We often end up getting caught, after a futile but all the more motivated attempt at first-degree self-imitation

Bleeding followers on twxxter. I have been posting, no more than three a night to start, then two and now one unless Israel commits another unusually horrific atrocity (so on average two more than one), an image of a Harris *Flower Joy* poster above whatever horrific atrocity Israel commits to post it quickly

After a day of bathing in magafucks who fucked the shit out of me like only magastupid crackerchristers canaw a twwxt from Hillary Clinton bragging earlier that morning that she was Harris, Hillary Clinton coaches the necessary ipecac when a bad dose of sloppy glee over Gomer Gantry’s crazy fear blinds me to the equal evil that is my legacy team. This list is old but still tasty

When was the last time you thought about Boo Radleys, the black licorice of shoegazer bands? I forget what was controversial about the band and looking it up would be research. You can’t be a one-issue voter, you can’t make genocide the only issue in this election, a tenured professor at Hilltop told me yesterday, then launched into an impassioned argument that defeating Trump is the *only* issue that matters. Think how much further right the GOP will go between now and November, he continued, then abruptly said Needs to go after I said the Democrats will jump in to fill the vacuum on the right left by the GOP. Was curious and checked last night, he unfollowed me on twxxter, whether it was yesterday or sometime earlier during Joe’s genocide, I’m not sure

Anatomy of a pogrom: “The past few weeks have provided an object lesson in the durability and usefulness of blood libels in the United States
What JD Vance and Donald Trump Don’t Want You to Know About Springfield
Historical Precedents for Trump’s Attacks on Haitian Immigrants
“It is sickening to hear Hillary Clinton moralize against people like Rachel Maddow over Trump and Vance’s racist fear-mongering about Haitians, given the brutal treatment of Haitians by Bill’s administration and the Clinton Foundation.”
Some truth bombs at the UN I don’t think he meant the second meaning of the word *bombs*
Anything can be used as a weapon when the transnational ruling class OWN almost all planetary communications, production and distribution and can intervene in anything at any time, including the milk from your local ice cream shop. The point is to understand when you (will) become a target”
Who Lost Texas: A Report from the Shatterbelt
each accusation is a confession
A bottle of water by email: the hidden environmental costs of using AI chatbots Brazil is burning
Israeli threat to wage war against Hezbollah grows more serious
“Material and rhetorical support for the genocide of the Palestinian people is everywhere. It is time to ask why”
The armament of everything has begun
“The more definitive the evidence of Israeli atrocities, the less it is reported”
Turning people into involuntary suicide bombers to fight terrorism
“Israel could live stream Palestinians being put into gas chambers and the State Department would say they don’t have enough information to comment and that they are waiting for the results of an Israeli investigation.”
How I was colonized Rabbit is crucial
Freedom of Speech on the Internet: The Crisis of Epistemic Authority
What a lie is for Why Trump’s Lies About Haitians Are Different
Are sheriffs above the law?
One of the many reasons I don’t want to move to Michigan (where my daughter and son-in-law live and who I want to live near) is that there are no police departments, which sucks, only sheriff’s offices, which is much, much worse.
NYPD is one of the largest organized crime gangs in the world
There are so many armed cops in the subway that they are now shooting at each other
Death of Tupperware How natural are we?
The animals we fear most are disappearing
This has nothing to do with who John Mulvaney is, but everything to do with thirty years ago, when Mag Fields felt fresh, sharp, important and new and no one could have imagined their music would end up on Broadway to squeeze that 69 sponge out again, but yuck
Why You Can Never Tune a Piano
The Revenge of Art Waste container archaeology
Letters from Joe Brainard to Jame Schuyler


Frans Wright

From my cell I stared at a cloud, a dog rotting in the woods, etc., as I watched the long-awaited sequel to my Confessions. At that moment my hand was so far away that it looked like a tiny hairless spider whose progress I could barely help following, out of the corner of one eye, as it filled page after page of a postage stamp-sized notebook with words too small to read. I looked up and saw that my bars had turned to gold. And before I forget, I want to be the first to congratulate all of you who have not committed suicide thus far. Camouflaged and lightless congregation, the world will never know your names, never know what its debt to you is, or what you have suffered; with what ceaseless anguish you have sacrificed the one thing that everyone holds dearest, that most people have in common, the feeling of being completely different from everyone else – it simply disappeared at some point, after it had reached its sexually mature and winged stage. You had a great vision of it, but told no one. We have wrongly called death life and life death. You saw another world, and it was exactly the same as this one. This time you told everyone about it, until someone very politely asked you to be quiet. And the weather – everything you’ve heard on that subject is a serious understatement. The scarlet horrors were getting ready to come in for my shameful funeral, they were already swarming freely over my body. Then there was no weather. I can’t tell you how perfect it was. As it happened, I had been staring at the stars in the twilight, as I do more or less day and night, because I like to think they grow younger when I die, come along and tell me what you think. Under torture – a horrible form of tickling, for example – I think I would describe myself as a pretty good egg in hot water. Family motto roughly translates, April Wizards Bring May Snowstorms. We are often eventually arrested, after a futile but all the more lively attempt at first-degree self-aggrandizement; this is not the time for levity, we happen to be talking about a serious medical goodnight kiss. Traditionally, we are then held in a local psychiatric institution known for its celebrated alumni, although in recent decades secret and permanent socialist elements in government have ensured that the lowest scum of humanity now seem to have open access to those once hallowed halls stained with us shit and puke. What I mean is this: after a relatively short stay, we are invariably released with the blessing of a mad doctor or someone else, a mixture of relief and disgust from the staff, and the secret eye signal that gets you into any movie theater in Milwaukee for free for the next year. Some of us like to get together once a day, rain or shine, and gather secretly in the picnic area under those tall, tottering, candle-flaming pines, where neither moth nor rust can come, nor the faintest scream, and exchange obscene stories that border on satanic perversion, each getting his iridescent injection from the same oceanic martini, very dry, about two tears of vermouth, in a forgotten dream.

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