Brilliant researcher illustrates the underbelly of ‘just politics’ (6:58)

Ian Carroll is someone to listen to. His research is prodigious and his skills are exemplary. Here he discusses what I like to call a mafia-style operation, a multi-layered network of power that keeps even well-meaning people confused, embittered and distracted. It’s one of those videos you watch and maybe say, “Yes! That’s exactly what I thought, what I always want to say, but I just don’t have the words.”

The host’s contribution is not bad in itself.

Carroll’s view of Trump is also consistent with what mine has become. It’s a good place to be, in a place of nuance and not shackled to one side of an arbitrary binary.

It’s one of those seven-minute investments that will make you instantly smarter. It will show you, if you follow my work, why I follow the information war so religiously. This is a war for reality, the war of good and evil.

What a time to be alive, with everyone discovering all this.

Please note, a little language at the end. Enjoy.

(My apologies, while I was uploading the video I got a message that the upload failed. So I will have to post a link to my personal website where the video can be found. I am very sorry to have to redirect you).

Enjoy it while it lasts. 🙂

VIDEO | Brilliant Researcher Explains Why It’s So Hard to Teach What’s Really Going On (6:58)



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