Musk Stressed? – by Steven Jarvis


Musk has gained a lot of weight, which can happen when you’re under a lot of stress.

Musk is a key member of Peter Thiel’s PayPal Mafia, a group of largely anti-democratic Apartheid types who ran PayPal and subsequently consumed most American social media, seeking to replace traditional fact-based news with offensive, radicalizing content akin to Russian propaganda. Thiel told his underling to buy X. Two YouTube founders I won’t name control that platform. Reid Hoffman, the designated leftist, indirectly funded Yonder Inc, formerly New Knowledge, while Jeff Giesea oversaw operations along with Peter Thiel Fellow Renee DiResta. Reid also founded Linked-In, while various PayPal Mafia members have founded or been in a fair number of startups in the industry, including JD Vance at Rumble.

Along the way, Musk hired Susan Portnoy, or at least someone hired her as KassandraSeven, to terrorize his exes, Amber Heard, and supporters while she was embroiled in a lawsuit with Johnny Depp. Here’s a sampling of the Men-too operation that sees Susan twisting herself into pretzels to honor men’s nonexistent right to beat up women.

Musk would later hire Portnoy and Remi Barrette to run his racist N-word spam botnet, falsely claiming that he had solved racism by letting the Nazis back in and disabling moderation. Here, Portnoy again laid out the exact parameters necessary to carry out her mission for Musk: deleting N-word tweets, despite that not being public knowledge at the time.

Here are some key details that show most consoles failed, except 15, including Barrette’s and Andrew Auernheimer’s.

Let’s not forget that around the same time, Barrette stole his access and blocked two of his accounts, pretending to be an expert in disinformation while proving that he was a fraud all along.

Considering that Remi Barrette later rebelled, downloaded all personal user data and gave it to Chad Loder during the Ryushi hack operation, with Mike Rothschild’s conspiracy theory to clean up the fake Antifa 5000 Hitlist in response, is it any wonder Elon feels pressure?

Not only is he likely to be investigated for the deliberate collapse of Silicon Valley Bank that he, Thiel, and others engineered, he should also be investigated for his purchase of X and how he used his Russian Tenet brothers, Tim Pool and Benny Johnson, along with Thiel’s pet project, Project Veritas, to illegally register Twitter engineers to defraud investors of over a billion dollars.

Musk was scheduled to appear in court-ordered testimony on the matter on 9/10. He chose to “disappear” to the East Coast, informing the attorneys who had traveled to the West Coast that he had more important things to do, which he had scheduled at the same time as an excuse.

The SEC could ask questions about Benny Johnson, Tim Pool, and Project Veritas. Or they could ask about Musk’s use of New Knowledge to run his racist bot campaign.

That’s likely why Musk ran for office instead of running, knowing that this election could determine whether he keeps his ill-gotten wealth and power or spends years in prison.

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