False Witness | Gospel eBooks

Author(s): Randy Singer
Publisher: Tyndale Fiction
Price: €1.99 (Ends Sept 30)
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Clark Shealy is a bail bondsman with the ultimate prize at stake: his wife’s life. He has forty-eight hours to track down an Indian professor who has the Abacus algorithm in his possession, an equation so powerful it can crack all internet encryption.
Four years later, law student Jamie Brock is working in legal aid when a routine case takes a nasty turn: she and two colleagues discover that their clients, members of the witness protection program, are accused of defrauding the government and have the encrypted algorithm in their possession. After a life-changing trip to the professor’s church in India, the pair also have the key to decoding it.
Now they are on the run from federal agents and the Chinese mafia, who will stop at nothing to get their hands on the algorithm. Jamie and her friends are caught in the middle, and must protect their clients if they want to survive long enough to graduate.

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