump visit to the state, where the influx of illegal immigrants into places like Aurora and Denver is unacceptable and unsustainable.

She continued her longstanding criticism of the Biden-Harris administration’s border policies, which she said have allowed dangerous gang members to enter our country to terrorize residents and undermine the safety of our communities.

More than 40,000 new immigrants have arrived in the metro area in recent years, many with pending asylum claims. The number of border crossings has dropped significantly in recent months after the Biden administration imposed significant new restrictions on the asylum application process.

However, Governor Jared Polis rejected negative characterizations of Aurora, saying that if Trump visits the city, he will find a “strong, vibrant, diverse city” that is “a great place to live, run a business, raise a family or retire.”

“It is clear that Donald Trump is deeply unpopular in Colorado and continues to distract people with his hurtful and damaging lies,” the governor said in a statement. “The state of Colorado has a zero tolerance policy for crime and we have secured millions of dollars in funding to improve public safety and I hope he does not bring with him a lawless or criminal element that can set us back.”

Meanwhile, Aurora Rep. Jason Crow also defended his city. He said previously that he has spoken to local and federal law enforcement, as well as city officials, and that there is no evidence of gang takeovers of apartment buildings, extortion rings, a lot of the things they’ve talked about are just not happening.

However, he added that isolated incidents of gang activity have been reported and that law enforcement is addressing them. Crow said politicians are only interested in the issue because they think they can politicize immigrants and refugees.

Aurora Mayor Mike Coffman and Councilwoman Danielle Jurinksy, who have been instrumental in raising concerns about the gang, issued a joint statement last week denying that the gang had taken over the city and rejecting claims made by Trump and the Colorado Republican Party.

“The issues at a few select properties do not apply to the city as a whole or large parts of it. The exaggerated claims being fueled by social media and some news organizations are simply not true. Again, TdA’s presence in Aurora is limited to specific properties, which the city has been addressing in various ways for months,” they wrote.

Trump has brought up Aurora during his campaign since his debate with Democratic presidential candidate Kamala Harris, as well as unsubstantiated claims about Haitian immigrants in Springfield, Ohio, many of whom are in the country legally and eat pets.

Trump, who has often spoken negatively about immigrants, has said that if elected he would initiate mass deportations, starting in Springfield and Aurora.




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