Isaac Hayes, Scientology and Mark Ebner

Today on The Daily Beast (and at Yahoo news) we have a fun and surprising update on why Isaac Hayes quit South Park in 2006 after his successful career as Chef. This update is based on a secret Scientology memo.


We were especially excited that the memo contained some nasty digs at Mark Ebner, who Scientology has never forgiven for briefly joining the organization so he could write his murderous 1996 exposé for Spy Magazine, “Do You Want to Buy a Bridge?”

That piece had one of the best openings of all time, when Ebner challenged Scientology to attack him in the manner it is known to do…

I am an ex-drug addict who has solicited prostitutes in my time. I have also masturbated and inhaled at the same time, and I have been arrested more than once in my life. I dropped out of high school, and I have been under psychiatric treatment. Oh yeah, and I owe the IRS about six grand, which they are well aware of.

In the language of Scientologists, the above information mirrors what they include in their “Dead Agent Packs” — dossiers of all the dirt they dig up on people who are critical of their “religion.” Often they spread damaging information like this to the friends, family, landlords and employers of anyone who dares to speak out about — or worse, publish anything derogatory about — the “church.” So what I’m doing here is Dead Agenting myself before we even begin, getting ahead of them.

What a classic.

And Mark reminded us that he did later see evidence of the Fair Game investigation that Scientology had targeted him with, when Marty Rathbun posted it on his blog in 2011.


March 27, 2006


Mark Ebner does not appear in any of the PI databases or on Nexis with a current whereabouts. The last place we knew he had been was with a woman named (DELETED), but checks of her apartment showed he did not live there.

We learned from a media source that Ebner is currently living at (REDACTED)’s home – which is located in North New Hampshire, about five or six blocks north of the complex, near Los Feliz. Ebner’s van was not at (REDACTED)’s home late last night, but was found there this morning. He had been there all day, in and out of the home, walking his dogs, or talking to Derrick. Ebner was also given a large envelope and was seen coming out of the home with several documents.

(REDACTED) is a friend of Ebner’s who protested with him in 1997/1998 (but has not protested since). She used to work at New Times, which no longer exists. In 2002, (REDACTED) was married to (REDACTED), a character actor, and the house in New Hampshire is registered in his name. According to a Nexis search, it appears he still lives in the house, so (REDACTED) appears to still be married and Ebner is simply a friend living in the house. This will be verified.

Special collections are being done at this location, which will give us more information about Ebner and (REDACTED) and what he currently does (Note: “special collections” is a euphemism for rummaging through trash). He still drives the old 1972 VW bus that he used to plaster with anti-Scientology posters and bumper stickers, but they have now been taken down.

In compiling his connections and timeline, Ebner is part of a clique of lower-class writers/bloggers who hang out in the LA area. For example, he is friends with Peter Collum, a writer for the LA Weekly and Hollywood Reporter with whom he co-wrote a book. Ebner and Collum went to “Porndance 99” about six years ago to discuss/review pornographic films. He is friends with Luke Ford (a writer/blogger) who also covers porn. Both Ebner and Ford have written attack pieces on the “velvet mafia” the powerful gays (like Geffen) in Hollywood.

While we are looking at Ebner’s current situation, his files are being reviewed for his past connections that he may still be associated with. He listed a number of them when he had the Drastic Media website ((REDACTED), Peter Collum and (REDACTED) are all listed on this site as part of Drastic Media).

A media source who knows Ebner is investigating what Ebner is working on and for whom. Another source he knows also wants to contact him to learn more about his relationship with South Park.

Ebner mostly freelances for various media outlets, including Star Magazine, others will be discovered. Ebner has been very protective of his writing assignments and this is a major vulnerability we need to work on – as he doesn’t seem to appreciate much else. (When we used his own posts and actions against him to show that he is totally biased against us, it has gotten him into trouble with the media he writes for, for example he was fired from Rolling Stone and he got into trouble at Radar and threatened to sue Karin for “black PR” of him).


And of course, Ebner has been entertaining us here at the Bunker with his ongoing adventures. Last time he was on our podcast, he told us a wild story about Tom Cruise’s director buddy, Chris McQuarrie!

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Thanks for reading today’s story here on Substack. For the full picture of what’s happening in the world of Scientology today, join the conversation at, where we’ve been reporting on David Miscavige’s cabal daily since 2012. There you’ll find additional stories as well as our popular daily features:

Source code: Actual Things Founder L. Ron Hubbard Said on This Date in History

Come on, comrades: Snapshots from Scientology’s Years at Sea

Heard in the Freezone: Indie Hubbardism, One Thought at a Time

Past is prologue: From this week in history on alt.religion.scientology

Random Hello: Your daily dose of the Captain

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