People’s High School Experiences They’ll Never Forget

High school is not an easy place.

Many children succumb to the stress of assignments and expectations.

That’s why I say teachers are heroes.

They are clearly masochists too, at least a little bit.

You have to, you really want to teach at a high school every day.

Redditor redditorpersonguy wanted to hear some unforgettable high school stories, so they asked:

“What’s a wild story from high school that you’ll never forget?”

Dropping heat

“Some kid posted a diss track on SoundCloud about the vice principal and got kicked out of school.”

– Brilliant-North1087

“Before YouTube and SoundCloud existed, these guys made a ‘rap album’ with a diss track about one of my friends. I got my hands on a copy. It was horrible and we all had a good laugh. I’m pretty sure I still have it somewhere.”

– AntwerpPlacebo420

Drake working GIFGiphy

Break it down

“One time there was a huge brawl between the soccer team and the basketball team, right in the cafeteria during lunch.”

“The fight was stopped by the lacrosse team.”

– Comfortable-Win7837

“Lacrosse players, ouch.”

“DD’s rec league basketball team has Avery, a small but aggressive girl who often makes mistakes. She told me her parents were thinking of letting her play lacrosse. I screamed.”

“‘Are they crazy?? Put YOU in a sport where the equipment can be used as a weapon!?!?!?'”

“Great girl, but wow, she was aggressive on every field or court. 😆😄😂”

– Agitated_Mand7778


“I went to an expensive private school full of rich kids. Because the school wanted to please everyone and because some of these kids were so incredibly privileged, I saw things that under other circumstances probably would have gotten someone arrested or expelled.”

“The most insane story involved a child who was frequently targeted by a bully. The bully discovered that the child was severely allergic to peanuts, ate a Reese’s peanut butter cup, licked his finger, and then one day chased the child through the cafeteria to touch him and laughed maniacally. Unfortunately, there wasn’t really time for anyone else to react before he could smack the child on the arm with his finger.”

“The child swelled up like a puffer fish with anaphylaxis and had to go to the emergency room. The Bully was suspended for two weeks twice. The boy’s parents wanted to press charges, but some sort of settlement was reached and the whole thing was never discussed again.”

– LordTetravus

Final scores

“Five boys in my third year decided to have a competition to see who could get the most girls pregnant by the end of the year.”

“Final score: 5, 3, 3, 2, 1.”

“I grew up in a relatively conservative working-class town, so I always imagine five parents showing up at this one guy’s door asking him to marry them.”

“What a horrible way to destroy your life, the lives of the girls, their families and the babies. How embarrassing.”

– ClerksII

Snack time

“My sixth grade math teacher got arrested for drugs about a year after I graduated from elementary school. Turns out she was doing them in her car during lunch. No wonder she was acting so weird after lunch.”


“We had an old, mean history teacher who had worked there for ages and had married too rich to need her job. She never got in trouble for having the vodka that people stole from her desk, but she would yell for the vodka back and was often noticeably drunk at the end of the day.”

– DanielStripeTiger

bad teacher fight GIFGiphy

The rule of the crowd

“One morning, some students got into a fight over a jelly donut. By lunchtime, it had escalated into racial tensions across campus. My friends and I were walking to Subway when out of nowhere, two plainclothes officers appeared and ordered us to turn around and head back to campus.”

“During the last fifteen minutes of the lunch period, the open area on campus turned into a crowd of hundreds of students. Two sophomores, one white and one black, got into a fight and then their friends jumped in. The agricultural science teacher, who was wearing a Kevlar vest, was dropkicked. Someone knocked down an officer. Tasers and pepper spray were deployed by the school resource officer and one of the assistant principals.”

“I was in the middle of a section of the crowd when all of a sudden I heard a loud megaphone. I turned around and saw a black and white Chevy Impala coming across the grass straight toward me. The city, county and state came with cars to disperse us.”

“When I got to my next class, physical education, we had to sit in the gym and listen to the announcements. Eventually, they brought all the buses early and we were called to our bus number and told to go to the bus immediately or there would be dire consequences.”

“I remember several officers in riot gear and beanbag shotguns telling us to stay on the sidewalk and get on the bus right away. Don’t stop, just keep walking. We were out of school for a few days and when we came back it was never the same. Lunch was cut in half, the campus was closed, and the juniors were permanently separated from the seniors.”

– awesomesteat

To name a few…

“My principal drove a small, light car. So for a year, a bunch of seniors worked together to pick up the car and take it to the cafeteria as a senior prank.”

“Once my Latin teacher got drunk and threatened to kill my friend.”

“Oh, and my history teacher used to come to school drunk, until one day he literally didn’t show up. He always joked that he was going to run away to Mexico, but it turns out he actually did. He had no job, no money, and didn’t speak a word of Spanish. He lived there for about ten years before he was caught and sent back to the US, where he of course moved to Texas and became a school principal.”

– CaptainFartHole

Wild times

“I went to a military school, there was a lot to do there.”

“One of the TAC officers pointed a gun at a student. He was fired and promptly hired by a competing military school.”

“My English teacher was a Vietnam vet and a biker. Someone stole the knob from his old school classroom radiator in 1975 and he said until he got it back he wouldn’t turn on the heat and he would keep the windows open in the winter. He was wearing a short sleeve shirt and we sat in our sh*t jackets and froze our asses off.”

“He had a bucket by his desk. He would put whatever he wanted in there. Chalk dust from his erasers, pencil shavings, and spit. He would let it build up and threaten to throw the bucket on anyone who fell asleep. I never saw him do it, but there were always rumors that he had it. What he would do if you fell asleep was kick the bottom of your desk with his bike shoes. Hard.”

“I’ve seen him do that a lot. Funnily enough, he was one of the best teachers I ever had. That guy introduced me to a lot of crazy concepts that I’d never been exposed to before.”

“Something wild happened at that school. I guess I’m a little fucked up to be honest.”

– Great_hospital


“Senior skip day and we all went out to this deserted area to drink and fuck. This kid was tearing up and down this dirt road on his dirt bike that we were all riding, I didn’t see it but maybe 25 minutes after we all got there he lost control and went RIGHT INTO the MIDDLE of a pine tree with his handlebars, broke his helmet off his head and died instantly. Really ruined the mood.”



“We duct taped the director’s car to a tree.”


“That happened to my principal. The kids who did that were suspended.”

– LeopardNo6783

“That’s really impressive.”

– ChefKugeo

Duct Tape GIF by A Black Lady Sketch ShowGiphy


“In elementary school our principal was friends with Charles Barkley and we were told that if we brought in enough cans for the food drive CB would come to school and shave the principal’s head. HE DID IT! I don’t remember if I was in 5th or 6th grade but I met him and I was super small for my age but when CB met me he put his hand on my head and it was HUGE 😆😆.”


Good stuff

“The science teacher at school caught me smoking weed. After he took it from me, he asked if I could meet him later that day. He gave it back to me when I went to his office, said it was ‘good stuff’ and asked if I could get him some!

Fixed Answer 148

Season 1 Smoking GIF by FriendsGiphy


“A senior at my high school discovered a bomb had been placed under his car as he was backing out of his parking spot at school. The bomb squad was called and they stated it was a real bomb… real explosives, etc. but purposely wired so that it would not explode.”

“His father had ripped off the Italian mafia of Kansas City in a real estate development deal. This was their way of sending a message.”

– waitwutok

How do these compare to your experiences in high school?

Fortunately, the mafia was not interested in our director, but only in the mayor.

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