Former Prime Minister Imran Khan’s party stages major show of force in Lahore amid police crackdown

Former Prime Minister Imran Khan's party stages major show of force in Lahore amid police crackdown

The much-publicized rally by Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf was originally planned to be held at the historic Minar-e-Pakistan in Lahore, but after permission was not obtained from the Maryam Nawaz-led Punjab government, the rally was held on the outskirts of the city, at a cattle market.

Tensions rose in Islamabad after jailed former Pakistani Prime Minister Imran Khan’s Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI) party held a large rally, with police switching off lights and microphones after the 6pm deadline passed.

A large number of Khan’s supporters had gathered at the rally site in the morning following reports that police would seal off all points leading to the rally in the early afternoon.

The development is the latest in a series of events that have taken place amid heightened tensions between the PTI and the government. The rally itself was initially allowed to go ahead, but authorities later revoked the No Objection Certificate (NOC) due to security concerns.

Earlier this month, the PTI held a rally on the outskirts of Islamabad, prompting the local government to initiate criminal proceedings against its leaders for violating the agreement.

According to reports, 10 party members from the parliament in Islamabad have been arrested on suspicion of intimidating police at the site of the demonstration.

The government had allowed the PTI to hold the rally between 3 pm and 6 pm. The police had sealed off all entry points to the protest venue and switched off the lights and microphone system at 6 pm and forcibly took control of the stage amid protests by participants and PTI leaders.

This was the first PTI rally allowed to be held since the May 9, 2023 incidents, in which party supporters reportedly attacked military installations following Khan’s arrest.

Before police took over the crime scene, an AI-generated speech by the former cricketer-turned-politician was played at the rally.

“I will not accept this government of mandate thieves under any circumstances. They are corrupt people who are not acceptable to the people,” Khan, 71, told rally participants.

He also made the participants take an oath to protect the Constitution and not surrender to anyone.

Khan had earlier urged the nation in an article on X to participate in the jalsa (gathering) in Lahore with unwavering determination and dedication.

“Resistance against this illegitimate government is a responsibility that every conscientious citizen must bear. It is a struggle for the survival of our future generations,” Khan said.

The chief guest of the rally, Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Chief Minister Ali Amin Gandapur, had not yet reached the protest site when police stormed the rally and forced people to disperse.

Though the roads to the jalsa in Lahore were blocked with containers by the mafia regime, the Pakistanis still managed to reach the jalsa, said senior PTI leader Sheikh Waqas.

Federal Information Minister Attaullah Tarar meanwhile said the rally was a failure, denying that any road was blocked in Lahore or elsewhere.

On Friday, Khan, who has been in jail for 14 months, said: “The September 21 rally in Lahore is a matter of life and death for the PTI. The Constitution guarantees the right to assembly and if this right is denied, PTI supporters will storm the jails.” Khan also asked the masses to come out of their homes and participate in the September 21 rally.

On Friday, numerous messages were circulated on social media urging people to take part in the jalsa in Lahore.

With contributions from PTI.




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