A wave of violence grips the Mexican state


(MENAFN- The Rio Times) A ​​grim reality is unfolding in Sinaloa as violence engulfs the state. According to official reports, more than 60 killings have taken place since September 9.

The bloodshed shows no sign of stopping, with seven more murders reported in a single Saturday. The federal government’s daily homicide report paints a grim picture of the situation.

September 15 was the deadliest day, with 14 lives lost. Other days saw similarly high numbers, reflecting the intensity of the violence.

Culiacán, the state capital, bears the brunt of this brutal attack. The Public Prosecutor’s Office opened three investigation files for seven bodies found in the city.

In addition, six reports of kidnappings were filed, further highlighting the deteriorating security situation. In response to the escalating crisis, the Mexican military has sent 600 additional troops to Sinaloa.

These reinforcements will join the existing 2,200 members of the armed forces already on the ground. The military presence includes 50 vehicles, five aircraft and five armed helicopters.

Tragically, the violence has claimed the lives of two military personnel, an officer and a sergeant. Their loss underscores the dangers facing those tasked with restoring order to the region.
The Struggle for Peace in Sinaloa
Jesús Leana Ojeda, commander of the Third Military Region, believes that peace in Sinaloa depends on an end to confrontations between drug cartels.

This statement reveals the complex nature of the conflict and the challenges in resolving it. Meanwhile, a diplomatic row has developed between Mexico and the United States. President

López Obrador accused the US of being partly responsible for the narco-violence in Sinaloa. However, US Ambassador Ken Salazar vehemently denied the accusations.

Salazar stressed that the US cannot be held responsible for the massacres taking place in various parts of Mexico. He acknowledged the reality of insecurity and violence in the country, but rejected any US culpability.

As Sinaloa grapples with this wave of violence, the path to peace remains uncertain. The situation continues to evolve, leaving residents and authorities scrambling to find solutions to this complex and deadly crisis.


The Rio Times

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