John Briceño, Prime Minister and Minister of Finance, Economic Development and Investment of Belize, speaks during the general debate of the 77th Session of the UN General Assembly in New York on September 24, 2022.


WASHINGTON, DC, September 21, 2024 — On behalf of the United States of America, Secretary of State Antony J. Blinken today extends “warmest congratulations to the people of Belize on the 43rd anniversary of their independence,” Blinken said in an official statement posted on the State Department website and online.

“September 21 is not only an opportunity to recognize Belize’s independence, but also to celebrate the strong partnership between the United States and Belize, Blinken said. “Our enduring bond is anchored in our shared commitment to democratic values, the rule of law, and respect for human rights for all. Our values-based partnership is exemplified by our work together and in Belize’s remarkable leadership in supporting humane migration management through the Los Angeles Declaration on Migration and Protection, as well as serving as President Pro Tempore of the Regional Conference on Migration.”

The U.S. Secretary of State added: “Our respective and collective efforts to combat transnational crime and address climate change help ensure that future generations of our peoples have a safe, secure, and clean future. Finally, we are proud of our collective efforts to support generational, sustainable, and responsible economic development with the recent signing of the $125 million Millennium Challenge Corporation Belize Compact, a joint undertaking made possible by our deep partnership. The United States congratulates Belize and Belizeans everywhere as they celebrate their 43rd Independence Day.”

US Secretary of State Antony J. Blinken

Geographically located on the northeastern coast of Central America, Belize is bordered by Mexico to the north, the Caribbean Sea to the east, and Guatemala to the west and south. It also shares a water border with Honduras to the southeast.

Belize is a member of the Caribbean Community (CARICOM) and is considered part of the Caribbean region and the British West Indies.

The Maya civilization spread throughout the Belize area between 150 and 300 AD, and flourished until about 1200. European contact began in 1502–04 when Christopher Columbus sailed along the Gulf of Honduras. European exploration began in 1638 by English colonists, and both Spain and Britain claimed the land until Britain defeated Spain at the Battle of St. George’s Caye in 1798.

It became a British colony in 1840 and a Crown colony in 1862. Belize gained independence from the United Kingdom on September 21, 1981, and is the only country on the Central American mainland with a governor-general.

Oswald T. Brown is the Press Secretary at the Embassy of the Bahamas in Washington, DC

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