You know things are really bad in America when Gangs in Chicago become MAGA supporters! This presidential election is so much more than voting for a person, it’s voting for our freedom, independence and safety!

Tyrone Muhammad, 53, a former Gangster Disciples enforcer who served 20 years in state prison and now runs a violence prevention program in Chicago’s inner city, warns that Chicago could “go up in flames” because of rising tensions between local gangs and Venezuelan immigrant criminals like Tren de Aragua.Matthew McDermott

Commentary by: Gordon King

When black gang members and former black gang members in Chicago support Donald Trump for president and criticize the Democrats for betraying them, you know things are really bad in America!

Chicago Gang Members Take On Newly Arrived Venezuelan Migrants: ‘City Goes Up in Flames’

The increase in violent crime in America in recent years can be directly attributed to our open southern border. Millions upon millions of illegal immigrants have not only been pouring into our country unabated, but have been rewarded for their actions. Many of these illegals are violent criminals, many of whom have ties to violent gangs.

The gang is all here – thanks to Biden’s open border: The BorderLine

If American gangs see that members of illegal immigrant gangs are better off than they are because of government assistance, then of course they will be angry. And rightly so, and rightly so!

Thanks to Joe Biden and Kamala Harris our country is rapidly turning into a third world country, a dangerous place to live, a hell hole! They have not only allowed dangerous gang members, but also all kinds of criminals and terrorists, and millions of military age men from all over the world, including China!

It is only a matter of time, my friends, before Americans in general fight back and do what they must to protect their families and communities. When more people see their own government doing things that actually hurt them and make life better for illegal immigrants, things are going to get ugly and bloody. It is not a question of if it will happen, but when it will happen if things continue as they are!

When a government turns its back on its own people, when it locks up its own people and lets illegal immigrants who commit crimes walk free, then the government has gone wrong.

If the government no longer protects its citizens, what are citizens supposed to do to protect themselves?! If they allow illegal criminals to walk free, harass, rape, murder and steal from American citizens without any consequences for their actions, then we as American citizens have lost our rights, freedoms and dignity.

A vote for Kamala Harris is a vote for open borders, increased crime rates, dismantling the police, confiscating guns, destroying our economy and energy supply. It is a vote for illegal immigrants and illegal immigration, violent illegal immigrant gangs and terrorists, a vote for more homeless Americans, more inflation, and more instability and violence in the world! A vote for Kamala Harris is more weaponization of the government against opposing American voices and political opponents, more censorship, illegal mandates and draconian dictates. A vote for Kamala Harris is a vote for tyranny!!!

You may not like Donald Trump as a person, you may hate his personality, but we don’t vote for a personality, we vote for someone who can lead us in the right direction, someone with a passion to save America. We vote for a person with integrity who does what he or she says he or she will do, and Donald Trump has proven that during his presidency!

Donald Trump has policies on every area of ​​our lives, a secure border, a growing economy, lower taxes, lower inflation, job creation and growth, a strong military, defunding the police, safe streets and neighborhoods, freedom of speech and religion, etc. Donald Trump is actually for the people, unlike Kamala Harris who is for a global government! She has no substance, she has no policies other than to continue with the status quo.

Donald Trump is not afraid to do interviews on TV, he is not afraid to meet people and talk to them, he is not afraid to debate his political opponents. Kamala Harris is a lot like Joe Biden, she hides, afraid to do unscripted and unsupported interviews. Her speech is rambling and makes no sense, just like Joe Biden!

She supports one thing, but changes her mind at the last minute to get more votes. What is her policy? Does anyone really know? Even most Democrats don’t know, but they still vote for her because she is not Donald Trump! They do not vote out of common sense, but out of hatred and resentment towards Donald Trump. They do not get their information from reliable sources, but from the Mainstream Media, the propaganda machine of the left, the Global Elite, they have been brainwashed to believe lies!

If Kamala Harris becomes the next President of the United States, then it’s game over for us as a nation!

This is the most important presidential election of our lifetime my friends, the most important! If we don’t vote, we will get what we deserve for not voting. I understand that many Americans feel cheated by the results of the last election, myself included. But that shouldn’t stop us from voting now! Whether they cheat or not, it is our civic duty to vote, it is our God given duty. We need to vote en masse to drown out any cheating that may be taking place. It is reported that approximately 40 million Christians in America do not vote, that is a shame and it could be our undoing in America, especially for Christians! If even half of those Christians voted and voted for Donald Trump, he would win in a landslide of epic proportions!

Vote my friends, encourage your friends and family members to vote, vote for godly values, not a candidate! While I agree with most of what Donald Trump says and stands for, I don’t agree with everything. But he is the most qualified candidate, not just to sit as president, but to run for president! He has proven himself when he was the sitting president, he did what he said he would do, and that my friends, is integrity.

Vote and pray, pray that the good Lord will bless us with Donald J. Trump as the 47th President of the United States of America! Vote for the protection and wisdom of both Donald Trump and J.D. Vance. In Jesus name, Amen.

God bless my friends! Maranatha! Look up!!!

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