Selangor Sultan disappointed with criminal activities related to GISBH

Sultan Sharafuddin said that according to reports received, most of the charitable houses under GISBH in the survey have been operating in various states in the country, especially in the state of Selangor, for a long time without registration as required by law. – Photo by Malay Mail

KUALA LUMPUR (Sept 21): The Sultan of Selangor, Sultan Sharafuddin Idris Shah, expressed his sadness over the news of the police investigation into criminal activities of GISB Holdings Sdn Bhd (GISBH) and its network.

In this regard, His Highness has decided that all charities and Islamic schools under the control of GISBH and its network that are not registered or suspected of being involved in criminal activities, including Sharia offences, must be immediately closed down and prohibited from operating in Selangor as a preventive measure to prevent further abuse of the children involved.

“The Selangor State Fatwa Committee is also urged to study the issues surrounding the GISBH practices and whether they deviate from or contradict the true teachings of Islam,” he said in a statement today.

Sultan Sharafuddin said that according to reports received, most of the charities under the GISBH investigation have been operating for a long time in various states of the country, especially in the state of Selangor, without registration as required by law.

The Sultan of Selangor said he was angry and disappointed that the issue had dragged on for so long and no effective measures had been taken to address the issue.

According to His Highness, the delay in the handling of the case is a sign of weakness in the monitoring and enforcement of the law by religious bodies against Islamic religious schools and charities associated with GISBH and its network, which has made the matter so serious and uncontrollable.

“Because I am aware that this is a serious matter and that it concerns Muslims in this country, I have called the chairman of the Selangor Islamic Religious Council (Mais), the director of the Selangor Islamic Religious Department (Jais), the Selangor police chief and some members of Mais into a meeting to get full information and identify the immediate steps that need to be taken to address this issue,” Sultan said.

Sultan Sharafuddin said after the meeting that he had instructed all Selangor Islamic religious bodies, namely Mais, Jais, Selangor Mufti Department and Selangor Syariah Prosecution Department, together with the Royal Malaysian Police (Selangor and Bukit Aman Contingents) to cooperate and take serious steps to conduct a thorough investigation.

The measure is intended to ensure that all parties directly and indirectly involved in the criminal offences are brought to justice and prosecuted.

The Sultan of Selangor warned all parties, especially the religious authorities, to take seriously the concerns surrounding the conduct of the GISBH group, especially when it came to children and the heretical teachings suspected to be practised by them.

The Sultan of Selangor said that all the serious criminal acts related to GISBH, based on the findings of the police investigation, have tarnished the good name and sanctity of Islam.

“Several pieces of evidence have been found leading to suspected criminal offences such as abuse of students, exploitation of children, forced labour, sexual offences including sodomy, committed in various charitable institutions including Islamic religious schools under the supervision of GISBH,” he said.

The Sultan ordered immediate and decisive action, without any compromise, against anyone who commits crimes against children or practices contrary to the faith, in order to preserve the sanctity of Islam.

“I don’t want us to be compared to an ’empty look’, which means we are only good at talking, but there is no result.

“We must adhere to the principle of ‘walk the talk or put your words into action.’ In addition, I have also called on all religious enforcement agencies and the police to conduct investigations transparently and always maintain the integrity and trust entrusted to them,” he said.

His Highness said that crimes related to practices contrary to Islamic beliefs have also been identified. It is suspected that these have also been committed at various locations of the GISBH group.

Sultan Sharafuddin advises parents and guardians who send their children to religious schools or charities to check the background of a school or charity so that they do not get stuck with schools and institutions that are not registered and offer questionable programs and teaching methods.

“This is to ensure that the children are properly educated and cared for and to prevent neglect and exploitation of the children.

“Remember that the children are a confidant of Allah SWT and it is the parents and guardians who are responsible for shaping a good future for the children,” he said.

Last week, Bukit Aman’s Criminal Investigation Department, through Op Global, searched 20 charities in Selangor and Negeri Sembilan believed to be linked to GISBH, rescuing 402 children and teenagers, including 201 boys and 201 girls aged between one and 17. – Bernama


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