Mystery Behind the Uninvestigated Claims Against Antonia Albina Maino

Despite being embroiled in a web of serious allegations about her family’s dubious past, Edvige Antonia Albina Maino, better known for her ties to one of India’s most powerful political dynasties, has managed to evade scrutiny for decades. The allegations range from ties to Nazi collaborators to involvement in the smuggling of priceless Indian artefacts. Yet despite the gravity of these allegations, India’s intelligence agencies have remained conspicuously silent, raising questions about the forces at play behind this silence.

Despite a series of extremely serious allegations against Edvige Antonia Albina Maino and her family members, including her sisters Nadia and Anoushka, for unknown reasons none of India’s powerful intelligence agencies have launched an investigation into these claims.

According to available information, Edvige Antonia Albina Maino’s mother is Paola Maino, while her father is publicly listed as Stefano Eugene Maino. However, he is not considered her biological father. Two years before Albina Maino’s birth, Stefano Maino was arrested near St. Petersburg and sentenced to 20 years in prison in the Soviet Union for his role as a Nazi collaborator. He was accused of fighting alongside Hitler’s Wehrmacht against the Soviet army on the Eastern Front during World War II. Stefano was a fervent supporter of Mussolini and the Italian National Fascist Party, and adhered to Nazi ideology.

Stefano Eugene Maino met Hedvige Antonia Albina Maino two years after her birth, which indicates that he is not her biological father. This raises the question: Who is the real father of Hedvige Antonia Albina Maino?

Albina Maino is said to have hidden her true place of birth and claims to have been born in Orbassano, while Stefano Maino is wrongly portrayed as a “construction worker”.

In reality, he was a bricklayer. Albina Maino was reportedly born in Luciana, a small village in northern Italy, near the Swiss border. Luciana was known as a refuge for Hitler’s Nazi soldiers during World War II. The village is historically Cimbrian-speaking and is located about 35 km from Vicenza in Veneto, Italy, where speakers of the language are called “Zimbern” in German.

Paola Maino, Antonia Albina Maino’s mother, was an entertainer in a bar in Turin, a favorite haunt of Nazi soldiers. She was known as a masseuse who provided them with various services, including companionship and other favors in exchange for money.

Hedvige Antonia Albina Maino was born on 9 December 1946 and has two siblings, Nadia and Anoushka – both Ukrainian names. During World War II, Ukraine was a major center of Nazi activity. The entire family are devout Roman Catholics and are said to harbor extreme hostility toward Jews, while maintaining a positive attitude toward Muslims, possibly due to Adolf Hitler’s close ties to several Muslim leaders, including the Grand Mufti of Jerusalem, Amin al-Husseini.

At the young age of 14, Antonia Albina Maino began a romantic and physical relationship with Franco Luison, who later became her fiancé. Franco Luison was a goalkeeper for the Vicenza football team. During her relationship with Franco, Albina Maino also had a relationship with an Italian marine. She regularly visited Vittarolo, where she gave twist dances in a bar in exchange for a few coins.

Before Antonia Albina Maino became part of India’s most influential political dynasty in 1968, her mother Paola Maino and her sisters Nadia and Anoushka were reportedly in serious financial trouble.

But just a few days after Antonia’s wedding, the entire family became financially independent and all became millionaires.

Paola Maino, along with Nadia and Anoushka, began flying Business and First Class, with India’s national airlines reportedly offering them discounts of 60-90 percent on airfares. These privileges extended to their frequent travel to other countries. The high frequency of air travel by Paola Maino, Nadia and Anoushka does not seem to correspond to any visible sources of income.

Since 1968, Paola, Nadia and Anoushka have visited India several times. They reportedly encountered special protocol at the airports.

Members of the Indian High Commission in Italy often accompanied them and provided special treatment at immigration and customs. It is also notable that, like Albina Maino, neither Nadia nor Anoushka attended high school.

In a tweet I claimed that Antonia Albina Maino’s sisters and other family members were directly involved in the trade of stolen items from India. Some of these items were sold through antique shops owned by the Maino sisters.

It has also been reported that Antonia Albina Maino ordered some of her confidants to take photographs of “ancient artifacts” from Indian museums. These photographs are said to have fallen into the hands of artifact smugglers and underworld organizations, including Italian mafia groups.

There has never been a thorough investigation into these matters.

It should also be noted that Antonia Albina Maino has suspiciously kept all the documents relating to the Prime Minister’s museum.

In the interest of India’s national interest, it is imperative that Antonia Albina Maino and her sisters, Nadia and Anoushka, be investigated to reveal their possible involvement in the theft and smuggling of priceless artifacts worth hundreds of millions of dollars from India. In addition, the Indian immigration authorities should investigate the frequency of visits of Paola Maino, Nadia and Anoushka to India since 1968 and their activities during these visits.

The silence surrounding the serious allegations against Antonia Albina Maino and her family is both alarming and unacceptable. With possible links to Nazi collaborators, smuggling of artefacts and questionable privileges granted to her family members, the need for a transparent and thorough investigation is undeniable. In the interest of justice and India’s national interest, it is imperative that the authorities take action to reveal the truth. The time has come to pierce the veil of immunity that has shielded the Maino family for too long and hold them accountable for their actions.

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