The love for dominant and rich men in romantic books

unraveling the fantasy, the obsession, humor

In recent years, the rise of stories featuring dominant, wealthy, and possessive male protagonists has skyrocketed, captivating primarily female viewers worldwide. What was once a rare element only featured in certain stories has now become a prominent feature that heavily influences the sales and success of romance novels. Countless TikTok videos, fan art pieces, social media posts, and bookstore displays celebrate these stories, and their popularity is spreading like wildfire.

Why has this become such a powerful trend?

Dominant men are by no means a new phenomenon. Women have always been attracted to dominance in their male partners because it usually means that the man is able to provide for and protect his family. This, of course, is the core of the appeal of these male love interests. They are capable of great and often violent acts (e.g. mafia romances) just to keep their partners safe.

Yet, in modern romance novels, something more intense has developed and become what is commonly known as the subgenre of dark romance.

“One day you’ll realize you’re not trapped in a prison,” he mutters harshly. “You’re in my church where I’m your God, and you’re my equal. I’m not a prison, little mouse, I’m your sanctuary.”

— HD Carlton, Haunting Adeline

What is ‘Dark Romance’?

Dark romance is a subgenre of romance novels that focuses on exploring the darker aspects of romantic relationships, often incorporating taboo elements and the more twisted and complicated sides of human nature. It typically delves into violence, trauma, and questionable moral codes, usually presented by the male love interest who does not care whether his views align with the beliefs of the general population.

Another common element in these stories is their sexual nature. If you look up the top ten dark romance novels, you can be sure that they all contain explicit sex scenes. After all, sex sells. Fifty Shades of Grey has proven that a book about a BDSM relationship can stand proudly in a bookstore window. Dark romance novels have since taken it even further, often exploring various elements of BDSM with aplomb and occasionally delving into even darker aspects of sex, such as non-consensual acts.

unraveling the fantasy, the obsession, humor

Fantasy vs. Reality

So, is it just fantasy? Of course, this varies from person to person, but judging from the discussions on social media, it’s pretty clear that most dark romance readers would run the other way if they came across one of those male love interests. So, how does it work? Why is it exciting on paper, but scary in real life?

I think the answer lies in safety.

The human imagination can be so powerful that reading a book can feel like experiencing something in reality. That’s why we read, after all: escapism. Powerful emotions are exciting, and when you experience them knowing you’re safe at home, the element of danger is gone. You know you can’t get hurt, and excitement can fill the space where fear would normally reside.

unraveling the fantasy, the obsession, humor

Escape from stress

It is also important to recognize that time has a huge impact on the needs of readers. It is no secret that more and more people around the world are struggling, and stress has become a daily companion for many. Money and safety are major concerns for most younger generations, which I think fuels the need for a world where these concerns do not exist. A young woman who is worried about having enough money for food and rent may be desperate to sink into a book that will allow her to escape into the arms of a tall, gruff, overprotective man. This man is often downright insulted if she offers to pay for anything. This man has the power to solve all of her problems – which he does – and then he holds her in his arms as she falls asleep, whispering sweet nothings in her ear. This man obsesses over her, often in an unhealthy way, but in that moment it is okay because she can forget about the real world. For many readers, that escape is what helps them cope with the stress of daily worries and responsibilities.

Now what could be the reason that readers are attracted to the toxic side of these male love interests?

You could argue that the same reader mentioned above is just tired of being responsible for everything (adulting is hard, okay?) and the idea of ​​a dangerous, domineering man forcing her to give up control gives her some relief along with the tension. She’s well aware of all the red flags, but this is just a story. She can enjoy it for a while and then put it away when she’s no longer in the mood to be bossed around.

The same goes for the venomous jealousy that these characters often exude. The book gives her a man who is so obsessed with her that he hurts anyone who touches her. In real life, she wants the freedom to interact with her friends, acquaintances, and strangers without worrying that her husband will go wild, but the story is only there for a short time. And in that short time, she feels desperately wanted. It makes her excited to be wanted. so muchto the point that the love interest goes a little crazy with her. Yet she also takes solace in the fact that she can put her book down when she’s had enough of it.

You’re in my trap, Little Rabbit. I’ve caught you and now you’re mine.

— Evelyn Austin, Tell Me You Like It

The Future of Dark Romance

Will this trend continue for a long time and will these books continue to top the bestseller lists?

It’s hard to say what will happen in the future, but trends come and go. These novels are selling like hotcakes now, but a few years ago, the charts were dominated by pretty, sassy fairies. Before that, it was vampires and werewolves.

On the other hand, romances have become much bolder in recent years. Times are changing and the younger generations are much more open to topics like sexuality and relationships. About ten years ago, if a book contained explicit sex scenes, it automatically fell into the erotica genre. Today, such scenes are common and often expected, and not just in the dark romance category. While soft and cozy romances that do not show explicit intimate scenes will always be desired, they no longer seem to be the most common type of romance being written. And while erotica is still sold and advertised, the line between it and contemporary or dark romances has become blurred.

It’s safe to say that the sexual aspect of romance isn’t going away anytime soon, if ever. After all, it’s a key feature of most intimate relationships. But will we continue to see these dominant, wealthy men as the most desirable love interests? Will dark romance continue to outsell many other subgenres of romance?

Personally, I don’t think so. While absolute certainty is not a smart thing to do in such discussions, I am convinced that the public will tire of it and the trend will die down. While there will always be readers who crave these kinds of stories – and I sincerely believe they will continue to sell well – I think something else will steal the show soon. And I wonder what the next hot trend will be.

This content reflects the personal opinions of the author. It is accurate and true to the best of the author’s knowledge and should not be used as a substitute for unbiased facts or advice in legal, political, or personal matters.

© 2024 Julia S.

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