You know I support Trump (Ebonics night tonight) and my friend saw Dad do some good things while I was there, great things for minorities, but BAG here produced a

2nd Assassination Attempt on Trump: Psychological Profile of a Radicalized Deep State Agent

Photo taken from the 2nd smartest pile.

Harris, he just fucks… but with finesse and nuance, but still he destroys everything.

I made some adjustments here and there to keep Papa T or Harris from messing things up.

‘A prosecutor and a criminal walk into a bar… No, let me try that again… a prosecutor and a criminal run for president. Bag wishes he could tell you, It’s just a joke…

How is it possible that every time there is a presidential election in this country, the people always choose between the lesser of two evils? In the last 40 years, no political party has managed to nominate a single candidate that Bag thought would do the country any good. The winners of those elections, regardless of the letter after their name, have ALL been drunk to whore sailors, provided jobs abroad, fueled the growth of the MIC (military-industrial complex), and accelerated our culture’s continuing slide toward Gomorrah. Making the drain spiralThe current version of the political clown auto world is presented as an option between a convicted criminal and the figurehead of DEI. And if I don’t laugh, I have to cry.

Trump supporters would be quick to claim that he is merely a convicted felon because his trial was… as Fielding Mellish would say… “A parody, a mockery, a farce.”Maybe his trial was indeed a sham, but consider this: His last campaign manager and his deputy campaign manager are both convicted felons, His national security advisor is a convicted felon, His chief strategist is a convicted felon, two of his trade advisers, his campaign fixer, his personal attorney, and his foreign policy advisor are ALL convicted felons. Even the CFO of his company is a convicted felon. Most of the people around Trump are convicted felons in one way or another. At some point, whether the process was legitimate or not, and it couldn’t behe should be judged by the company he keeps. Doesn’t Trump understand that?

Admittedly, the American justice system, which has branded Trump and his cronies as criminals, is utterly corrupt. In fact, the Justice Department aims to influence the outcome. Thomas Sowell has pointed out that “The widespread judicial corruption is evident in the fact that honest, hard-working people are terrified to walk into a courtroom, while real criminals stagger in and out.” Say what you want about Trump, but he doesn’t do it indeed have a swagger. It was on display outside the courtroom of his last criminal case, or for that matter, any of his 1/2 dozen visits to bankruptcy court. To couple his criminal record with his narcissistic, selfish, and nasty ways is just plain disgusting.

Unfortunately, Harris is no better. Her resume is consistent with her rejection of the “Ron Swanson” School of Management – ​​whose motto is: Never do anything half-heartedly if you can do one thing very well. In over a decade as a half-hearted district attorney, she transformed San Francisco from one of the most desirable cities in the world to live in into an absolute crime-ridden shithole, hellhole. Just now wasteShe parlayed that into a job as California’s Attorney General, where she destroyed jobs by regulating dozens of American companies (Tesla, HP, Schwab, Toyota, Oracle, et al.…) to move out of the state and take their money– while at the same time welcoming illegal immigrants and career criminals with open arms with many rapists and murderersand the homeless. Her time as a US Senator is another gigantic series express failures; she sponsored over 40 bills during her tenure, ranging from universal basic income to government-paid transgender surgeries to slave reparations… thankfully, none became law. None. But thanks to her DEI bona fides of gender and color over merit, she was selected as vice president, where she was named “Border Czar.” Of course, she did that half-heartedly, too, and flooded the US with a slew of rapists, gang rapists, radical, deadly gangs, muggers, stabbers, would-be bombers and real murderers.

While Trump’s personality borders on the unbearable and untenableHarris, if you can believe it, is a lot of worse. Her pretentious and condescending manner is truly Orwellian. Bag could handle being spoken to like a third-grader if it came from an Einstein-like genius trying to simplify his findings so that we plebs could understand them. But if he was spoken to condescendingly by someone who clearly is an idiot and an idiotAnd WHO is in the lower left corner of the IQ bell curve, well, it makes Bag queasy. Perhaps the most disturbing aspect of Kamala is her choice to run a tightly controlled campaign without press conferences, interviews, podcasts — or anything else that would allow us to actually get to know the person. As despicable as Trump may be and that can and sometimes he is (maybe despicable is too harsh a term here??)– he tweeted more and held more press conferences in one week of his presidency than Biden/Harris did in 4 years. Instead, we are left with only the carefully scripted, heavily filtered, sound-byte driven, focus-group tested, mainstream media version of who Kamala supposedly is.

What you don’t hear in the media is that Kamala got her start by sleeping with and is having an affair with her boss, the long-powerful mayor of San Francisco, Willie Brown. Yeah, it’s not gross, it’s a fact. Kamala Harris slept her way to the top. In exchange for occasionally housing Willie’s genitals, or in other words, his tackle boxshe was named San Francisco’s district attorney. From there, in true Peter Principle fashion, she has shown a remarkable talent for failing upward. And with remarkable skill and efficiency. Perhaps unparalleled. The primary motivation of her career is to amass more power for the sake of power, no matter the cost or the damage she leaves in her wake. She shares this trait with some of the worst rulers in the history of the planet—we’re talking Caligula, Nero, Pol Pot, and Stalin, to name a few. Yes, from a motivational standpoint, they’re her equals. Power-drunk, they all (including Kamala) have shown a casual disregard for the citizens they govern. Have you been to San Francisco lately? Have you seen our southern border? Bag is terrified by the prospect of a president who’s in it for power alone.

Trump is no saint either, but by comparison his shortcomings are innocuous and limited in scope. He is tasty. Because he’s been about money and power his entire life, those things don’t motivate him at all. Trump’s biggest flaw is that he’s a slave to his image, and cares far too much about what others think of him and his brand. His insecurities have shaped his entire persona into one long, disgusting exercise in self-aggrandizement. It seems like he’s making decisions based on what you think of him and that’s a big problem. He is a walking, talking modern-day version of Shakespeare’s King Lear. Trump’s primary motivation is legacy. It consumes him. His legacy.

Consequently, most of his decisions, like Lear’s, are made with an eye to how he will be perceived. If he wants the adoration of the citizens – and he does – he will handle it well. Although his insecurities and behavior are difficult, It’s hard to argue with the results of his first term. He’s the only president in Bag’s lifetime who didn’t get us into a war. He cut Bag’s taxes, maintained a safe border, and suppressed inflation. In this respect he succeeded and the people benefited. Even with the drama of his first term and it was a drama. Sometimes painful for the people with regard to the spectacle of the fraud COVID and OWS.

How broken is our system that the only two options we have in the upcoming presidential election are Trump, the Shakespearean tragedy…and…Harris, the power-hungry product of DEI. There is no question that they are both deeply flawed human beings. Deep. While Trump has some personality flaws, he at least has a track record. That gives me peace. I think in a sense he doesn’t mean to harm the country or the people. In stark contrast, with the exception of the possible manipulation of Mayor Willie Brown’s staff, Harris … has a record of complete failure. and actions that harm the population, such as the southern border. Bag assumes that Trump is therefore the lesser of two evils….

“What a sick joke.”

see original here and please support BAGHOLDER…

Electile Dysfunction – by Bagholder – Mytwocent$ (


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