Child sexual exploitation: Odisha supports Supreme Court verdict

Sexual exploitation of children

Sexual exploitation of children: In light of the recent Supreme Court ruling, the State will implement the ruling, which unequivocally states that viewing and downloading child pornography is a criminal offense. This landmark decision sends a strong message that the State will not tolerate any form of sexual exploitation of children. It reinforces the responsibility of every citizen to protect our children and ensure their safety and well-being. The State firmly asserts that ignorance of the law will no longer serve as a defense for those who exploit or endanger minors.

According to the law, engaging in child pornography, whether through viewing or downloading, is a serious crime that must be fully prosecuted. The state reaffirms its commitment to maintaining strict legal frameworks aimed at eliminating sexual exploitation of children in all forms. The state will enhance coordination with law enforcement agencies to effectively combat the distribution and consumption of child pornography. This includes the establishment of special task forces to investigate and prosecute such crimes.

In line with the recommendations of the Supreme Court, the State will invest in comprehensive support services for victims of child abuse, and provide them with the care and resources they need for recovery. A zero tolerance policy towards child sexual exploitation. Citizens are encouraged to report suspicious activities to the authorities to protect vulnerable children in our communities. The State expresses its gratitude to the Supreme Court for its decisive action and leadership in protecting the rights and dignity of our children. Together we must collectively work towards creating a safer environment for every child in Odisha.

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