RFK Blue To Red, White Sox & White Flag, Longest Game, Cubs & Cuba, Barry Bonds, International Tennis to Baseball – NewClear

Reconciling Baseball & RFK

  • 08/23/2024 ROBERT F Kennedy Jr. Suspends Presidential Bid and backs Donald Trump
  • 08/23/2024 D. ROBERT Jansen To Make History by Playing for Blue Jays and Red Sox in Same Game

Playing for BLUE (Democrat) and switching to RED (Republican) as CATCHER!

A message sent that RFK. Jr would be earnestly helping Trump in this campaign.

FIRST TIME IN MLB HISTORY playing for both teams in same game, so it’s a symbol uniquely distinctive to a Democrat helping a Republican in the game!

Tho this is the first time, there are similar cases MLB History and I found one to decode!

You can see both games listed in the small list of “notable suspended games for unusual circumstances”

Specifically, it’s a 2008 game that will help clarify how these comms are used!

  • 04/28/2008 HRC Comeback Against Obama
  • 04/28/2008 I Kissed A Girl: Katy Perry Debut
  • 04/28/2008 Famous Suspended Game Chicago White Sox Tie 3-3

Back and forth Obama/HRC hence tie game.

“I Kissed a Girl” likely to be comeback of HRC but “SUSPENDED GAME”

And when did it resume?

  • 08/25/2008 Chicago White Sox Resumed Game Wins 4-3
  • 08/25/2008 Obama/Biden DNC Accepting Nomination

Same player reaching base for 2 different teams in games played same day!

Which given this was a boon for CHICAGO which was Obama’s state….

This fits my prior takes on that race which had it be HRC’s turn, but she was about as unexciting as a candidate as there could ever be.

So, by virtue of how much enthusiasm Obama managed they switched to him and decided to do the gender angle next time. https://x.com/NewClear314/status/1806465618528604180

Keep in mind that “I Kissed a Girl” is a particularly famous song, and the core of it is experimenting with a GIRL instead of a GUY.

As in why not try picking a female candidate instead of the typical man?

Song is a attempt to meme a PUSH FOR HRC it’s not subtle at all.

Had HRC thrived instead of sank I suspect it may have even become an anthem of sorts.

The promotional shift in her campaign can likely be traced back to that exact moment and that suspended game was the marker or possibly even announcement.

This also likely unlocks Katy Perry as a comm as “Perry” is a symbol I’ve discussed in past decodes as opening up a new territory. (PERRY = FIRST TO OPEN JAPAN) https://x.com/NewClear314/status/1718769394070049183

When connected with “Katy” (Cat?) with tons of female subtext in songs and character implies pumping up all things girl.

As soon as I realized the symbol it allowed me to decode symbols attached to her most famous work.


  • 08/24/2010 Katy Perry Top Album: TEENAGE DREAM (California Girls)
  • 08/24/2010 HUNGER GAMES MockingJay: Female Author + TEENAGE GIRL AUDIENCE BEST SELLER

In case you were wondering what Hunger Games itself symbolized, the answer is social media. https://x.com/NewClear314/status/1687186371021262850

Anyway, a symbol for a push for women in the spotlight.

The next one at a glance won’t seem to be about Baseball, but it’ll get there!

Teddy Bear Cub(a) Decode

The Teddy bear was originally called the “Teddy’s Bear” and it was created to celebrate the decision of Teddy Roosevelt not to kill a bear.

It is the most popular stuffed animal type and a symbol I’ve only ever half decoded so it’s time to finish!

It is a symbol for SAFETY.

The story itself is literally the story of an animal being condemned to death but is instead protected against all harm.

I’ve found enough patterns to be confident it’s used in modern contexts to convey this idea.

One of the most recent ones…

  • 10/23/1978 Garfield TEDDY BEAR INTRODUCED
  • 10/23/1978 Treaty of PEACE AND FRIENDSHIP between Japan and China

END OF HOSTILITY. And this international connection will be relevant later.

The comics just before that had Garfield introduced to Odie for the first time and acting murderous.

He then had a change of heart with the Teddy Bear. The very next Odie comic they switched to friendship.


Much like Garfield it’s also about MERCHANDISING.

  • 10/27/1858 New York, NY: Teddy Roosevelt Born
  • 10/27/1858 New York, NY: Macy’s Founded Largest Dept Store in World.

This begs the question of what the Teddy bear originally meant. https://x.com/NewClear314/status/1815413022489493953

Why a BEAR? Why 1902?

Ever hear of the 1901 Chicago Orphans?

Probably not, but in 1902 they became known as the CHICAGO CUBS.

  • 1902 Chicago CUBS (BEAR)
  • 1902 Teddy Roosevelt Spares BEAR

This doesn’t itself answer intent, but it gets us much farther in the right direction!

What other major world events were happening in 1902?

  • 1902 Chicago “Cubs” first named alluding to the YOUNG INEXPERIENCED PLAYERS.
  • 1902 Republic of CUBA Begins with AMERICAN CONTROL ON MONEY




If that’s the correct answer all we have to do is dig a little deeper into those “CUBS” to find out.

Like for example why were they called the “Chicago ORPHANS” before that?

The answer….

They became the “Orphans” because they lost their Pop named “Cap Anson for the 1898 season.

  • 04/11/1898 POTUS asks Congress for permission to use military force to end the Spanish rule of Cuba
  • 04/15/1898 Chicago ORPHANS First Game


Notice his name was “CONSTANTINE” a symbol of a fallen empire!

These baseball comms were coordinating a new shift in American policy.

This explains why 1901 is when the MLB went “BIG LEAGUE” It actually went both bigger and smaller which really fits with this.

1901 MLB: American LEAGUE Established

  • 09/02/1901 Teddy Roosevelt BIG STICK DIPLOMACY Coined (BECOMES INFAMOUSLY TIED TO CUBA/Puerto Rico American Imperialism)
  • 09/06/1901 Mckinley -> TEDDY


All of this supports my hypothesis but to understand the precise intent of what was meant when TEDDY SPARED A CUB we have to look at the precise history of CUBA in relation to that famous TEDDY BEAR ORIGIN story.

I believe the CUB/CUBA connection is meant not to be specific to “CUBA” but instead the symbolic locals versus Imperialists.


Thus it can be applied not just to CUBA…

  • 11/11/1902 Origin of scandal that spares Venezuela

That SCANDAL was the publication of a WHITE PAPER revealing the “iron-clad” agreement to screw Venezuela INFURIATING THE PRESS

This forced Britain & Germany to back down instead of finishing it off with the blockade.


This “scandal” was then likely coordinated to allow themselves to exit the situation without destroying the country!

It may seem a more obvious solution to simply leave, but I don’t think it’s that simple.

I think there has always been massive money backing shakedowns like that. They probably can’t simply leave, but a small portion of the many involved can trigger a scandal to force it!

Anyway, it’s important to note this origin of “American Imperialism” which by some measures kicked off with this Spanish American War.

It happens as Baseball massively expands and a number of symbols may have been created to coordinate these new efforts.

Sports remains my weakest subject so this is just a hypothesis for now, but if correct it will help me work out more.

In 1901 there were two Chicago teams and they switched names.

  • 1889 Chicago White Stockings -> 1903 Cubs
  • 1900 Chicago White Stockings -> 1904 White Sox

Recently the White Sox has made the news for a record breaking 17 game loss streak, the 2nd massive loss streak of the year.

“joked of a four-hit game in the majors because the two natives of Venezuela chatted beforehand.”

Interesting given all the Venezuela news?

A lot of news right now with Venezuela and CIA TAKEOVER FAILURE.

Might the White Sox have a symbolic tie to that?

I stress again I’m speculating here. This is my weakest subject and I’m testing a variety of possibilities.

That prior losing streak final loss was

  • 06/06/2024 White Sox lose to Red Sox 2-14
  • The biggest loss of the streak…
  • 06/06/2024 SpaceX first complete launch FLIGHT 4
  • 06/06/2024 Roaring Kitty returns

Tho what, if anything, it means is unclear atm. https://x.com/NewClear314/status/1798939494261080504

Recent Musk tweets focusing on the Venezuela Maduro election scandal.

Might this be prep for what we will see in our own election soon?

The history of American Imperialism….

I’d like to figure out to what extent it was viewed as civilizing versus outright thievery,

And as I was researching “American Imperialism” I noticed the legal framework for American control over Cuba was the “Platt Amendment”

  • 02/25/1901 Platt Amendment Introduced by O. Platt
  • 02/25/1901 J.P. Morgan Incorporates U.S. STEEL
  • 03/02/1901 Platt Amendment Passed
  • 03/02/1901 J.P. Morgan Merger Forms U.S. Steel via Merger


Define “Plat” = a division of land used to section off territory for incorporating.

  • 1602 Amsterdam 1st Stock Exchange (Only place to trade with Japan)
  • 1665 New Amsterdam becomes New York
  • 09/10/1845 New York: Earliest Baseball Game described in Newspapers next day (09/11)
  • 09/10/1845 Amsterdam Upgrades STOCK EXCHANGE 1st Modern Economy

Trading goods?

  • 09/10/1845 Amsterdam STOCK EXCHANGE Upgrade
  • 09/10/1845 New York: Earliest Baseball Game described in Newspapers next day (09/11)
  • 09/23/1845 Earliest Baseball rules preserved by New York Knickerbockers

Ireland is close to Amsterdam…

Might this new global trade have resulted in mass harvesting and sold on the global market?

An excuse of a “POTATO BLIGHT” given to starving people. 1 MILLION DEATHS.

A horrible thought, yet entirely plausible

Earlier I connected baseball to foreign base building and it’s the same spectrum.

  • 1872 Montgomery Ward 1st MAIL ORDER CATALOG
  • 1880 Montgomery Ward writes catalog PERSONALLY
  • 1880’s it becomes largest in country.

Global trade included SLAVERY as big business which is why these fit.

  • 1865 = Civil War ends
  • 07/23/1866 Cincinnati Red Socks (Red Stockings) founded first All-Professional team
  • 07/24/1866 Tennessee first state re-admitted into the Union after the Civil War

International coordination would become more prevalent with new tech allowing long coordination.

  • 03/07/1876 First PHONE CALL in history
  • 04/02/1876 Phone patent
  • 04/20/1876 Crime of the Century: April Uprising
  • 04/22/1876 MLB First Game ATLANTA BRAVES (RED CAPS) 1st OPENING DAY

Coordinating outrage events?

White Sox

09/04/2024 Worst team in MLB history? 120-loss record inevitable for Chicago White Sox

Given sports is rigged, what might this mean?

The origin of the Chicago White Sox name comes from the Chicago Cubs.

  • 1876-1889 Chicago White Stockings -> 1903 Cubs
  • 1900-1903 Chicago White Stockings -> 1904 White Sox

The owner “Comiskey” was said to have stolen the name for built-in brand awareness in Chicago.

“CUBS” likely ties to the takeover of CUBA

  • 09/28/1906 CUBA President Resignation: U.S.A. TAKEOVER
  • 09/29/1906 CUBA Established as Provisional Government by POTUS TAFT
  • 10/09-14/1906 CUBS Lose World Series to White Sox
  • 10/13/1906 CUBA Provisional Head Appointed by POTUS TAFT

This is reinforced by the history of Cuba in relation to the USA.

  • 03/27/1902 Chicago “Cubs” Nickname First Used Alluding To Being Young.
  • +2
  • 05/27/1902 America Establishes Diplomatic Relations with Cuba Legation

Republic of CUBA Begins with American controls.

Before they were the Cubs they were the ORPHANS.

  • 04/11/1898 POTUS asks Congress for permission to use military force to end the Spanish rule of Cuba
  • 04/15/1898 Chicago ORPHANS First Game With Name

The origins of takeover as well as Pro Baseball.

Control of “BASES”?

Not the only connection with POTUS.

  • 1902 Chicago CUBS (BEAR) nickname begins
  • 1902 Teddy Roosevelt Spares BEAR (CUB)
  • 1902 US Established Diplomatic Relations with Cuba ENDS MILITARY OCCUPATION
  • 1903 Chicago Cubs First Official Game


  • 09/02/1901 Teddy Roosevelt BIG STICK DIPLOMACY Coined (TIED TO CUBA American Imperialism)
  • 09/05/1901 Minor League Baseball Forms
  • +1
  • 09/06/1901 McKinley Shot -> TEDDY Roosevelt
  • +1
  • 10/06/1901 FIRST American League Season Ends


Controlling “Bases”

The POTUS connection is especially meaningful when we consider the history of Taft.

  • 10/09-14/1906 CUBS Lose World Series to White Sox
  • 10/13/1906 CUBA Provisional Head Appointed by FUTURE POTUS TAFT

This gives us not just CUBS/CUBA but a hint to what White Sox likely invokes.

Because TAFT is also name shared by the man that SOLD THE CUBS!

  • 1909-1913 U.S. PRESIDENT TAFT
  • 1913-1915 Federal League
  • 1913 Federal Reserve: Central Banking Comes to USA
  • 1916 TAFT Sells CUBS to Federal League Owners

Federal League joins MLB through CUBS.

It seems likely the FEDERAL LEAGUE joining the MLB was as a vehicle to represent Central Banking interests.

  • 04/14/1910 Taft First Presidential Pitch for Opening Day Baseball Season
  • +2 Years
  • 04/14-15/1912 TITANIC SINKS

Titanic -> FEDERAL RESERVE https://x.com/NewClear314/status/1818741108329136143

And since they took the Cubs, in 1916….

Hershey begins to acquire land there in 1916, but I’m not sure if that implies a deeper connection with global banks.

I’ve not done a deep enough dive into them to say one way or the other.

It was just what came up in a search.

But let’s return to the White Sox as a symbol.

Their symbol has its origin as being stolen from the Chicago Cubs as their prior name.

Cubs tied into COMMUNIST CUBA which is interesting as the White Sox Nickname is CHISox.

It sounds a bit like Chicoms, nickname for China.

The name was specifically stolen by a man named “COMISKEY”

A name that sounds Russian, and he is nicknamed COMMY which is another symbol tied to communism.

By itself I wouldn’t think much of this, but it seems like it’s starting to point in a direction.

  • 10/26/1931 Comiskey Death: White Sox Owner
  • 11/07/1931 Chinese Soviet Republic declared CCP
  • 11/06-07/1917 October Revolution Russia Seize Power
  • 10/06/1917 White SOX WINS World Series

That 1-month delta between the White Sox winning the World Series and the October Revolution is the same template modern military collaborations use.

1 Month then a major incident hits. https://x.com/NewClear314/status/1810994648699027936

But none of this clarifies precisely what the White Sox symbolizes, but the overlaps do suggest a connection with international and communist changes

I’ve struggled to clarify this one, and I have a new hypothesis.

These comms began with the White Sox “Comiskey” stealing the name from the Chicago Cubs…

The Chicago “White Stockings”

It begs the question of why that symbol was chosen in the first place!

When I looked up the origins of the “White Stockings” I learned that they had a famous first game with their debut in the National League.

Note one of the 2 founders of the National League just so happened to be dominating force in that first game spectacle!

So famous that all future shutouts were known as CHICAGO games for the next 30 years!

  • 04/25/1876 Chicago White Stockings First National League Game SHUTOUT against the Southerners 4-0
  • 04/25/1876 CRIME OF THE CENTURY: First Insurgent Towns Attacked In the April Uprising

Given so many other comms tied into international takeovers, this may be the case here as well.

This April Uprising in the Ottoman Empire is a key domino on the way to World War 1!

In which case my new hypothesis on “White Stockings” Is in a white flag


This in conjunction with the Russia connection could explain what we see with the White Sox having the worst year in history.

Russia is having an equally bad year with Ukraine invading

I suspect that narrative of Ukraine dominating Russia is one that will eventually get resolved post Election as we learn the shenanigans going on with the Biden Administration.

The endless funnel of tax money allowing Ukraine to win, but also likely lining corrupt pockets!

It’s the the most generic bad thing people know about Biden is that he has hands in the Ukraine cookie jar.

Ukraine’s money flow could easily be part of the narrative that gets deconstructed in the near future!

One connection that this idea of “defeat/surrender”

  • 10/06/1917 White SOX WINS World Series
  • 11/06-07/1917 October Revolution Russia Seizes Power

Of course for that to happen another party had to lose.

  • 08/20/1915 “Shoeless” Joe Jackson traded to White Sox
  • 08/23/1915 Emperor Nicholas took control of Russian Army
  • 03/15/1917 Emperor Abdicates throne ending Russian Empire (1721-1917

Shoeless Joe Jackson is often the center of talks around the “BLACK SOX scandal”.

The intentional throwing of the game to the REDS by the White Sox in 1919.

Arguably the most famous baseball movie 1989’s Field of Dreams is based around that story.

A second chance for Shoeless Joe to play. Both times in history coinciding with Russia/Soviet Collapse!

That Black Sox Scandal had other effects as well, as it created a new position that RULED OVER BASEBALL.

The commissioner position.

It also coincided with the cleanup of play as they removed the SPITBALL.

My hypothesis atm is tied to international gaslighting.

As in a promise to stop forcing wars with the international press.

This coincides with the end of the first RUSSIAN RED SCARE

Note that there were 17 Pitchers given excemptions from that rule to stop spitballs.

The final one had their last game…

  • 09/18/1934 USSR Allowed to join League of Nations
  • 09/20/1934 Grimes: Final Spitball Pitcher Game Played

The international ties is something I’m exploring.

  • 04/12/1972 Ping Pong Diplomacy: First Group of Chinese visitors to USA since 1949
  • 04/13/1972 End of First MLB Players Baseball Strike In History

Trying to determine affiliations and control. https://x.com/NewClear314/status/1819122769092841563

I’m still bad at sports so these threads take longer with less clarity than other types, but I’m trying to improve.

I have a lot of hypothesis and some are surely wrong, but extensive testing will clarify the right directions over time.

More White Sox….

So the owner of the White Sox was from the start Comiskey “Commy” and his family held the rights until 1959.

Which “coincidentally” was the first in 40 years they made it back to the World Series!

A game with Armageddon air raid sirens?

If my theory about DEFEAT/SURRENDER for White sox is correct, what might this mean?

  • 02/08/1959 Bill Veeck to Buy White Sox from Comiskey Family Announced
  • 02/08/1959 “WILD BILL” Donovan Founding Father of CIA and VIETNAM OPERATION SETUP Death

Note Bill Veeck left the White Sox and returned in December 1975, The very same month Vietnam was fully taken over by the North Vietnamese!

The end of the Vietnam War!

I suspect I’ll gain some clarity by drilling into these patterns…

  • 12/16/1975 Vill Veeck Investor Group finishes Purchase of White Sox
  • 12/16/1975 “Gang of Four” Affiliate Kang Sheng Death – expelled posthumously from the CCP

This ties us further with the Vietnam/Nixon/China transition I’ve covered heavily! https://x.com/NewClear314/status/1825498523267367135

The big clue seems to be the death of “Wild Bill” the origin of the CIA.

Not just same name and date, but reported as heavily involved in Vietnam operations.

His symbolism must be key to the transition, and likely tied to ending both Chinese & American involvement.

  • 06/12/1942 Anne Frank Gets Famous Diary
  • 06/13/1942 CIA Forerunner Office of Strategic Services Begins with Will Bill Donovan as Director
  • 06/14/1942 Anne Frank First Diary Entry

It fits given the Paperclip connections

  • 06/13/1942 ROOSEVELT Creates OSS. Hides Nazi’s with Paperclip.
  • +1
  • 06/14/1942 Anne Frank Diary begins (published years later with Roosevelt foreword)

The environment necessitating spooks = Outrage at Nazi atrocity. https://x.com/NewClear314/status/1714793388858597724

Another likely marker for that CIA predecessor.

  • 06/13/1942 CIA Forerunner
  • 06/14/1942 Anne Frank First Diary Entry
  • 06/15/1942 I Love Lucy Origin: “Are Husbands Necessary”

Movie about overcoming differences by ADOPTING.

2 parties into one operation! https://x.com/NewClear314/status/1762036010219958753

A symbol for two governments cooperating in one joint operation mutually beneficial to overcome international hostility!

Divorce on I Love Lucy with Cuban husband overlaps with American Cuba divorce same timeframe! https://x.com/NewClear314/status/1762039016290165200

Another famous White Sox Game…

  • 10/12/2005 Famous White Sox ALCS Game “The Strike Mechanic”
  • 10/12/2005 Shenzhou 6 TWO CHINESE ASTRONAUTS In 2nd Chinese Spaceflight Program


Remember that Chinese Gang of Four connection Death tied to the White Sox World Series?

  • 04/21/2005 Gang of Four China Death
  • 10/22-26/2005 White Sox Wins World Series 4-0
  • 12/23/2005 Gang of Four China Final Member death.

That explains the 2!

And this is a template I’ve covered before!

  • 02/02/2021 SPACEX: Elon Musk Warns of Civilization collapse if we don’t leave Earth soon.
  • 02/02/2021 Rush Limbaugh final program before death
  • 02/02/2021 Jeff Bezos Announces retirement
  • 02/17/2021 SPACEX: ISS Space station docked
  • 02/17/2021 Rush Limbaugh death
  • 02/02/2021 Musk: Civilization collapse if we don’t leave
  • +20
  • 02/22/2021 Prince Phillip fake Obituary
  • +22
  • 02/24/2021 Statue of Queen Elizabeth Beheaded
  • 04/09/2021 Prince Philip death
  • 66,6: Epstein Death: 66 years + 6 Months 202Day
  • 99,9 Philip: Dies 99 years + 9 Months 303Day

I forgot to mention the relevant part White Sox in relation to “Surrender” here

That critically the White Sox LOST THE WORLD SERIES when Bill Veeck Took over.

The prior wins related to successful TAKEOVERS, but of course Vietnam continued for decades! https://x.com/NewClear314/status/1831806762099601729

The 2005 World Series meanwhile could relate to Iraq…

  • 09/08/2004 Iraq War: Battle for Fallujah
  • 10/15/2005 Iraq Milestone: FREEDOM ELECTION Vote on Constitution
  • 10/22/2005 White Sox Beats Houston Astros World Series


The fact the White Sox beat HOUSTON of all teams makes me think this is a symbol to convey the USA wouldn’t be acting as the puppeteer for Iraq,

but I’ve got a way to go before I can read that deeply into it!=. (at least with sports) https://x.com/NewClear314/status/1713943182457901178

It reads well that way because it’s not just Houston, but the ASTROS – so in effect asserting it wouldn’t be a SATELLITE STATE.

If that’s the case I may be able to apply that to dig deeper into the Astros with that as a guide!

Longest Game Decoded

  • 05/09/1984 Longest MLB Game in history ends 44 players, 753 pitches, 25 innings White Sox win
  • 05/09/1984 Beginning of the end of the USFL: suggestion to move the USFL to the fall dooms league.

4 Year LONG BATTLE END MARKER https://www.law.berkeley.edu/sugarman/Sports_Stories_USFL_v_NFL__-_Boris_Kogan.pdf

Extremely long game used to mark the end of a long fight?

Without the comm the meaning of the sudden change in USFL stance (sabotaging themselves) would not have necessarily been clear. At least that’s my hypothesis.

I was just trying to crack the White Sox as a comm.

Another Longest Game….

  • 04/18-19/1981 Longest Pro Baseball Game RED SOX VS RED WINGS PUT ON PAUSE FOR MONTHS
  • 04/20/1981 Chernobyl LEAK Precursor to disaster in 1986

REDS = Communist

REDS VS REDS being Russia internal conflict.

On HOLD message. https://x.com/NewClear314/status/1736321647777570864

Another longest game…

  • 04/05/2012 LONGEST OPENING DAY Blue Jays beat Indians in 5 Hour 16 inning game 7-4
  • 04/05/2012 SCANDAL Show Begins: LONGEST LIST OF Prime Time Show

A symbol for something that’ll be going for quite some time?

And as for what….

“Longest” is a show about political scandals.

Combine that with the winner being a BLUE BIRD and my best hypothesis is coordinating political drama on social media.

This is somewhat supported by the first Paris Hilton picture on Instagram. A famously scandalous person posting with the first pic being lingerie.

“Scandal” the show and the real version of scandals we get all the time.

Another longest game…

  • 10/08/1912 Longest World Series By Innings with 75 Total, first to ever go over 10 for a deciding game
  • 10/08/1912 First Balkan War begins a sequence of events that trigger World War 1

A symbol of LONG.  https://x.com/NewClear314/status/1814284830592631187

This may help clarify how Giants can be used as symbols.

Clearly if this is symbolizing the Balkan War then the “Giants” who lose must be the Ottomans whose giant territory was carved up post loss. Losing 83%!

1919 White Sox Game Fixing Decoded

In 1919 the White Sox threw the World Series to the Reds.

It remains the greatest rigging scandal in history and given I’ve often shown how all pro sports are rigged…

Why would they expose it?

Reconcile history!

  • 10/11/1919 RED ARMY BEATS WHITE ARMY In FIRST Successful Counteroffensive In Russian Civil War


Directions sent to THROW THE WAR and let the REDS KEEP RUSSIA?

Battle by battle…

  • 08/20/1919 White Army Beats Red Army
  • 10/09/1919 White Sox Throw World Series to Reds

A transition point?

A famous baseball movies centered around the aftermath.

A movie about building a baseball field so the disgraced ghost of “Shoeless” Joe Jackson could have another game.

This could imply that what was coordinated in 1919 was inverted in 1989.

What happened 1991? https://x.com/NewClear314/status/1776981615757193241


A lot of comms coordinate that one,

I’m not nearly good enough at sports comms yet to be certain, but there are still more avenues we can gain clarity here.

I believe the reason this comm took the form of a baseball scandal was to funnel interest into Pro Football which was starting at this time.

  • 08/11/1919 Green Bay Packers Founded
  • 09/19/1919 Plot to throw the World Series begins

Not to replace Baseball, but to give the sport legs comparable to baseball which had long dominated.

That’s why this scandal continued to kill baseball attendance throughout 1920 and 1921.

  • 09/17/1920 NFL Founded

Attendance was breaking records just before the scandal.

Most of the focus historically is on “Shoeless” Joe Jackson and I believe that’s because his symbolism itself implies his own loss of position with a loss of shoes. https://x.com/NewClear314/status/1687279628271112194

The first USSR Chess Championship happened around this time.

  • 10/01/1920 Claude Williams confesses to his role in the Black Sox scandal.

Chess strikes me as suitable for warfare symbolism, but I’ve not cracked the history.

“Shoeless Joe” coordinating his own downfall may reflect efforts to switch regimes.

  • 08/20/1915 “Shoeless” Joe Jackson traded to White Sox
  • 08/23/1915 Emperor Nicholas took control of Russian Army
  • 03/15/1917 Emperor Abdicates throne ending Russian Empire (1721-1917)

But I’m speculating here as I need to more fully understand baseball history to be confident.

It’s clear at times it’s used to coordinate foreign base building so this fits perfectly for those times. https://x.com/NewClear314/status/1818878523890942227

I find it interesting the earliest I can find of that nickname “Shoeless Joe Jackson” is the week after TITANIC SINKS.

I can’t find an exact origin reported, but the archives prove it couldn’t have been widely used until around this time!

The “Shoeless” Joe Jackson may specifically be a reference to Joe Stalin whose father was a shoemaker.

Given it was his Red Army that was the opposition to the White.

He wasn’t the head guy until 1929, but still a major leader during this time.

It’s clear there is awareness of future importance. https://x.com/NewClear314/status/1807703780194156801

Never was that more obvious than in 1913!

1913: When Hitler, Trotsky, Tito, Freud, Stalin all lived within walking distance of the King Emperor of Austria-Hungary

Right after Titanic, prep for what?

I’m still trying to understand the “Bigger Picture”

International Sports

Until 1993 the only pro sports league in Japan was baseball.

They are the wealthiest sports league in Asia and 2nd out of all leagues for attendance behind only the MLB.

The MLB is also the only baseball league with more money than them.

Soccer is the world’s top sport, but notice the exceptions!

  • Japan = baseball
  • China = basketball
  • USA = football, baseball, basketball, hockey

One is not like the others!

But decoding why USA has so many big sports is another thread (Bretton Woods) this is about Japan!

How did baseball get so big in Japan that it ruled as the lone pro sport until 1993?

The wiki asserts the league can be traced back to 1934, and that’s the perfect place to start.

Because 1934 has a unique distinction when it comes to international baseball.

1934 is where the league traces its origin, to the signing of the first pro contract in Japan.

Notice that player joined the pro baseball circuit June 6, 1934 but in 1935 joins the MILITARY and in 1936 Japan creates a PRO LEAGUE and he switches to baseball until drafted.

1934 was the year Babe Ruth went to Japan for a promotional goodwill tour to play against the first Japanese Pro Baseball Team.

A famously successful one I’ve discussed before, they had other goodwill tours before it, but those are barely mentioned anywhere.

Babe Ruth is described as “the first celebrity of the mass media era”

A “movie star, newspaper columnist, vaudeville performer and pitchman for every conceivable product.”

Suffice to say his star power has been said to have helped Japan grow baseball.

His 1934 tour culminated in playing the first Japanese Pro Baseball team.

The most famous moment had the star Japanese pitcher strike out Babe Ruth, Gehrig, and Foxx in consecutive order.

He was offered an American Pro Baseball contract, but refused.


As in these were efforts to make Baseball big in Japan, and we can best see that by what else happened in Japanese sports that year.

Why did baseball become the only pro sport in Japan?

Why 1934?

What sport was big before baseball took over?

Did you know they used to have big Tennis sports stars?

Probably not, but they did, and they made it all the way to the top of the international tennis world.

In 1933 one reached the rank of 3rd best in the world!

Can you guess when he died?

  • 04/06/1934 NYT: Japanese Tennis Star Ends Life Off Ship
  • +2
  • 06/06/1934 First Pro BASEBALL CONTRACT JAPAN


I should have led the thread with this bit as it’s a massive find, but context is always so critical!

Anyway, this tells us a lot about pro sports as a comms vehicle.

Note the story from his wiki. https://ja.wikipedia.org/wiki/%E4%BD%90%E8%97%A4%E6%AC%A1%E9%83%8E

“I just can’t play tennis.” He also criticized himself for leading the Japanese team, saying, “I don’t know how to apologize to the Japanese Empire for this disgrace. I think my crime is worse than death.”

A sudden bucket of water on Tennis from which it never recovered!

His five Grand Slam semi-final appearances and 32 Grand Slam singles wins are the most in Japanese tennis history

A Japanese man had not reached the quarter-finals of a Grand Slam singles match since Sato at Wimbledon in 1933.

But the important line here is this: “I JUST CAN’T PLAY TENNIS”

As in they were shifting all gears to baseball as the uber sport and it has dominated ever since!

I’ll remind you that “deaths” are rarely what they appear in the world of celebrity.

Anyway, there’s a lot I’m digging into internationally.

I’ll keep going until I’m able to draw a straight line across history and the globe to explain it all! https://x.com/NewClear314/status/1802691417212400065

There were quite a few American Baseball Japanese goodwill tours!

1913 is the first that had a major league team there in the form of the Giants and White Sox, and I believe there’s something important to that!

Looking through the tours, this 1913 first big league set coincided with three of the most important events in US/Japan history!

These international digs I’ve just started likely have more potential than any other type of dig I’ve ever done!

  • 02/01/1913 U.S. Major League Tour Japan First Reported
  • 02/15/1913 PORT OF SEATTLE Construction (FIRST U.S. GATEWAY TO JAPAN)
  • 10/10/1913 Panama Canal Connects Atlantic to Pacific Ocean (OPENS USA To Farther East Trade!)
  • 10/11/1913 Baseball TOUR OF THE WORLD Reported
  • 12/01/1913 Ford’s Assembly Line Starts
  • 12/06/1913 Chicago White Sox and NY Giants in Japan

It’s important to note this was a WORLD TOUR, not just Japan, but that fits given the Panama Canal revolutionized U.S. and world trade!

The Seattle connection in particular is telling as that was Japan’s U.S. port!

So as they finished up the Panama Canal allowing further trade they were doing the necessary steps to push it farther!

Geography is important, and as you can see the Panama Canal was essential for Japanese trade!

Returning to the Japanese Tennis Pro….

  • 04/06/1934 NYT: Japanese Tennis Star Ends Life Off Ship
  • +2
  • 06/06/1934 First Pro BASEBALL CONTRACT JAPAN


Less than a month before his suicide became engaged and it was a major part of the story.

  • 03/20/1934 Jiro Sato Engaged to Reporter for Tennis Fan
  • 03/20/1934 Nuclear Bomb Milestone: Fermi Discovery of Neutron-induced Artificial Radioactivity.

Nobel Prize winning work!

Barry Bonds

MLB Drug Scandals: Barry Bonds & Columbia

If you look up famous MLB Drug scandals you’ll find Barry Bonds & the BALCO steroid scandal at the top of many lists.

There are other major drug scandals at the top of those lists tho and if we reconcile two of the biggest ones…

You’ll find the Pittsburgh Pirates Drug Trials alongside the Barry Bonds Steroid scandal.



Famous for drug scandals Barry Bonds began playing with the same team involved in the last major drug scandal 20 years earlier as it happened!

  • 02/1986: MLB Commissioner suspends 11 Players for Pittsburgh Drug Trials
  • 05/1986: Barry Bonds Pittsburgh Pirates Debut


In 1985 it was COCAINE at the heart of the scandal.

  • 10/16/2004 Barry Bonds exposed in secret recording for drug use.
  • 10/16/2004 Miss International won by Miss COLOMBIA

Columbia = synonymous with COCAINE DRUG CARTELS.

The moment when the scandal exploded just so happened to be the same day “Columbia” was elevated as “Miss International.”

Too specific to be coincidence.

Heck I only found this connection because the Drug Trials had that as a related case.

Even tho I’m confident in this connection, it doesn’t mean I know yet what it precisely means.

But I do have enough clues to push further.

For one thing it’s comms tied not to steroids and the MLB but instead to the actual global drug trade.

Barry Bonds played for the COCAINE SCANDALIZED PITTSBURGH PIRATES from 1986-1992, but he became the top paid superstar in MLB when he switched teams.

Barry Bonds

  • 1989 = 360k Pirate
  • 1990 = 850k Pirate
  • 1991 = 2.3 M Pirate
  • 1992 = 4.7 M Pirate


1992 = 43.75M SAN FRANCISCO

We have to keep that Cocaine origin in mind….

  • 12/08/1992 BARRY BONDS BECOMES TOP PAID PLAYER MLB: San Francisco trade 6 YEARS
  • 12/08/1992 “COKE” Trademarked for Coca-Cola

Coca Cola famously tied to COCAINE.

Comms require we understand the pieces contextually, and so we have to understand what exactly Barry Bonds represented.

Well, the most famous thing about him before drugs was his record breaking Home Runs.

He became the new “HOME RUN KING” surpassing Babe Ruth.

In fact almost all of his “most famous moments” are simply records tied to home runs. (usually it’s specific games)

The symbol of “Home Runs” as best I can tell are tied to “Bases” as in moving people around and setting up ops.

So given we are talking about drugs…

Bonds began MAY 1986

Same month Chernobyl was “Contained”

So it could be tied to the U.S.S.R. transition away from criminal global acts.

I cover it frequently, and drug trade is surely a big one mixed in, I just never pinpointed it until now.

Tho that’s just a hypothesis for now, we need more patterns.

For example… COLOMBIA

  • 10/16/2004 Barry Bonds exposed in secret recording for drug use.
  • 10/16/2004 Miss International won by Miss COLOMBIA

Columbia = synonymous with COCAINE DRUG CARTELS.

2004 + Columbia?

Search 2004 + Columbia and the first result in 2003 Columbia disaster.

  • 2003 Columbia Disaster leads to end of Shuttle & Domestic NASA Launches.
  • 2004 Columbia wins MISS INTERNATIONAL first time ever held in CHINA.

This may give us a clue as to intent….

Especially when I reconcile this with 1986 again, because that Columbia disaster is the 2nd Space Shuttle disaster after the 1986 Challenger.

This is of course the same year Barry Bonds began.

The transition of “Launches” setting up bases?

The next shuttle launch after the disaster is in 1989…

  • 08/08/1989 FIRST SPACE SHUTTLE LAUNCH AFTER 1986 Disaster forced delay

Remember it was tied to the RUSSIA transition.

Which is why I suspect the “Launch” was somehow connected to that setup.

Exchange for cooperation that is.

  • 08/08/1989 GAZPROM Largest Russian company setup.
  • 11/09/1989 Berlin Wall Torn down

Ok… that’s literally as many decodes as I can fit in this post. I can’t even link the telegram like I usually do at the bottom without breaking it… (check any other post at the bottom to get to that!)

I have been covering sports a lot and I like to keep these posts subject oriented, so I’ll save the rest for another post!

As a final thought; White Sox historic losing season about to break another record!

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