Statement on crime by Robert Been Jr., Vice Chairman of the People’s Democratic Movement

I know that the government yesterday announced a joint press conference later this afternoon on the issue of crime and I hope that they will now listen to the PDM as we address the concerns of the people and discuss solutions to this ongoing crisis. Today is certainly a sad day, our hearts are heavy and many cannot believe the outrageous crime situation we are facing.

Crime is tearing our communities apart and taking the lives of our youth, particularly our young men. I want to assure people that this press conference today is not about politics; this is not about scoring political points; our nation is in a serious crisis and this is a matter of urgency.

We have seen 31 homicides so far this year and are on track to surpass the record of 34 homicides set in 2022. In the past week alone, we have lost three young men, senselessly shot. These statistics are not just numbers, they represent lives cut short, families left to grieve, and communities torn apart and gripped by fear. We simply cannot continue on this path; it will lead to destruction.

We also cannot ignore that crime in Turks and Caicos is closely linked to illegal immigration. Our borders are open and criminal networks exploit this vulnerability. Criminal gangs, drug trafficking and the influx of illegal firearms fuel the violence we see on the streets.

Illegal immigration is a national security threat that requires immediate attention. A PDM government will implement stricter border control measures, including advanced surveillance technology and increased patrols.

We must send a strong message to the violent criminals among us: we will no longer tolerate your activities. A PDM government will support law enforcement and the people to rid our streets, our neighborhoods, our communities and our country of criminal activity.

A PDM government will increase the resources, training and manpower for the Royal Turks and Caicos Islands Police Force. This includes recruiting more officers, improving their benefits and equipping them with the modern tools they need to effectively combat crime.

At the same time, we must also address the root causes of crime. The high cost of living is a serious contributing factor to the crime situation – when people cannot meet their basic needs, when people struggle to put food on the table or keep a roof over their heads – desperation sets in and some may feel they have no other option than to commit criminal acts to survive. Poverty, unemployment and lack of opportunity push too many of our young people into a life of crime. This is a reality that must be addressed.

A PDM government will focus on a holistic approach, one that not only strengthens law enforcement but also addresses the socio-economic factors that push our youth into the arms of gangs.

As a young entrepreneur, I understand the value of opportunity. When young people are given a chance to succeed, they seize it. But when doors are closed, they have little choice but to turn to crime. That is why PDM is committed to creating more opportunities for our youth. We will establish a National Trade School to equip them with the skills they need to confidently enter the workforce. Whether it is in construction, technology or hospitality, we will provide the training that opens the door to legitimate employment. By giving our youth a sense of purpose and direction, we can steer them away from crime and violence.

We also recognize the importance of community-based crime prevention. Our communities must be part of the solution. The PDM will implement programs that focus on youth empowerment, job training and mentoring for at-risk groups. We must intervene early and provide our youth with an alternative path before they are sucked into criminal activities. By addressing the root causes of crime, we can prevent it before it happens.

We will also enhance forensic capabilities by establishing a dedicated forensic laboratory here in the Turks and Caicos Islands.

But we can’t stop there. The PDM recognizes that supporting victims is just as important as preventing crime. We will enhance support services including counseling, legal aid, and financial assistance to help them recover from trauma. A coordinated, accessible victim support system will be a priority under a PDM government.

Finally, I have one message for those who commit these crimes: put down your weapons. The path you are on will only lead to death or prison. But there is another way. Get a trade, get an education, and build a future for yourself. Think of your family, think of your children, and think of the pain your actions cause.

I want to assure all the people of the Turks and Caicos Islands that on day one a PDM government will lay the foundation to implement this policy to tackle crime and the root causes of crime. We will act swiftly and decisively. This is not just a fight against crime, it is a fight for the soul of our nation.

May God bless the Turks and Caicos Islands and may we find the strength to overcome this crisis together.

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