Guam, A/Samoa admitted as associate members of PIF – Solomon Star News

The new President of the Pacific Islands Forum (PIF), Prime Minister Jeremiah Manele, confirmed that the admission of Guam and American Samoa as associate members is based on the 2005 criteria.

Both territories were upgraded from observer status to associate members following the approval by PIF leaders at the 53rd Forum, held in the Kingdom of Tonga from 26 to 30 August.

In an interview with the media over the weekend, Prime Minister Manele explained that one of the key criteria established in 2005 is the cultural and linguistic ties that these territories share with the wider Pacific family.

However, he noted that a review of the regional architecture is underway, which will also include the criteria for membership.

“Once this investigation is completed, it could have implications for the membership of these territories or even for some of the current members,” Prime Minister Manele said.

“For the time being, their admission is based on the 2005 criteria, which will remain in force until the review is completed. At that time, their memberships may be re-evaluated in terms of privileges and rights,” he added.

According to The Diplomat, Guam and American Samoa, as unincorporated territories of the United States, previously held observer status within the PIF.

Their new status as associate members allows them to speak at leaders’ plenary meetings and committee discussions, and to nominate individuals for PIF working groups.

Although associate membership does not involve decision-making, it provides an important platform for input on regional governance.

The status upgrade reflects the shared regional challenges facing Guam and American Samoa, including fisheries management, transnational crime, maritime security, development and climate change.

As part of the Pacific region, their perspectives on these issues are crucial to the broader objectives of the Forum.

However, geopolitical considerations also play a role.

The Pacific region has increasingly become a battleground for competition between global powers, especially because of China’s growing presence.

Therefore, the United States, through its territories and association agreements with Palau, the Marshall Islands, and the Federated States of Micronesia, has sought to strengthen its influence within the PIF.

The Solomon Islands will host the 54th PIF in Honiara from 8 to 12 September 2025. This provides an opportunity to further shape the future of the region in a rapidly changing geopolitical landscape.


Salomon Star, Honiara

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