Candidate for DuPage County Board District 2 in 2024

Laura Hois is a Republican running for DuPage County Board District 2.


Party: Republican

Wanted office: DuPage County District 2 Board

City: Downers Groove

Age: 66

Occupation: Former corporate lawyer, owner of law firm

Previous positions: Town Clerk, Downers Grove Township (2013-17)

Why are you running for this office, whether for re-election or for the first time? Is there a particular issue that motivates you? If so, what?

I am running for County Board to better represent the people of District 2. The need to balance the Board with more conservative members is clear. Spending decisions have been made to satisfy left wing political agendas from the top down in the Biden administration. While hardworking families and business owners were dealing with mask mandates, vaccination mandates, job losses, business closures, and high costs of living, the County budget ballooned to over $625 million. Where is the heart for taxpayers? The Board supported soft on crime policies, expanded government oversight, DEI initiatives, health department directives, and coordination of illegal immigrants from Texas being put on trains to Chicago. These actions diminished the constitutional rights of citizens and created hardship. We now know that the CDC and health department “guidelines” were false and misleading. People have lost faith in government. The citizens of DuPage County deserve to know the truth.

If you are an incumbent, describe your key contributions. Tell us about key initiatives you have led. If you are a challenger, what would you bring to the board and what would be your priority?

Restoring public safety will be my #1 priority. Financial responsibility will be my #2 priority. I will stand up for the citizens of DuPage County to put them first. People have been hurt and angered by radical leftist policies that have robbed them of their peace of mind, their livelihood, or their ability to find work (a young white male is not likely to be hired by the public library where WOKE hiring practices rule the day). The wealthy elites get richer while we the public in the private sector get poorer. Every. Single. Day. Crime in DuPage County has increased 500% in the last few years. The sheriff’s office has lost 33 officers. That’s not good for anyone. The County Board voted to significantly increase the budget, along with the DuPage County Health Department’s lockdowns and “safeguards” that did more harm than good. The Health Department’s budget increased 50% from 2020 to 2021.

Describe your position on the current balance between expenditure and income of the province. Then describe the biggest threats you expect in the future and how the province should deal with them.

My Position: County officials have a duty to prioritize American citizens and adhere to the U.S. and Illinois Constitutions when making spending decisions. Recent reports show the county budget is balanced with a $18.9 million surplus at the end of 2023 and a plan for 2024 to use the county’s ARPA allocation for various purposes. The biggest threats I see looming in the future are: increased crime, declining math/reading scores in schools, negative impacts of diversity, equity and inclusion programs such as anti-white discrimination, the harm caused by gender bias in public institutions, higher taxes to pay for “freebies” for illegal immigrants and higher income individuals and businesses leaving Illinois. The people are the sovereigns: they should tell the government how they want their tax dollars spent. Government should work for us. Goal: smaller government, lower taxes.

Should there be more bipartisanship and cooperation in the county board? If so, what would you do to make that happen?

Yes, absolutely. Bipartisan cooperation and meaningful debate would be nice, but it doesn’t happen often enough. Some members of the County Board do not give law enforcement the respect it deserves to function properly. An attitude of “we have the power” (regardless of what you say) persists despite opposition. DuPage County is now governed by Democrats with an 18-member board consisting of 11 Democrats and 7 Republicans. The Democratic County Board Chairman is pushing health care and personal initiatives (e.g. taxpayer-funded mental health and substance abuse treatment) supported by Congressman Sean Casten, who is known for his desire to decriminalize fentanyl and take away constitutional rights. At the same time, our federal government allows open borders and drug cartels to thrive, while the state government facilitates the invasion. Where is the resistance to this from within the County? What we need now is to achieve balance, or better yet, regain a Republican majority on the board.

Earlier this year, some suggested that the 1996 state law that created a separate forest preserve in DuPage County should be repealed and the forest preserve returned to county government. Do you support that idea? Why or why not?

The state of Illinois has by far the most government agencies of any other state. Illinois has the second highest taxes in the country. Yes, I would like to overturn the 1996 state law and return the Forest Service to County Board control. As I go door to door in this campaign, I see that many people have already left DuPage County for other states, like Tennessee or Florida. People I meet tell me they want to get out of Illinois as soon as possible. According to Wirepoints, the net loss of wealthy, young workers in Illinois to other states is increasing, September 14, 2024. Productive people are being pushed out of Illinois, creating a higher tax burden for those who have to stay. This is not sustainable. Government growth must be reversed in favor of pro-small business policies to support the private sector and allow young people to stay and thrive in Illinois.

What do you think about the condition of the county fairgrounds in Wheaton? Should the county play a greater role in improving and maintaining the structures on the grounds?

My husband and I took our grandson to the county fair this year and last year. We enjoyed the fair but have noticed that the condition of the fairgrounds has deteriorated. In my opinion, improving the fairgrounds should be postponed until the county’s spending is reevaluated to relieve taxpayers. Many families are struggling to pay their bills, with higher gas and food costs, the last thing they need is tax increases to pay for more expenses. The people of DuPage are fed up, tired and angry. I would vote now to keep the fairgrounds but not improve them.

What do you think about consolidation? Should the county play a greater role in streamlining and consolidating local government? Why or why not?

I support consolidation to keep taxes under control. However, it is not the solution to what is troubling us. The ideological divide is the real problem that needs to be solved. To serve the people of DuPage County, we need to balance the board so that all voices can be heard. Many people share my view that our current District 2 board members do not speak for me or for half the people of DuPage. I am a conservative who knows that we must act now to save our country, one county at a time. We the people do not want socialism. We do not want communism. We do not want more lockdowns or mandatory vaccinations. We want election integrity. We demand quality, merit-based education for our children, not Marxist indoctrination and sexualization. We did not ask for “fundamental transformation.” We want national sovereignty, closed borders, freedom, life, liberty, and the constitutional values ​​of the United States as interpreted by our Founding Fathers.

What role should the region play in combating the opioid crisis?

The County Board should combat the opioid crisis by standing up and speaking out against the powerful forces that made it possible (Big Pharma and the federal government) on behalf of the citizens of DuPage County. We need county leaders to say “no more.” The opioid crisis began in the mid-1990s when OxyContin was promoted by Big Pharma and approved by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA). Then the heroin market was expanded to attract people who were already addicted. A third wave of deaths occurred from illegal synthetic opioids like fentanyl. It has been left to the pharmaceutical industry, not regulators, to educate and advise prescribers on how to minimize risk. The profit motive is powerful. Often, government employees who leave government agencies join the pharmaceutical industry. It is a circular problem that has not been checked. The taxpayers of DuPage are paying the price. Dr. Richard Jorgensen is excellent and has been as effective as he can be in his role as County Coroner.

What role should the province play in increasing the number of affordable homes in the region?

The county should support (but not partner with) private construction companies with incentives to develop affordable housing in DuPage County, where and when feasible.

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