Woman immediately arrested at airport security after staff viewed her x-ray

Woman immediately arrested at airport security after staff viewed her x-ray

She had to ‘let go’ of the cocaine ‘bullets’

Let’s face it: We watched enough TV as kids to have an idea of ​​the crazy things that go on at airport security.

We’ve seen videos on YouTube of people returning from trips with suitcases full of fruit or with random pills hidden in their hair or on less TV-friendly parts of their bodies.

And in this case, a woman was immediately arrested at airport security after the staff took one look at her x-ray. The South African police received a tip that someone carrying drugs was on a flight from Sao Paulo, Brazil, that was landing at OR Tambo International Airport Johannesburg.

The x-ray showed she had probably swallowed them all. (SA Police Services)

The x-ray showed she had probably swallowed them all. (SA Police Services)

When the 30-year-old woman arrived, she was arrested and the x-ray immediately showed everything they needed to know, as objects were detected in her stomach.

Under police guard, she then fired 68 ‘bullets’, presumably filled with cocaine. The South African police found these bullets with a total weight of approximately 850 grams.

National police spokesperson Brig Athlenda Mathe said: “The team immediately intercepted the drug courier as she passed through immigration. She was immediately arrested and taken to a local hospital, where a medical X-ray confirmed that there were foreign objects in her stomach. She has so far fired more than 60 rounds of suspected cocaine. She is currently under police guard and custody.”

She added: “The value of the drugs cannot be determined at this stage as the process of removing all the suspected drugs from the suspect’s system may take some time.”

The woman is due to appear in court on September 25, accused of drug trafficking and drug possession.

She had to 'release' them. (SA Police)

She had to ‘release’ them. (SA Police)

General Fannie Masemola, National Commissioner of the South African Police Service, praised the authorities for their plans to effectively tackle crime at OR Tambo International Airport.

Masemola warned: “Our men and women in blue are working hard to intercept hardened criminals. South Africa is not a playground for criminals and transnational organised crime. We are squeezing the space for criminals and leaving nothing to chance.”

Mathe also explained how this woman who apparently swallowed all those “cocaine bullets” is the 10and drug courier arrested at South African airport in the past two months.

During that time, a staggering £560,000 worth of drugs was seized.

I’m just trying to dismiss the idea of ​​a woman shooting “bullets” of cocaine.

Main image: SA Police Services

Topics: Drugs, Crime, Travel

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