Former PC Nick Buckley discusses the unknown white victims of racist murders

Nick Buckley is a former police officer with very anti-woke views. He is a staunch critic of multiculturalism and believes in stop and search as an effective method of stopping knife crime in ethnic minority communities. However, he argues that it should be used with the consent of those communities. He has been a guest to talk about this tactic on the Lotus Eaters YouTube channel. In this video, he and his interviewee, who remains unnamed, talk about the various white victims of racist murders. These include Kriss Donald, who was murdered in Glasgow by a Pakistani gang who were simply looking for a white person to torture and kill. Other victims include a young boy named Everett, whose mother was forced to move away from the area due to the harassment she received from the local Asian population. Another victim is a white girl who was murdered by one of the Pakistani grooming gangs. The list begins with a case in which one of the perpetrators of the gang who murdered him was caught, but the others have eluded the law and the case is now closed.

The two discuss these cases because the victims of anti-white racist murders are unknown, or virtually unknown, compared to very well-known black murder victims such as Stephen Lawrence, Victoria Climbie, who was murdered by her aunt and her lover, and Demilola Taylor, a seven-year-old murdered by a gang in central London and left to bleed to death in the stairwell of the block of flats where he lived. Buckley and guest point out that the black victims are remembered and the whites are forgotten because whites do not fit the narrative of victimhood. Only brown people can be victims. In the case of the Asian gangs murdering whites – and they point out that the killers on the list are almost all Asian, with very few blacks – there is an assumption that white British society is so bad that it has somehow driven these young men to murder. I have not seen this attitude explicitly presented in reports of racial murder in Britain, but it has certainly occurred in America. It was in the case of a young black man who murdered a white person. When the media reported on it, they presented the perpetrator as a victim of white societal oppression, which drove him to murder his victim. It is discussed by Black American Conservative Shelby Steele in the section of one of his books on black racist attacks on whites in America. But I have encountered the attitude among the very anti-racist types here that if a white person is being bullied by blacks, it must be because of something the white kid did to them first. Buckley believes that this is all because of dual policing, and that attacks on blacks, Asians, and women get attention, but not attacks on white men, who are automatically villains. If an Asian or Muslim had been abused and murdered like these whites, they would surely be presented as the next Stephen Lawrence. But the fact that none of them did that shows that there are no white gangs out to kill Asians.

Almost all the victims of this racist violence were murdered by gangs. These were organized attacks, not at the last minute. These were young men defending what they saw as their territory from whites. Whites also patrol their territory in packs, looking for racial outsiders, but Buckley argues that there is a difference in the level of violence here between blacks, Asians and whites. Whites rarely go so far as to kill their victims, because centuries of hanging murder victims have bred the murder gene out of us to some extent. This is an argument that Edward Dutton, the merry heretic, has made. He has also cited the case of the Italian aristocracy in the 16th and 17th centuries. In the 16th century they were lawless and violent, killing each other in feuds. By the 17th century, they had calmed down and become much more peaceful because, according to Dutton, the genes that made them violent and murderous had been removed from them as a population by the murders they had committed against each other. Theodore Beale, an American libertarian who blogs under the name “Vox Day,” presented a similar argument nearly two decades ago to explain the difference in violence levels in black and white communities. He believed that it was much lower in whites because whites had centuries of civilization behind them that blacks did not, and were therefore more evolved. Yes, there is a whole host of racist assumptions about the difference between African and European civilizations and the level of violence historically in each. But it has also been criticized by people who know much more about evolution, who pointed out that it doesn’t work that fast.

To take specific cases, Stephen Lawrence is very well known because of the long struggle of the boy’s parents to get justice for their son. There was also a wider political motive, namely that the police were extremely negligent and that there were corrupt connections between some of the investigating officers and the families of the perpetrators. It also became something of a cause celebre, because it epitomised the racism within the Metropolitan Police and the resentment that this had understandably caused in the black community. Brian Burden, one of the commentators on this blog, also pointed out that the Met Police had tried to smear Lawrence as a drug dealer.

However, Private Detective also published an article stating that the Met showed the same criminal disinterest in investigating the racist murders of whites and Asians. A few weeks before Lawrence’s murder, an Asian and a white man had been murdered in separate racist incidents. But these cases were also not properly investigated. Buckley doesn’t mention this, but he and the other guy do mention the death of a white man, who died in a similar case to George Floyd, but who is unknown and whose death did not provoke outrage or protest.

The pair are also right to attribute the reluctance to publicise cases of anti-white violence and murder to an attitude among anti-racists that it would fuel racism against these minorities. This was why a female Labour councillor for East Glasgow was attacked as a racist in the local council and removed from the authority for daring to ask a question about the increase in bullying of white pupils in the local schools. And I came across it in the pages of the journal of the Black and Asian Studies Association when they were discussing the murder of Demilola Taylor. At the time, the ethnic identity of the gang that killed the boy was unknown. I think it was later revealed that the gang was racially mixed. But the editor of the journal jumped to the conclusion that the murders were all black, and that was why the murder was reported. That is why she was very much against the reporting of the murder and demanded to know why the news organisations were not reporting all the blacks who had been killed by white gangs. This attitude disgusted me. I didn’t care what color the murderers were. The terrible thing was that a young child had died in pain and fear, murdered by a gang of children.

There was a time, at the very beginning of this century, when whites were the majority of victims of racist murders, or nearly so. This was reported in the Independentand discussed by Yasmin Alibhai-Brown before she went on another rant about white racism. But interest in anti-white racism and racially motivated violence has waned since then. I have no doubt that this is for the reasons Buckley and his guest cite.

The video ends with the guest wishing that the names of these victims were better known, and hoping that they will be if Buckley gets some power. That’s quite a stretch. It could happen under a reform government, assuming that if – God help us! – Farage and/or Tice got into power, they didn’t immediately drop all the issues they campaigned on. The same goes for a far-right Tory government under someone like Badenoch. But it wouldn’t happen under Labour. At the moment I think the deep-seated attitude in the Labour Party to racism is that it’s a white problem only, and anti-white and inter-ethnic racism should not be discussed under any circumstances. See Diane Abbott’s repeated statements on this.

I believe that the whole anti-racist movement needs a fundamental, radical overhaul and needs to include anti-white and inter-ethnic racism if it is to be a genuine anti-racism movement that reflects the reality of 21st century Britain. This would mean hurling accusations of racism at organisations like Stand Up to Racism and United Against Fascism. I think that would require a mass movement of blacks, Asians and whites to make it very clear that this was anti-racism, not white racism hiding under a cause. And I think that would be very difficult at the moment.

Keywords: ‘The Independent’, anti-racism, aristocracy, Asians, Black and Asian Studies Association, blacks, children, conservatives, corruption, Demilola Taylor, drugs, Edward Dutton, George Floyd, Glasgow, grooming gangs, Kriss Donald, Labour Party, local councils, London, murder, Muslims, Nick Buckley, Pakistanis, police, Reform Party, Shelby Seteele, Stand Up To Racism, Stephen Lawrence, Theodore Beale, Unite Against Fascism, violence, Vox Day

This entry was posted on September 24, 2024 at 12:07 pm and is filed under Africa, America, Crime, Evolution, History, Islam, Italy, Justice, Persecution, Politics, Radio, Scotland, Television, The Press. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0 feed. You can leave a response, or trackback from your own site.

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