Nebraska Summit Focuses on State-Level Collaboration Against Human Trafficking

Attorney General Mike Hilgers | Official Portrait of the U.S. House of Representatives

Attorney General Hilgers announced the successful hosting of the Nebraska Human Trafficking Task Force Summit in Kearney, Nebraska this week. The event was attended by more than 200 individuals dedicated to combating human trafficking in the state.

“I’m pleased to see such a large turnout for the Summit. Events like this are a great step toward greater collaboration across the state. We want human traffickers to know they are not welcome in Nebraska, and we will continue to lead the fight to end human trafficking under our watch,” said Attorney General Mike Hilgers.

Keynote speaker Rachael Denhollander, an attorney, author, advocate and educator known for her work against sexual abuse and who was the first woman to publicly accuse USA Gymnastics team doctor Larry Nassar, addressed the crowd.

The Summit emphasized collaboration between law enforcement, advocacy groups, businesses, and government agencies. Presentations focused on labor trafficking and threat assessments for survivors of human trafficking.

Panels discussed the roles of nonprofits and businesses in combating human trafficking and protecting children from online exploitation. The Attorney General’s Office also released a new resource titled “Navigating a Digital Maze: An Online Safety Guide for Parents.”

Michelle DeLaune, CEO of the National Center for Missing & Exploited Children (NCMEC), emphasized the partnership between Nebraska and NCMEC in protecting children online and supporting families in reuniting with their missing children.

Attendees included representatives from police, victims’ organizations, child protection centers, medical professionals, public school staff and prosecutors.


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