You can tell a lot about Hovde by the company he keeps

A few weeks ago, Eric Hovde became very defensive when it was revealed that at least one foreign government had money in his California bank.

I can’t even imagine how he feels now that it’s been revealed that his bank was involved in a $26.2 million deal with a Mexican bank with ties to drug cartels, money laundering, law enforcement issues and even bribing a Texas congressman, according to a report by Dan Bice of the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel:

According to a May article in the Wall Street Journal, Banco Azteca has struggled to do business with U.S. banks since regulators began enforcing rules to crack down on money laundering through drug trafficking, kidnapping and extortion. Many U.S. banks have cut ties with Banco Azteca over “risk and compliance concerns.”

For years, Banco Azteca held large sums of US dollars without being able to do anything about it.

The bank’s troubles reached a fever pitch earlier this year when a Texas congressman, Democratic Rep. Henry Cuellar, and his wife were charged with accepting $236,390 in bribes from Banco Azteca, which has been accused of trying to influence U.S. anti-money laundering laws. Ricardo Salinas Pliego, one of Mexico’s wealthiest citizens, is the head of Grupo Salinas, which owns Banco Azteca.

Now, it could be that Hovde is being honest in this situation and hasn’t done anything wrong, but even if you give him the benefit of the doubt, it’s a bad look for him. A look that’s even worse than that cheesy pornstache.

Making matters worse for Hovde is the fact that he spent so much time and money attacking Senator Tammy Baldwin, blaming her for the fentanyl crisis, and now he’s up to his ears in a bank accused of laundering money for the Mexican drug cartels. Then again, Hovde is also the same guy who somehow thinks he lives in Wisconsin. Here’s a pro tip for you, Eric: You can’t see the Pacific Ocean from Wisconsin.

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