The Dragon Mafia Chronicles by Lela Grayce

About The Dragon Mafia Chronicles by Lela Grayce

Don’t give drinks to a dragon mob boss. They bite. Zero stars.

A century ago, cracks in reality began to appear all over the world, allowing mythical creatures to enter our world.

Switching systems.

They all walk the Earth now in an established hierarchy of power. At the bottom of that chain are mixed-species Mutts… like me. My skills should be minimal. But after an unfortunate run-in with a dragon gang boss, his thirst for my blood quickly becomes his obsession. Violence. Seduction. Bitter betrayal. He will do anything to use me as a pawn in his dark agenda. My only ally is Kreed, a full-blooded Zavarian, who will put aside his own annoyance at being saddled with a Mutt if it means bringing down the dragons.

But when someone I trust betrays me, repressed memories come flooding back to remind me how destructive my power can be. No matter how I fight it, it rains ash and blood. When it falls, will I be the healer of the people…or their destruction?

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Author’s Biography:
Lela Grayce lives in a small college town in rural Wyoming. She is married to her best friend and hero. By day she is a working mother and wife, but by night she is lost in dreams, moonlight and delusions that she is, in fact, Batman.

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