What is Kamala Harris’ High?

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

I came across this video on Rense and just like in Rumble, the first few moments of this Kamala Harris video, apart from the propaganda, are disturbing because it hits you in your soul in “What do we see?” because there is something wrong with this woman.

There is more in the Gaytube post below about “Is Kamala Harris a Drunk” which has more clips where people around her know there is something seriously wrong with her when they meet her. The Lame Cherry wants to investigate this though because I think I know what is wrong with this woman.

It is painful to watch her move and cackle about things that are not funny. I will cut to the chase, we all know Nancy Pelosi is a drunk. She has lugged gallons of booze out of the Air Force planes she flew. Yet she has never appeared in public like Kamala Harris. Yes, there are different types of drunks. There are happy drunks. There are angry drunks like Hillary Clinton and there are silent drunks like Nancy Pelosi. However, I believe there is more wrong with the Vice President.

I remember a show that the presenter Sally Jesse Raphael did that was very informative about dealing with people who were using heroin to get high. The main point of the people on stage was that they could get high on heroin and still function at their jobs, which they couldn’t do with weed or coke. I remember chatting with people in the early days of the internet and I could tell by the people talking to each other whether they were high on weed, whether they were slow, or whether they were drunk on coke.

Now that we get to the crux of this Kamala Harris case, the question arises as to what happens if she is using synthetic heroin or drugs that we know are available in large quantities and her work as a prosecutor in San Francisco was aimed at helping the drug cartels in California.

Read the quotes below about what a methamphetamine high lasting several hours looks like.

During a meth rush, your breathing and heart rate increase and you may feel shaky. You also feel a powerful euphoria.

The High

After the euphoriacreate meth effects a pleasant high. This may take from a few hours to half a day, depending on the amount of methamphetamine and the way it was taken. Meth intoxication can make you feel confident and aggressive. You may be talkative and energetic.

In my observation, Kamala Harris is too energetic to be drunk on something like tequila, which is the kind of song women choose. Her reflexes are faster. She seems to be in the same group as the amphetamines or bennies or uppers that Joe Biden is given for his treatments of brain disorders. With Biden you get belligerent, with Kamala she cackles.

Yes, it seems like Kamala Harris is a drunk, but there’s more to it than that. She can’t seem to handle the stress and is taking a synthetic drug, which is probably legal because she has a prescription for it and isn’t getting it from the back of a Chinese laundry.

I conclude that she is taking barbiturates to calm down, just like she did during the Trump debate. And if you look at the Walz family, they both seem to be under the influence of the same drugs that Kamala used to use to cope with her work.

This group that supports Kamala Harris is totally into dope and they recreate all the time. Sometimes like that Tom Petty he OD’s and the kids pull him out to get the inheritance but all these woke are around these kind of chemical creations and often use them to cope with life or just because it’s that moon phase.

While Lame Cherry agrees that something is wrong with Kamala Harris, I think her drug of choice isn’t the liquid she distills, but more likely has to do with bongs. I doubt she uses needles to inject herself, and her husband has full access to Rob Reiner to bring stuff in without being frisked. I doubt a doctor in Bethesda prescribes stuff just to leave a paper trail.

Drugs were found in the White House. Hunter Biden was blamed. You’ve seen Hunter in self-videos where he’s not giggling, where he’s high on other things.

We really need to figure out, besides another media cover-up, what Kamala Harris is stoned on. It’s not Obama’s weed addiction, because that’s what the weed head looks like in Birther Hussein.

Enough said


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