Mugshot Monday: Most Wanted in Colorado Springs Area | Crime and Justice


Pikes Peak Area Crime Stoppers is asking the public for assistance in locating the following individuals for whom an arrest warrant has been issued.

Brittany Alexandra Bowman — age 30, 1.52 m tall, 59 kilos, with brown hair and blue eyes. She is wanted on suspicion of aggravated robbery, assault 1, aggravated threats, violent crime, criminal impersonation and trespassing 1.

Andrew Benjamin Burton — age 33, 6’2″ tall, 330 pounds, black hair, brown eyes, wanted on suspicion of failure to register as a sex offender, theft endangering one’s own life, identity theft, attempted murder 1, violent crime, assault 1, habitual criminal, theft, and possession of a weapon by a previous offender.

Nikita Maxim Dunlap — age 31, 5 feet, 6 inches tall, 200 pounds, with blond hair and blue eyes. She is wanted on suspicion of assault 2, intimidation, crime of violence resulting in death or serious bodily injury and assault 3.

Derek Durel Fuller — age 36, 1.98 meters tall, 73 kilos, black hair and brown eyes, wanted on suspicion of sexual abuse of a child by a confidant and sexual exploitation of a child.

Jasmine Monique Jackson — age 27, 5 feet, 3 inches tall, 130 pounds, with black hair and brown eyes. She is wanted on suspicion of burglary 2, trespassing 1, assault 3, and theft.

Donald Lemar Lambert Jr. — age 23, 1.83 meters tall, 75 kilos, with black hair and brown eyes, wanted on suspicion of assault (strangulation) and intimidation.

Damion Alexander Padilla — age 21, 5’8″, 125 lbs, black hair, brown eyes, wanted on suspicion of menacing, engaging in juvenile delinquency, prohibited use of firearms, violation of protective order, and intimidation.

Carl Ronnell Rogers — age 30, 1.88 meters tall, 113 kilos, with black hair and brown eyes, wanted on suspicion of burglary 1, threats and vandalism.

Stay anonymous

If you have any information about these fugitives or a serious crime, call Crime Stoppers at 719-634-7867.

You do not have to give your name and you can earn a reward of up to $1,000 if you report information to Crime Stoppers.

A list of fugitives wanted in the Pikes Peak area can be found on the Crime Stoppers website:

People with the following Crime Stoppers numbers should call 719-444-7866: 277-M26521, 277-W26601, 277-M26524, 277-M26602, 277-M26948.

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