New York’s Abandoning Premiums Leads to Backlash – Our Latest Podcast

Opposition is growing to a New York City program that relies on residents to report idling trucks, Land Line Magazine’s Jami Jones explains. Also, brokers are adding more contract requirements for truckers to follow—and that’s causing problems for truckers. And LED lights are allowing you to do things with lights that were never possible before. 4 State Trucks’ Bryan Martin discusses the pros and cons of LED lighting. And a found USB drive or Wi-Fi connection can plunge you into a cybersecurity nightmare. Jason Lutes and Aaron Phillips of OOIDA’s IT department explain.

0:00 – New York’s Leaving Premiums Behind Leads to Backlash

10:07 – What requirements do brokers place on contracts?

25:00 – LEDs continue to offer truck drivers a wide range of options

40:06 – The seemingly innocent can mean problems for your computer

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New York’s Abandonment of Premiums Leads to Opposition

Opposition is growing to a New York City program that asks residents to report idling trucks. Land Line Magazine’s Jami Jones joins Land Line Now to explain what’s happening.

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What requirements do real estate agents place on contracts?

We’ve talked many times on our show about reading the contracts you’re going to sign with brokers – and how difficult it can be because of the size, length, and complexity of those documents. However, as time goes on, brokers are adding more and more contract requirements that truck drivers must comply with.

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LEDs continue to offer truck drivers a wide range of options

In the past, the only option a truck driver had for lighting was the simple, old-fashioned incandescent bulb. But now, with the advent of LEDs, you can do all sorts of things that weren’t possible before. Bryan Martin, the owner of Chrome Shop Mafia in Joplin, Mo., discusses the ins, outs, ups and downs of LED lighting.

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The seemingly innocent can mean problems for your computer

Have you recently seen a USB drive lying around in a public place and thought about picking it up? Have you ever connected to public Wi-Fi at a truck stop, a restaurant, or anywhere really? You could be setting yourself up for a cybersecurity nightmare. Jason Lutes and Aaron Phillips from OOIDA’s IT department join Land Line Now with some handy tips for keeping cybercriminals at bay.

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