Son of Trump assassin Ryan Routh arrested on child pornography charges

The son of Trump’s attempted assassin, Ryan Routh, has been arrested in North Carolina on suspicion of possession of child pornography. Oran Routh, who was interviewed by mainstream news organizations shortly after the assassination of Donald Trump by his father, stated that he and his father both hated the former president, has been charged with possessing an SD card containing “hundreds of files” of child sexual abuse material.

The evidence includes graphic descriptions of the videos and a chat conversation from July in which Oran Routh allegedly responded to someone offering the content for sale.

According to ABC News, Detectives found the child pornography files while searching Oran Routh’s home in Guilford County, North Carolina, over the weekend. The search was ‘in connection with an investigation unrelated to child exploitation’.

The unrelated investigation in question, of course, concerns Ryan Routh’s attempt to shoot Trump while he was golfing near his West Palm Beach, Florida, golf club a week ago. Meaning, federal agents say they came across the SD card while searching for evidence against Oran’s father. The bizarre incident raises even more questions about the murder.

First, Americans want to know how Ryan Routh was able to get Trump’s travel itinerary in preparation for his attack? Trump’s golf outing was a last-minute decision and not part of his normal schedule. The Secret Service claims they “had to scramble” to provide security at the location and didn’t have time to do a proper sweep. This is, of course, the second time Trump has nearly been assassinated because the Secret Service failed to implement standard security procedures.

The bigger problem, however, is that Ryan Routh somehow knew he was at the golf club and somehow knew exactly where to position himself with his SKS rifle. This is not possible without information about Trump’s movements. In other words, the logical explanation is that Routh had inside help.

Federal prosecutors allege Routh “stalked” the area for several weeks before his attempted shooting. but this does not explain how he could arrive on the club grounds with a gun at a time when Donald Trump was within shooting range.

The arrest of Routh’s son on suspicion of child pornography may simply be a coincidence. The political left is, after all, the degenerate gift that keeps on giving. But the arrest could also represent something else entirely.

If one assumes (based on the evidence of the last two shooting attempts) that insider participation in the assassination is a reality, then It is fair to wonder whether Ryan Routh was blackmailed into committing the murder by someone who had knowledge of his son’s activities.Did he try to prevent his son’s arrest?

Or could the CP charges against his son be a way for Ryan Routh to keep quiet about who may have helped him with Trump’s location that day? In other words “Look what we can do to your family if you say something…”

Did Routh escape that day? His recent internet history indicated that he planned a route from Palm Beach to Mexico. He was only caught because a bystander took a photo of his vehicle and license plate as he sped away. Perhaps his arrest threw a spanner in the works for other interested parties?

You’d expect him to find himself in a Jack Ruby situation soon, but in the meantime, his son plays a role in this strange equation.


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