Lexington-based nonprofit supports sex trafficking victims

LEXINGTON, Ky. (LEX 18) — Last year, Kentucky’s National Human Trafficking Hotline received 328 reports of possible sex trafficking incidents. Of those calls, 178 victims were identified.

“The problem is much bigger than people realize,” said Jani Lewis, founder of the nonprofit Natalie’s Sisters.

Lewis points to sexual exploitation and sex trafficking in Lexington.

“Human trafficking is happening in every hotel in the city, in every city in Kentucky,” Lewis said. “Most of the women we’ve worked with don’t even realize they’ve been exploited or trafficked.”

From a legal perspective, sex trafficking occurs when someone is forced to engage in commercial sexual acts through force, deception or coercion.

“It could be anything from managing your finances to managing the medications they give you to a place where you sleep,” Lewis said.

Exploitation is defined as transactional sex in a relationship where one person abuses the power imbalance to control another.

Lewis is a survivor herself. As a single teenage mother, she felt she had no choice but to work in adult entertainment.

“It was a horrible job, it was horrible, it was degrading, and honestly I had to get high every night to get on stage, it was horrible,” Lewis said. “I had the impression, a false impression, like a lot of women, that I couldn’t do anything else because I hadn’t been to school.”

Now, at her North Limestone location, Lewis’s mission is to ensure women in similar situations know they have a choice.

“They can come in here, rest, eat and get supplies,” Lewis said.

Lewis said donations are always welcome. They are in need of food, specifically meals Monday through Friday. The nonprofit also gives out leggings, shirts and underwear to women in need on Mondays. If you want to drop off those items, there is a drop box at Gardenside Christian Church.

Natalie’s Sisters will also be hosting a free lunch on October 22. Anyone interested in learning more about their mission is welcome.

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